February 03, 2007

Adult Mentors

On the way home from the Occupational Therapy appt., we stopped off at our friend Laura's house to drop off an invitation for Campbell and Quinn to come to Jackson & Jeremiah's birthday party next week.
Whenever we visit with Laura she always makes us feel so welcome and never fails to make contact with Jax and Jem. Jackson and Jeremiah adore her and tell me everytime we visit what a special person she is to them.

Adult mentors are so important to our children, especially when they are authentic and show a real interest and love for them. I'm so glad that they have such caring adults in their lives.

Here's Laura with Jax and Jem this past October.
And here's some special friends from SC who are dear to our hearts. Margie and Jessie are true blue friends to Jax and Jem (and our entire family)
Jessie is just plain fun and not afraid of a good time!

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