Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

February 03, 2007

Jenna's Ark

While Jax and I played Donkey Konga 2 and Jem was working in his Occupational Therapy appt., Jenna played with some of the toys that the therapy department has stashed away in the closet. Jenna is thrilled to play with and organize plastic animals of any type. She was in nirvana with this large bucket of animals. She made up stories, organized them by types: sea animals, insects, hoof stock, etc.

She reminds me of myself as a child. I, too, loved to play for hours with plastic animals. I used to create mini-zoos with the animals and play doh. I would go into the sand and create mini-jungle scenes. I would get lost in a creative little world for hours. I love that Jenna is enjoying her own little creative animal world, too.

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