January 09, 2007

Hanging out with Bunnies

One of my peaceful activities is to sit outside in the rocking chair and hang out with our 3 bunnies. We actually have 3 rabbits, all female. Liberty, an English Spot/Mini-Rex, with an eagle pattern on her back, is 2 years old, Sage, a pretty grey/peach colored bunny, is about 10 months old.

And then there is Charlotte, a 9 year old English Spot bunny. She is very special and seems to think she is human. She lives inside and loves attention. We set up an outside play yard for exercise time for our rabbits, but Charlotte is so tame and affectionate that she is permitted free-reign of our yard, and never roams farther than the back porch area.
Charlotte explores a little, then always comes back to rub and bump my leg for petting. This is our Charlotte munching hay on our back patio.

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