January 20, 2007

Latte had Triplets!!!

Or maybe she had Twins Plus One? hehehe

After we came home from the aquarium last night, Jackson happened to hear noises coming from my bedroom. He came running into the kitchen yelling that Latte was giving birth!! Whoohoo!

We all ran and tumbled together into my room to watch the birth of Latte's little babies! It was so exciting for all of us to experience together!!

The first baby, which was the prettiest white with unique ink-black markings similar to our tuxedo kitty, Oreo, had just come out into the world and Latte was cleaning it. After she finished cleaning that baby, she started getting anxious and fidgety, so I took the first baby out and snuggled it into my sweater, just as the second baby started emerging.

The second baby took a little longer to move and take it's first breathe, but we were ready to help if Latte needed it. But she did great cleaning the baby's mouth and licking it's fur clean. The second baby was almost entirely black, with just a little fluff of white on it's head and on it's chin. Adorable!!

I took the second baby to keep warm and dry, while Latte refocused her energies into pushing out baby #3, which was completely white with the most unique raccoon-esque type of coal-black mask on it face. Beautiful!

After she cleaned up the third baby, we held and finished drying it, while Latte passed the placentas and sacs. We couldn't help but check out these amazing articles of nature a little bit closer. The kids were amazed that these items nourished and protected the babies, just as their own placentas and sacs did for them when they were safely esconced in my belly.

The first baby born!
I'm holding the first baby a few minutes after it was born.
Jackson holding the first born baby guinea pig. Too cute!!
The second baby being born!
Jackson holding the second born baby piggy.
Jax snuggling the first 2 babies born, while Mama Latte gives birth to baby #3.
One of the placentas and birth sacs.
Latte eating one of the placentas, which helps stimulate her milk production and gives her strength and nourishment after the births. Also, in the wild, eating the after birth keeps the nest clean and predators away.
Latte and her 3 babies.
Jenna and I, with the 3 babies cuddled up in my sweater. Jenna was tickled to see the babies being born and to touch and pet the little guinea pigs.

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