Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

January 21, 2007

And yet again...more snow

During the night on January 19, it started snowing. The weather folks were calling for another major snow storm. Thankfully it didn't materialize. What did materialize, though, was about 3" of wet snow that stuck like glue to our already frozen ground and caused lots of ice on the roads and sidewalks.

Flakey, our residual New Year's blizzard snowman, who has survived in a much smaller form, enjoyed the blanketing of the snow. But the rest of us, who normally love snow, are now ready for some sun, warmth and Spring weather.
We yearn to be lizards basking in the sun again.........."Snow, snow, go away, come again some other day(year)"

Our house, in the morning. Jackson took this picture before it started snowing again.
Jax and Jem calling out to the snow spirits to take a vacation!

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