November 22, 2006

Another Lagomorph

We adopted another bunny yesterday. A family thought she was a male until she gave birth to kits. Since they were more attached to the male, they wanted to keep him and find a new home for the female. We were happy to adopt her since we have been very sad about the recent death of Schubert, our Mini-Lop, who has been greatly missed by all of us. We also lost our Mini-Rex, Lyra, last Spring when a hawk carried her away, while she was in her play yard. We were all so devastated. We've have had a couple empty spots in our hearts waiting to be filled by another bunny to love. Enter: Sage, a beautiful 7 month old grey and peach colored bunny. She is spunky, sweet and soft.

Oh and by the way, Rabbits are not rodents! They are considered Lagomorphs:

The Lagomorphs, order Lagomorpha, are an order of mammals of which there are two families, Leporidae (hares and rabbits), and Ochotonidae (pikas).

Though members of order Lagomorpha can resemble rodents (order Rodentia), and were classified as a superfamily in that order until the early twentieth century, they have since been considered a separate order. For a time it was common to consider the lagomorphs only distant relatives of the rodents, to whom they merely bore a superficial resemblance; however, genetic studies have since shown that, while still distinct from rodents, they are indeed very closely related after all.

Lagomorphs (loģ o-moŕ fs)(Gr. lagos, hare: + morphē, form) differ from rodents in that:
they have four (not two as in rodents) incisors in the upper jaw;
they will only eat vegetation (unlike rodents, who will eat meat and vegetation)
the male's scrotum is in front of the penis;
the penis has no bone (baculum) unlike the rodent penis; and
they will redigest first-time droppings (called cecotropes) to obtain the most from their plant diet.
They resemble rodents, however, in that their teeth grow throughout their life, thus necessitating constant chewing to keep them from growing too long.

Just thought you'd like to know

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