Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

May 04, 2008

Lone Tree Homeschool Band Camp

Whoooeee! We've had a crazy busy last few days! First there were the fires (which are still burning, but under control, and no threat to us, at this point....thank you to everyone who were so concerned about our safety).

One of my twin sons', Jackson, had his Mid Rio Grande Homeschool Band Camp to attend down in beautiful Capitan, NM, at the Lone Tree Ranch.

We left home on Thursday afternoon, drove east to Moriarty, then south to Estancia.
Once we got south of Estancia, things got a little bit tricky. The air was thick with the smoke from the Trigo fire, just 25 miles east in the Manzano Mountains. So thick that the air was yellow and brown and we had difficulty breathing, even with closed windows. Our throats felt raw and I felt bad for those who lived in the path of the smoke 24/7.

Then when we got to Willard, our first choice to reach Capitan, because of it's more direct route, we ran into a road block, which was due to another fire, though unrelated to the Trigo fire.

It had burned out-of-control and jumped the road.(click photo for larger view)
The Willard Fire Department showed up to make sure the fire was extinguished.....Willard might have a population of 200...maybe 300.

So we were told to divert to Mountainaire, NM and then drive south to our destination. This route added an additional 20 miles and 45 minutes to our route because of the zig-zag road we had to travel on.

But Mountainair was an interesting town with some unique artwork and a fun western feel.

We finally got through Carizozo, NM and then drove east to Capitan, reaching our destination about 6:30pm. About a 3 1/2 hour drive.

As soon as we parked, Jackson spied the cool x-large Chess Set. And of course we had to play a game together while waiting for some of the other band families to show up. And of course, I lost.....I seem to always forget to pay attention to my opponent's possible next move. sigh.
Then more games were played as more players showed up, dividing into teams.

That evening there was time for a few games of dodge ball, basketball and a few bucks on the mechanical bull, too (photos forthcoming)
The next morning, after an uncomfie night on thin mattresses over plywood bunk bed boards, we enjoyed a yummy breakfast of french toast and sausage. Then I mosied over to the corrals to commune with the horses with my hot tea. The horses were enjoying some morning naps.
It was such a peaceful way to start the day.
This poor old horse, over 26 years old, found a way to relax with his stiff muscles.
After free time, Jackson gathered up his Trombone for some practice time, while Advanced and Intermediate Bands had their time slots with Mr. B's practice in the Worship Center.
Then it was time for Beginner Band's practice.Such a gorgeous place to practice, with mountain and valley views, and hawks and eagles soaring just beyond the picture windows.
This was my room, shared with 3 (female)roommates, a Mom and her 13 yr old daughter, in Intermediate band, and a 10 yr old girl, Jackson's friend, Fawn, in Beginner Band with Jackson. That's my bed on the bottom left side. Jackson slept in the Boy's dorm of the Bunk House.
A shot of the bathroom and shower in our room. All of us ended up sneaking out during the second night, into a living room area near our bedroom, and we all slept well on the comfie sofas.
For lunch, we ate delicious mini-pizzas, and stacked up a plate with healthy salads from the salad bar. All meals were served Family Style. Meals were lots of fun!
After lunch, the kids and adults got to choose 4 adventure activities to participate in. While waiting to start, a bunch of kids and adults jumped onto a sort of 'teeter-totter' and through teamwork.....
....finally got it balanced. Notice, Mr. B, the Band Instructor in the dark shirt and baseball cap. It never failed to impress me, how, for the entire weekend, Mr. B was fully participating. He did just about every activity with the kids, from the Screamer, to the teeter-totter, to riding the mechanical bull. The kids just loved it!
Then it was time for the Alpine Tower and Scream Orientation. Have I mentioned before just how AWESOME the staff are at Lone Tree Ranch? Well, they are. They were fun, patient, silly, caring, helpful, supportive, laid back, and just plain wonderful to everyone. Beautiful Christian people, there to make sure each person's experience was a God-filled, happy, safe, and fun experience.
Jackson & his buddy, Fawn on the Teeter-Totter thing.
Then Jackson got harnessed to climb the Alpine Tower.
He was very nervous and unsure.
He started up.
But got stuck at this spot and decided to turn back. He was disappointed and I was sad for him.
But it time to shoot rifles. Jackson was very excited. (The gal behind him is one of my roommates, the 13 yr old girl, daughter of my buddy, Denise)
I signed up to shoot, too. What a blast! (literally! hehe)
My pal, Denise, and I laughed like hyennas. We weren't very good at shooting, but did get very close to hitting a few targets. We had a great time, though. And our instructor seemed to enjoy our silliness, too, and gave us a few extra rounds and offered a some aiming tips.
Jackson taking aim.
He was pretty good and hit a couple targets, too.
One of the signs along the trail leading to the activities.
We passed by the Rock/Rapelling wall on our way to the corrals.
First there was a simple orientation for the horse-riding. A few kids had never been on a horse before. The horse-riding activity was the most popular one, so none of the adults had the opportunity to ride, instead giving all the spots to the kids. They all seemed to have a terrific time.
Funny story about the horse given to Jackson. The kids were asked who was the most aggressive, and he, thinking he'd end up with a spirited horse that needed control, raised his hand.
Instead he was given the fattest, laziest horse at the ranch. Wanna know what the horse's name was? Wolf......because he 'wolfs' down his food! hehe
Most of the time Wolf preferred to just stand around. But Jackson thought that was boring. Shane, the riding ranch-hand encouraged Jackson to keep asking Wolf to move by kicking him in the sides. It worked a few times, but only got Wolf taking a step or two.
So, I suggested that Jackson try smacking Wolf on the butt to get him to move. It worked! Of course, Wolf didn't move very fast.....just a slow, plodding walk, but at least he moved! hehe
Lone Tree had recently got in couple of llamas, too. They were hoping to train them to pack. These llamas weren't able to get close to any visitors, but were very curious and seemed to want to either say Hi to all the people, or maybe spit at them! hehe I was told by Shane that they spit at the horses on a regular basis. Because of my infatuation with llamas, I still wanted to get up close and personal with these llamas. Probably a good idea I couldn't, though. I've been spit on once by one of my own llamas...and it was very unpleasant. Very unpleasant.
This is one crazy-looking llama!
Notice the black llama's side in the photo. See the long scar on it's flank? It was attacked by a bear a couple years ago. Llamas are tough cookies!
After the horse-ride, Jackson, helped out with the rope-pulling for the Screamer Activity. Notice he's wearing a harness for his turn on the Screamer. Also notice Mr. B. on the rope-pulling team.

Then it was time to ride the Screamer!!! Ryan was an awesome staff member and was totally upbeat, funny and encouraging to all the kids. Here he was talking to Jackson as he got Jax's harness hooked up to the ropes. The other two men below the ladder are some of the Dads assisting the staff. Everyone pitched in and helped and supported one another.
The rope-pull team hoisted Jackson up high.
And higher....
Until it was time for Jackson to release the rope and go flying! And screaming!! Wheeeeee!
Jackson was loving it!
He decided to do is own happy dance called "the chicken" bawk, bawk! Everyone was laughing at my silly son! hehe
Then it was time to remove the ropes. Ryan has a great demeanor and laid back way with kids. Have I mentioned before that the staff at Lone Tree Ranch are AWESOME?!
Since Jackson's friend, Fawn's parents weren't able to be at band camp, we hung out and took pictures of her on the Screamer.
Jackson and the pull-team hoisted her up. And she flew like a bird...whooping with joy!
Afterwards, Fawn was able to have a turn on the Alpine Tower, because someone else had backed out after signing up. She was thrilled! See her there climbing the pole?
Fawn's determination and joy encouraged Jackson to try again on the Alpine Tower. They were going to close down the tower after Fawn, but the staff knew that Jackson badly wanted that chance to conquer his fears. So, up he went!! And he got past that place that had stumped him the first time!!
He climbed higher and higher....
And higher and higher. Notice that his pal, Fawn is up there with him and they are both encouraging each other to get to the top.
Jackson went still higher.
And onto the twisty, wind-blown cotton rope.
Almost there!!
That's one proud, happy boy! (Jackson's band buddy, Ryan is just getting to the top with him, too.)
Preparing to rapell to the bottom, after enjoying the breathtaking view.
Jackson (on the left) and Ryan rapelling down.
Whoohoo!! He made it!!! Way to go, Jackson! I was so so proud of him!!

Afterwards, we decided to take a hike around the Lone Tree Ranch to explore the place, while Jackson's legs stopped wobbling and his adrenaline had a change to dissipate. He was so pumped with excitment from his accomplishment on the Alpine Tower!
Here's one of the bunk dorms in an old caboose.
Hooray! Lone Tree Ranch!!
Before dinner, Shane, drove out the tractor and wagon for hay rides.
But first there was time for a game of ping pong.
While some other kids played piano.
And Jackson and other kids cheered on Mr. B playing table soccer.
And some other kids played a game of pool.
All of our band kids and families enjoyed a delicious meal of country fried chicken, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes, rolls, and salad. I'm sure everyone ate like tigers after such an active, fun filled day! I know I did! hehe
Then it was time for hayrides!
Jackson had a blast riding in the back.
After the hayrides, everyone gathered in the gym for a few games of dodge ball.
Because of the fire danger and the National Forest, surrounding the ranch, not allowing campfires and closing the forest, the ranch decided it shouldn't ruin our S'Mores plans and we lined up to make 'cold' S'Mores. They were still yummy!
Meanwhile the staff set up the mechanical bull, and Jackson took a turn.
He did really well and didn't even fall off, like he had the night before.

The next day, was filled with band practice and a band student performance concert, with solos, duets, and groups doing musical performances. They were all so GOOD!

Then, it was time for lunch...delicious ham and croissant sandwiches and salads.

And next it was time to pack up and sadly say good bye to our friends, old and new.
My roommates and new friends.
Jackson's pal (and my roommate), Fawn.
My 'old', dear friend, Nancy, who I've known since we first met as Docents working for the Rio Grande Zoo, before we even had children yet. Now here we are, not just homeschooling our kids, but involved in the same band group, too. Funny how life comes around full circle sometimes.
Ok, so now I understand why Danni over at Critter Farm's Donkey Rescue is so enamored with donkeys. I fell head-over-heels with this loveable guy during our stay an wanted to figure out a way to pack him up and fit him into my van. You better believe.....I would have, too!Isn't he ADORABLE?????

Just before everyone packed up and headed out, we gathered up the kids for a group shot. Our entire Mid-Rio Grande Homeschool Band!! (Jackson is above and to the left of Mr. B)


Mark said...

What a fun and exciting band camp. Glad you both had a great time.

Pat - Arkansas said...

I sure was glad to see a new post over on Laughing Orca and to follow the link here. I've been a bit worried about you folks; glad the fire is staying away from your place. Looks like you all had a great time! Neat photos; the Alpine Tower series made me sort of woozy, though. I cannot imagine doing that -- I don't even like to stand on the third rung of a ladder ! Haha!
Hope you have a great week back home.

Christy said...

WOW! That sounds like the best trip! It is so great you have such an active homeschooling band there. I really enjoyed reading this post. It is so joyful and fun!

Anonymous said...

Thats sounds like such an awesome, FUN trip! That's so cool! Tons of fun--I really like the alpine tower thing, it looks like so much fun! :D

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Thanks lionsmane! It was a terrific time...and we even found a letterbox, too!

Hi Pat,
Thank you for being so worried about us. We are all fine, but seeing that fire get so big was very worrisome.
I'm like you, too. Heights make a woozy....though I think I'm fine until I get to the 4-5th rung of a ladder! hehe

Hi Christy!
Thanks for commenting. I'm glad you enjoyed our 'trip report'. It really was a fun experience, especially since I was able to just spend on-on-one time with one of my sons. Not something I get to do very often.

Hi Mel,
Thanks for your comment. It was fun! I bet you'd have a blast climbing that Alpine Tower.