Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

February 25, 2007

Gravity of the Situation

Last week John took Jax and Jem to their Homeschool Science Club class. I stayed home with Jenna as she was coming down with a cold and not feeling her usual cheerful self.
Jax and Jem told me it was a pretty cool class called:

Gravity Rules! (for Grades 4–5)
Do heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects? Students investigate the force of gravity by balancing unusually shaped objects and experimenting with their own centers of gravity.

I couldn't wait to tell them one of my own gravity-related 'experiments' when I was just a young girl.
A girlfriend and I rode our bikes to the mini-mart near her apartment to buy some milk and bread. On the way home, we stopped to talk and I had the adventurous idea to find out if a Milk jug would bounce. Now, come on, people! Haven't you ever wondered about this yourself?

Well, I'm hear to tell you that a milk jug does not bounce.

But I'd have never believed it unless I tried it for myself. The old Milk Jug Bouncing experiment is not listed in any text books that I can remember. So, I found out for myself that a milk jug does not bounce when dropped. No, it goes SPLATT!! And the plastic splits open and milk pours everywhere.

Jax and Jem got a kick out of this. They loved it when I told them that all discoveries are made by accident....just like my milk jug 'experiment'......

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