February 18, 2007

Brown Eggs

We were given these beautiful organically produced brown eggs last week, and I just loved the softness of the brown and the little darker brown speckles on some of them. I have no idea why, but brown eggs have always appealed to me over the standard white eggs. They are no different inside, but the brown eggs just look so earthy and more natural.

One of my dreams is for my family to raise our own backyard chicken flock. I'd have some Rhode Island Reds, a few Plymouth Rocks, possibly a Silkie or Frizzle, and a couple Americaunas, for their beautiful green and blue eggs.

Our city of Rio Rancho, supposedly a "City of Vision" has no vision towards self-sustainability or quality of life. They don't permit a family to raise a couple hens, instead they promote sterile-looking neighborhoods filled with cookie-cutter, 'ticky-tacky' houses, covering up the desert mesa sand with rows and rows of houses, and a future new downtown, in a city that doesn't even produce anything other than Intel's wafers and the pollution and chemicals that go along with them.

After living in Rio Rancho for over 11 years, we have become a little bit dis-enchanted with some of the aspects of our 'City of Vision'........

Anyway, these brown eggs sure are beautiful, aren't they?

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