February 24, 2007

Update to Scary Park Day

Last night we spent allot of time talking about what happened at the park. It was very upsetting to all of us. My biggest worry, was that my kids would be hurt. Ironically, that was also Jackson & Jeremiah's biggest worry.....that their Mama would be hurt. Jeremiah was especially proud of me that I would put myself out there and tried to help, instead of just hiding or running away. Of course, that is really what I wanted to do. But I was also angry that those kids would try and ruin our day at the park.

I was and still am a bit of a mess about it, especially after the phone call I recieved while I was watching American Idol and trying to 'zone-out'.
APD called to ask me for some more information about what I saw today. They also had some information to share with me.

Get this!

Apparently the boy that was beat until he was bleeding and unconscious, was brought to the park to fight the other boy.......by his own Father! And the girl that we watched gather up the two boys and act as 'mediator? She was that boy's sister....Yep!

The Father brought both his son and daughter to the park to fight.

And you know what else the APD officer told me?

Remember that blue metal baseball bat? Well, it seems that the bat was supplied by the Father, after his son woke up from being unconscious, so his son could pummel the other boy with it!!

Can you believe that craziness?
A family that fights together stays together?

Apparently the father was his kids' best friend and would do anything for them: buy them whatever they asked for including clothes, a new car, expensive toys, alcohol, friends, and parties. He couldn't say no. He wanted his kids to like him and want to be his buddies.
When his kids came to him and said they were mad at another boy and asked if their Dad would help them 'get even', he was eager to show his 'support'.

None of those kids involved in the fighting were one bit concerned that an adult, or that several adults were watching them. They weren't scared or worried. They were almost blatant about their focus to cause harm to another person.

I do not doubt that if I would have tried to stop the fight or gotten in the middle of it, they would have hurt me and/or my children!
That is the scariest feeling.

When I was a kid, I had much respect for all adults, and even though I considered a few of them 'friends', I recognized that they were adults, not buddies that would do whatever it was I asked them to do. I knew I could go to them for advice and support, but that they would be honest and help me see the whole picture if my 'head wasn't on straight'. Further, I would have never broken the law right under an adult's nose and not felt guilty or apprehensive about it.

In the end children learn to have no respect for any adults, and treat them just as they would one of their peers. This, as I experienced today, can be a very dangerous thing.
The only adults those kids were worried about were the police.

All the kids involved in the fight attend Eldorado High School and will be served at school. The Father will be answering to APD and the judicial system, as well. They are still trying to track the kids in the grey primer Duster, though. Trying to figure out who the vehicle belongs to and working on getting a warrant to search the car for weapons, too.

What a mess.....

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