February 06, 2007

Dynamic Duo Draw Double Digits

Wowee! Hard to believe that tomorrow I will have identical twin sons who will be 10 years old! Yep...Double Digits for my Dynamic Duo. Where have the past 9 years gone?
How fast will the next 9 years go? Too fast, I am sure.

Ten years old sounds so much older than 9 years old. So much more mature. So many more benefits, changes and responsibilites along with it, too. Though it's really not all that much different from 9 years old.

Don't try to convince Jackson & Jeremiah, though. Yes, they are thrilled with the idea of having another birthday, but are feeling just a little bit of intrepidation about turning a double digit age.

Jeremiah is concered about growing older and wouldn't mind remaining 9 years old forever, like in Peter Pan. Jax and Jem don't want to grow up and away from their family. And they would prefer not to have all the responsibilities, expectations, obligations, worries, and so on...that adults have. I don't blame them actually.
Jeremiah says he wants to stay our little boy and live with us forever.

I tell him it's ok to grow older. There's actually lots of really neat stuff you can do when you are older. I tell him to just be true to himself, feel always young-at-heart, and do good things and be kind to others....and being older will not be a scary thing.
And, of course, no matter if he is 10 years old or 60 years old, Jem, Jax and Jen will always be our babies.

Happy Double Digit Birthday to our Dynamic Duo!!!!

Jackson and Jeremiah with their birthday presents: Pirate's of the Caribbean 'Jack Sparrow "lights and sounds' swords!
Scary Pirates in my kitchen!
Happy Silly Pirates!

And Pirate's Mega Block compasses, too!

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