September 13, 2008

Letterboxing~Roosevelt and Alburwocky

While John and the boys were in Maryland to attend a wedding, Jenna and I decided to head to Albuquerque to visit the Natural History Museum (Photos in next post) and do some letterboxing.

First we went to Roosevelt Park to meet a friend and give her the spinning wheel back that she had loaned me to practice on. And it just so happens that there is a letterbox placed in this park.
But first it was time to play for a little while. Jenna and I had a lot of laughs on this climbing structure. There was this spinning thing that made us both dizzy. And Jenna had fun swinging from the monkey bars.I love this face so full of concentration. After finding the Roosevelt box, which was placed by our talented friend, Lions Mane, we headed over to spend some time at the museum.
Afterwards we drove a bit to hunt for a mystery box called Alburwocky box. This was our second trip to this location and we almost didn't find the box this time until a lightbulb clicked on in my head. haha!
Jenna found a bone, probably coyote. She is just fascinated with bones. She was also enamored with these wood log structures. So, of course it was picture time.The sky looked so ominous and the area was so stark.On the way home, on I-40 the traffic moved at a crawl. I took the opportunity to take a few pictures of the beautiful painted pottery sculpture art set up in the median. I've never been able to capture these because it's pretty hard to take a photo when you're driving at 65 mph. I think I was only going 10 mph, stop and go for this photo. There are approx 6-7 pieces of this bigger than life size art, all different. They are so pretty and uniquely New Mexican. I really like seeing them there. At least until the traffic picks up again and then it blurs right past.Before we entered the canyon to head home we turned off on Tramway Blvd to take Rt 66 home. At the corner there is a huge colony of prairie dogs right there next to the busy intersection wedged between two busy roads and a hotel. These are truly city dogs. Jenna and I always enjoy watching them as we wait for the light to turn green.Just as we enter the canyon there are a couple horse boarding and riding barns. The riding barn is also a feed store. They rent out their horses by the hour.Can you see that beautiful white horse? I'd take it home in a minute. So pretty!This place is very dreary. Just look at those enclosures. They are just disgusting. It's a wonder this place hasn't been shut down already.This poor guy looks like he's bored silly. He's chewing and sucking wind. Poor boy. And if you look closely, he and several other brown horses have white markings on their backs. These types of white markings are usually caused due to poorly fitting tack, especially saddles that rub.There are 12 horses in this one tiny, crowded, wreck of a corral. They never get out of there unless someone comes along with some money to pay for a ride on the trails. It makes me so grateful that my beautiful horse has almost 2 acres to roam and browse without having to fight for food, dominance or space. This situation is just sad.
Almost home, I pass a reminder that I get my kicks on the famous and historic Route 66 anytime I leave Laughing Orca Ranch to head east or west.


  1. Glad you took some time to find my Roosevelt box. Sounds like you and Jenna had a fun time in Albuquerque.

  2. Oh, those are sad conditions that those horses are living in...things like that make me really sad... poor horses.
