November 30, 2006

Snow in November!!

I heard the snow softly whispering on our bathroom skylights sometime last night. When we woke up, we were thrilled to find a powdery dusting of snow on the ground. All day we enjoyed gazing at the Sandia Mountains from our windows. Whenever it snows on these mountains, it always reminds me of powdered sugar sprinkled over cake. Gorgeous!

Later in the day, John and Jeremiah drove to the airport for a trip to North Carolina. John and Jeremiah both have specialized medical appts to attend to in NC for the remainder of the week. They called us from the airport in ABQ to tell us that their flight was delayed due to weather. Apparently, there is an extreme winter warning for much of the Rocky Mountain region and the Midwest.
Hopefully they'll be able to get out safe and sound to catch their red-eye out of Phoenix.

Anyway, after dinner, Jackson happened to look outdoors and saw it snowing 'cats and bunnies'! There was already approx. 2" on the ground and the temps said 15 degrees outside! BRRR!
I brought one of our other bunnies, Sage, inside, since her outdoor house is not as well insulated for those low temps. Liberty's house is quite cozy, but I added and extra layer of wood shavings and an insulated blanket for her to cuddle in. Charlotte, because she is almost 9 years old remains a full-time indoor bunny.
But by the time I came back inside, after reinforcing Liberty's house and taking un-frozen water to her, my fingers were numb and icy. Ouch!

This is so amazing to me, because we don't normally get snow in this area, at 5,000 feet until after Christmas. Also, until today, we haven't needed to turn on our heat during the day. The temps have been in the high 50's and low 60's every day. And our house is well-insulated and receives full sun throughout Southern and Eastern exposure windows all day long. So,I guess you could say we have a Passive Solar home.
But today, there was no sun, and the house got cold! BRR! And the snow has been falling most of the night. We can't wait to see how much snow has been laid down when we awaken. The weather folks say we can expect 4-6"!!

Jackson took this photo of the Sandia foothills dusted with snow.

I loved the way the icicles contrasted against the branches of our purple leaf plum tree:

Jax playing in the snow tonight:

This was taken of the front of our house while it was snowing. The kids are somewhere there. I just liked the detail of the intricate and delicate snowflakes

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