Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

March 12, 2007

Explora Homeschool Science Club~Electricity

Jackson & Jeremiah were excited about today's class at Explora.

Exciting Electricity (Grades 3–4)
Use batteries and wires to make bulbs light up, and explore open and closed circuits. Then make a gigantic complete circuit you won’t forget!

While Jax and Jem explored electricity, I took a couple pictures from outside the windows of the room.

Jax and Jem each created a working motor with spinning, whirring parts. Pretty cool!

Jenna and I hung out in the young children's section. She explored the water tornado and filled shaker jars.

Jenna also enjoyed viewing the world through different colored and affected lenses.
Here she is seeing rainbows wherever she looks.

Jenna's not feeling "blue", she's just seeing blue!

Jenna's cute face magnified!

While Jenna was playing I was drawing a quick sketch...again of Flumbra, but this time I did it by memory and in only 5 minutes! That was fun and I enjoyed the challenge! Afterwards I dropped it in the Opinion box, as a sort of creative gift. hehe

After the Electricity Class, we hung out for a bit in Explora playing with different exhibits. Today the Surveillance Camera caught their eyes. This is the Explora camera that travels on a metal track all around the inside ceiling. What is interesting about this is that the Explora staff have set up all sorts of odd and unique items in out-of-the-way places up near the ceiling, that only the traveling camera can see. Jax and Jem had a great time discovering these items as if they were on a treasure hunt.
And then Jax went traveling around Explora so that the rest of us could observe and follow his movements. He put on quite a show for us and we were laughing so hard! hehehe

1 comment:

Bijoy said...

interesting stuff you have got here keep up the good work.very kewl blog and intresting too. like to visit more often be in touch

regards Biby - Blog