The highlight of our trip out to South Carolina was a visit to Rock Hill to see some of our old and dear friends. We met them through our homeschool group and became very close. We never missed a chance to hang out together, especially Mom's Night's Out at Jessie's house. When we get together we always laugh and I feel such a relaxed happy feeling being with our dear friends. I felt sad to say Goodbye to them this time. If there's one thing I miss about being in New Mexico, it's my very special friends in South Carolina that we left behind.

Two of Margie's sons, two of Jessie's kids and my three. All the kids played outside together and had so much fun.

Margie and Jessie have always been very caring and affectionate of our kids. Jackson & Jeremiah think of them as family.

Jeremiah is taller...and strong enough to pick Jessie up now!

Gosh I love these dear friends of mine. We are kindred spirits and whenever we are together we always laugh and talk easily. John took these really wonderful photos of the three of us playing in the leaves together. It was such a beautiful fall day to spend with such beautiful friends

Jessie, Me and Margie. I love you girls!
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