November 03, 2008

Just Do It Already!

Wake Up!!

Get your can off the wall...and go vote!

Don't just sit there! Get moving!

That's right. Grab a snack before you head out.....but not that snack.

Nor that one either.

Make sure you know who you're voting for before you go. The left or the right....the white or end of the horse are you voting for?

Come on now! Stop spinning your gears.

It's time to head out. Don't let transportation stop you. Catch a ride if you can.

Travel with a friend. It's alot more fun.

Whichever ride you take, just don't hang around. Get moving!

Hopefuly when the votes have all been counted, you'll look like this:

And not this:

Because we all know how bad the mud slinging's been. It's been feeling alot like this silly game.

So, don't be an a**.

Go vote!!
I got my vote in last week. And it really didn't stink too bad.

***ps. Do your homework! Don't vote on looks or the way a candidate speaks. Or from other's opinions. Vote off the facts and the research that's been done. Look at all the angles and not just personal feelings. This is a major election, people. One that effects us all and our entire country. VOTE RESPONSIBLY!!!!!***

~All the above photos were taken by myself and my friend, Val, using her camera, while letterboxing in Santa Fe last weekend.(Thanks Val!!)

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