Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

August 07, 2008

Pink Ponies Play Ball

Jenna has been enjoying her time spent learning how to play T-Ball with her team mates on the East Mountain Pink Ponies team. The season has been winding down and I have some photos to share.
Both Jackson & Jeremiah accompanied Jenna on many of her games and practices. Jenna loves when her brothers are by her side. Jackson seems to enjoy being the big brother and helping Jenna out on the field.
Being in the outfield is not Jenna's favorite place to be. She often gets distracted by flowers or with drawing circles in the dirt.
But she does like when balls end up near her.She gets ready....aim.... and THROW!Her favorite thing is batting.
It's amazing how helpful, patient and supportive everyone was with Jenna.Daddy was usually in the outfield with Jenna to help keep her on track or give support.The coach had a soft spot for Jenna and was very patient in teaching Jenna T-Ball skills.Jenna usually found it hard to wait to take her turn at bat. Isn't she cute in her pink batting helmet?And when she hit the ball, Jackson was right there to help her run through the bases. Go Jenna!!Through community support donating baseball bags, uniforms, snacks, trophies. And team and individual support. Jenna and her Pink Ponies Teammates thrived and excelled this season.

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