Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

January 20, 2007

Pettifogger~Word of the Day

pettifogger \PET-ee-fog-ur\, noun:
1. A petty, unscrupulous lawyer; a shyster.
2. A person who quibbles over trivia.

Today's word made me grin!
The defendant's attorneys that we are
dealing with right now fit this description
to a "T"! Our case is simply about
a rear-end collision, yet they are going after
all sorts of trivial tidbits pertaining to
my family's character, including our religion,
employment, previous health problems, choice of
education(homeschooling), and so many other
ridiculous things.

And our case is simply about one irresponsible
driver who while reading a map, not looking at the road,
and driving too fast for conditions.....rammed into the
back of the vehicle that my sons and husband were in, and
then forcing that vehicle into the path of an 18 wheeler.

And somehow, someway th ose defendant laywers are trying
to find something to pin on us, so that they can escape
their responsibility in paying for the costs of the
injuries, hardships and medical bills that all of this
has caused our family.

pettifogger \PET-ee-fog-ur\, noun:
1. A petty, unscrupulous lawyer; a shyster.
2. A person who quibbles over trivia.

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