Our Homeschool Co-op organized a Halloween party with a unique idea of having all the parents set up Halloween Houses along a corridor, or street, so that the kids could trick-or-treat safely. It was lots of fun. There was also yummy food, crafts to make, and games to play.

Our dear friend, Laura, with Darth Vader (Jackson) and a Storm Trooper (Jeremiah)

Jeremiah in front of our Halloween house, ~aka~ tent.

Jenna Jaguar with our friends, Stacey and her daughter, Jade.

Laura's Halloween house, ~aka~ camper. That's friend, Madison enjoying the decorations.

Jenna Jaguar


Our good friend, Monica and her son, Ian (on left)

A Witch! No, just Dara and her Halloween House, ~aka~tent.

Another wonderful Homeschool co-op friend, Carissa and her daughter, Jazzie, in front of their Halloween House, ~aka~ Teepee.

A creepy clown, a wench, and a geisha! No, just some Homeschool co-op pals.

Our buddy, Sorscha (Neopet"Werelupe"), who always races up to give hugs whenever she sees us.

Laura set up some Dry Ice to use as an experiment to learn about the properties of dry ice and how it affects things around it.

The kids are blowing bubbles to see if the bubbles can get cold enough from the dry ice, so that they will freeze and crack.
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