Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

February 24, 2007

Comic Book Capers

Jeremiah has been reading comic books and creating his own comic strips since he was 6 years old. Back then he created his own exciting series called "Lightning Man & Power Man", of which he still creates a few strips when the whim hits him.

For the past several months, though, both boys of mine have been seriously into comic books, especially Star Wars and Sonic. We visit the library every week and they always come home with another stack to read. Often Jeremiah reads a comic book in minutes. He goes through it from cover to cover and then will re-read it again later. It motivates him and gives him ideas for his own comic strips. He also reads the comics in the newspaper each week and dives right into the paper to get his 'funnies'.

I love that they are into comic books, because I used to be an avid comic book reader, too. I especially liked Mad comics and many of the Hanna Barbera mags, and of course, the Sunday 'funnies'. When I wasn't reading books I was reading comics and it seems that my sons are following in my literary footsteps.

Making sound effects while reading the Star Wars comic book

Jem decided to make a Star Wars comic window on his Etch a Sketch.

If you've ever tried to draw with an Etch a Sketch, you know that it's not an easy feat. Jem's comic window looks pretty great, though. (Note: The reason the camera is pointed up, is that Jem was in his bunkbed in the top bunk. Kind of a unique perspective, I think.)

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