December 14, 2006

River of Lights

On Wednesday evening, we all decided to visit the Rio Grande Botanical Gardens River of Lights Holiday Display. It was the perfect night to do it as it was uncrowded and had some special musical and child related treats to enjoy, too. We spent 3 hours touring, playing and just generally 'oohing and aaahing' over all of the displays.

Our favorites were the ones that were animated and made the animals appear to jump, run and cavort right over our heads or across the path. We also greatly enjoyed the Light and Music show held inside the glass enclosed Mediterranean Conservatory, and the music and holiday poetry performed by the Military Entertainment group, dressed as Union Soldiers and traveling all over the world to bring joy to our country's military troops.

John also treated us to some hot cocoa and the kids were thrilled to find the huge bowl filled with mini-marshmallows to plop into their steaming hot cups. Yum!
Hope you enjoy seeing the photos as much as we enjoyed taking them in person.

Help! Jenna was eaten by a snowman!

There were beautiful hummingbirds and butterflies fluttering all over the park.

Jackson peeking over the turtle's head

Jackson says, "Run Run as fast as you can! You can't catch me....I'm the Gingerbread Man!"

Jackson and Jeremiah driving this fun little car

After one of the Light/Music shows was over, we just sat there smiling.

Jax and Jen hiding in the veggie garden inside the Children's Fantasy Garden

Inside the the Children's Fantasy Garden is a house sized pumpkin. And inside that, was placed a very large spider web. It's 'sticky threads' ensnared my sons.

Jenna could not help hitching a ride, with Jackson on the 'Great Ant Express'. Too bad these ants don't really move, though. Wouldn't that be fun!

You can't really see it. But the kids are sitting on a giant radish. Jackson was doing his part showing how terrified he was of the giant man-eating radish........

These were animated elephants and they 'drank water' and then squirted it at each other!

We especially liked the magical sunflower garden.

John and I cuddling in front of a crane near the lake

Jackson, Jeremiah and Jenna checking out an airplane. The prop really spins!

These giraffes were so pretty. I don't know why John wasn't smiling. Maybe he's going for that 'dark-silent-poacher' look?

The kids thought that Papaw would have really liked this old truck. There was even a band sitting in front of it, playing blue-grass holiday music!

Out on the Christmas Savannah, all of the zebra sparkle!

Aren't these parrots gorgeous?!

This is the Military Entertainment Band. We listened to their beautiful holiday music for quite a bit. And we were invited to come up front while one of them read "Twas The Night Before Christmas" to everyone. We couldn't stop smiling. Jenna hung onto every word about Santa and the reindeer. The boys were happily entranced. It was one of those magical moments!

I just love peacocks! Too bad they had to add the TV station advertising below them, though. But the peacocks still shined!

We all enjoyed the Rio Grande Express Train 'choo chooing' around the holiday decorated tracks.

Perfect timing. This friendly swan seems to know that the lighted swan out on the lake is there to honor him.

Ack! Watch out for that shimmering, sparkling scorpion boys!!

Another animated lighted display. This one shows a Puffer Fish when it is small...and then when it expands! Cool!

Happy Holidays!!

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