January 06, 2007

Melting Snow and a Little Bit More...

Finally the temps are up and some of this snow and ice is melting around here. But it also snowed a little bit last night....just a dusting that mostly melted as soon as the sun warmed up the air today.....a typical New Mexico Snow.

Here's our igloo that we built last week. Jeremiah can hardly fit inside of it, when just last week, the igloo could fit me and one of the boys inside with still plenty of room leftover!
The shape is still basically the same but the size has drastically shrunk down.
Flakey is in our front yard, which doesn't get much sun until late afternoon, so he hasn't melted as fast as the igloo in the backyard. But Flakey used to be only a few inches shorter than Jeremiah.

At least Flakey is still 'snowman plump'! hehe
Some of the 'snow dust' from last night is still on our front sidewalk.

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