November 10, 2008

The White Stuff

This is what we woke up to this morning. We're expecting snow flurries all day.
Our pumpkins are wrapped in cloaks of white. We like to leave them out for a few weeks and watch to see how their faces change as they decompose. We're weird like that.
The peach tree has finally lost all it's clothes, as my daughter says.
Zuni lives for snowy days. It's fun to watch her joyful romps as she cavorts in the white fluff on the ground. The chickens weren't so sure it was safe to come outside.
The Japanese Silkies, Mr. and Mrs Cotton, seemed the most at home in the snow with their fluffy feathered feet. Sid Vicious and Phyllis Diller, the two Polish chickens were less enthusiastic and crouched down pathetically underneath the chicken house.

We're expecting snow flurries for the next 2 days, followed by sunny days and temps in the 60's. This is typical Autumn in the mountains of New Mexico.

How's the weather in your corner of the world?

1 comment:

  1. ah, lovely! It must be cold for the chickens!

