We finally got the disposable cameras processed. These pictures are from the trip that John and Jackson took up to Durango last month. The University of New Mexico Lacrosse team played a scrimmage game against Ft. Louis and John helped coach that game. Before the game, Jackson participated in the Durango Lacrosse Clinic held on the same fields.

The Visitor Center was close to the fields so they stopped in for a visit.

This train engine was right beside the lacrosse fields

Some striking looking cliffs backdropped the lacrosse fields.

Some landscapes Jackson was impressed with and took some pics of as they drove by.

They came upon a 'ghost town' with some interesting looking buildings and decided to explore.

John and Jackson wanted to know what was inside this barn. They say it was quite spooky here.

Some more pretty vistas Jackson took photos of.

A Huge happy smile from the "Jacksonator"

Fort Louis and UNM doing a 'face-off'

The scrimmage game

Jackson (in the blue pants) attending the Lacrosse Clinic

Jackson blocking an attack. He is cradling the lax ball in his stick.

Lax Victory Salute!
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