March 06, 2007

Fighting to Heal

I was just kidding with my Dad and John today, when I said I'd post these pictures. Dad really wanted to see them and was concerned about John, and since he checks our Blog on a regular basis, I decided to go ahead and post them.

John has had poor circulation in this leg he injured while in college, but after the March 2005 accident that caused a blood clot the entire length of this leg, the pain and continuous decline in the quality of this leg has not improved and John has had to endure so much pain and discomfort.

We haven't been able to afford health insurance for the two of us since November, which is about the same time that this particular leg ulcer flamed up and has steadily gotten worse, as can be seen from the below photos. John is using two medications from his surgeon. And we just started some alternative natural therapy (Thanks Karen!). But, still we are very worried and pray every day that God heals John soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, have just come across you photos of the leg ulcers, and ouch, not pleasant I know.

    You don't mention what the alternative treatment you are now trying is. If it is not already what you are using, then my strong suggestion is to try manuka honey. It is a natural remedy from New Zealand, that has helped many people with their difficult to heal leg ulcers. Just ensure you look at Active Manuka Honey. This link takes you to a page on a website I am associated with, offering this particular honey in the United Kingdom, but it will give you more information about it. You can then make your own conclusions.

    Hoping that this helps, because really want to see you be able to post pictures of it healed.

    Kind regards.
