Farewell to my dear friend Hi Desert. You touched my heart and you will be missed.
My Tribute to Hi Desert
Twins Plus One
Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

April 11, 2012
December 16, 2011
Same Sex Marriages Result in This
This is a Must-See Video! 19 year old Zach, who is wise beyond his years, was raised by Lesbian Mothers and this is the person he is today. He says they had no influence on his character or on who he has become. I disagree. You watch and see for yourself.
December 06, 2011
The Fallacy of Standardized Testing
Posted at 04:00 AM ET, 12/05/2011
When an adult took standardized tests forced on kids
By Valerie Strauss
This was written by Marion Brady, veteran teacher, administrator, curriculum designer and author.
By Marion Brady
A longtime friend on the school board of one of the largest school systems in America did something that few public servants are willing to do. He took versions of his state’s high-stakes standardized math and reading tests for 10th graders, and said he’d make his scores public.
By any reasonable measure, my friend is a success. His now-grown kids are well-educated. He has a big house in a good part of town. Paid-for condo in the Caribbean. Influential friends. Lots of frequent flyer miles. Enough time of his own to give serious attention to his school board responsibilities. The margins of his electoral wins and his good relationships with administrators and teachers testify to his openness to dialogue and willingness to listen.
He called me the morning he took the test to say he was sure he hadn’t done well, but had to wait for the results. A couple of days ago, realizing that local school board members don’t seem to be playing much of a role in the current “reform” brouhaha, I asked him what he now thought about the tests he’d taken.
“I won’t beat around the bush,” he wrote in an email. “The math section had 60 questions. I knew the answers to none of them, but managed to guess ten out of the 60 correctly. On the reading test, I got 62% . In our system, that’s a “D”, and would get me a mandatory assignment to a double block of reading instruction.
He continued, “It seems to me something is seriously wrong. I have a bachelor of science degree, two masters degrees, and 15 credit hours toward a doctorate.
“I help oversee an organization with 22,000 employees and a $3 billion operations and capital budget, and am able to make sense of complex data related to those responsibilities.
“I have a wide circle of friends in various professions. Since taking the test, I’ve detailed its contents as best I can to many of them, particularly the math section, which does more than its share of shoving students in our system out of school and on to the street. Not a single one of them said that the math I described was necessary in their profession.
“It might be argued that I’ve been out of school too long, that if I’d actually been in the 10th grade prior to taking the test, the material would have been fresh. But doesn’t that miss the point? A test that can determine a student’s future life chances should surely relate in some practical way to the requirements of life. I can’t see how that could possibly be true of the test I took.”
Here’s the clincher in what he wrote:
“If I’d been required to take those two tests when I was a 10th grader, my life would almost certainly have been very different. I’d have been told I wasn’t ‘college material,’ would probably have believed it, and looked for work appropriate for the level of ability that the test said I had.
“It makes no sense to me that a test with the potential for shaping a student’s entire future has so little apparent relevance to adult, real-world functioning. Who decided the kind of questions and their level of difficulty? Using what criteria? To whom did they have to defend their decisions? As subject-matter specialists, how qualified were they to make general judgments about the needs of this state’s children in a future they can’t possibly predict? Who set the pass-fail “cut score”? How?”
“I can’t escape the conclusion that decisions about the [state test] in particular and standardized tests in general are being made by individuals who lack perspective and aren’t really accountable.”
There you have it. A concise summary of what’s wrong with present corporately driven education change: Decisions are being made by individuals who lack perspective and aren’t really accountable.
Those decisions are shaped not by knowledge or understanding of educating, but by ideology, politics, hubris, greed, ignorance, the conventional wisdom, and various combinations thereof. And then they’re sold to the public by the rich and powerful.
All that without so much as a pilot program to see if their simplistic, worn-out ideas work, and without a single procedure in place that imposes on them what they demand of teachers: accountability.
But maybe there’s hope. As I write, a New York Times story by Michael Winerip makes my day. The stupidity of the current test-based thrust of reform has triggered the first revolt of school principals.
Winerip writes: “As of last night, 658 principals around the state (New York) had signed a letter — 488 of them from Long Island, where the insurrection began — protesting the use of students’ test scores to evaluate teachers’ and principals’ performance.”
One of those school principals, Winerip says, is Bernard Kaplan. Kaplan runs one of the highest-achieving schools in the state, but is required to attend 10 training sessions.
“It’s education by humiliation,” Kaplan said. “I’ve never seen teachers and principals so degraded.”
Carol Burris, named the 2010 Educator of the Year by the School Administrators Association of New York State, has to attend those 10 training sessions.
Katie Zahedi, another principal, said the session she attended was “two days of total nonsense. I have a Ph.D., I’m in a school every day, and some consultant is supposed to be teaching me to do evaluations.”
A fourth principal, Mario Fernandez, called the evaluation process a product of “ludicrous, shallow thinking. They’re expecting a tornado to go through a junkyard and have a brand new Mercedes pop up.”
My school board member-friend concluded his email with this: “I can’t escape the conclusion that those of us who are expected to follow through on decisions that have been made for us are doing something ethically questionable.”
He’s wrong. What they’re being made to do isn’t ethically questionable. It’s ethically unacceptable. Ethically reprehensible. Ethically indefensible.
How many of the approximately 100,000 school principals in the U.S. would join the revolt if their ethical principles trumped their fears of retribution? Why haven’t they been asked?
Washington Post Article
When an adult took standardized tests forced on kids
By Valerie Strauss
This was written by Marion Brady, veteran teacher, administrator, curriculum designer and author.
By Marion Brady
A longtime friend on the school board of one of the largest school systems in America did something that few public servants are willing to do. He took versions of his state’s high-stakes standardized math and reading tests for 10th graders, and said he’d make his scores public.
By any reasonable measure, my friend is a success. His now-grown kids are well-educated. He has a big house in a good part of town. Paid-for condo in the Caribbean. Influential friends. Lots of frequent flyer miles. Enough time of his own to give serious attention to his school board responsibilities. The margins of his electoral wins and his good relationships with administrators and teachers testify to his openness to dialogue and willingness to listen.
He called me the morning he took the test to say he was sure he hadn’t done well, but had to wait for the results. A couple of days ago, realizing that local school board members don’t seem to be playing much of a role in the current “reform” brouhaha, I asked him what he now thought about the tests he’d taken.
“I won’t beat around the bush,” he wrote in an email. “The math section had 60 questions. I knew the answers to none of them, but managed to guess ten out of the 60 correctly. On the reading test, I got 62% . In our system, that’s a “D”, and would get me a mandatory assignment to a double block of reading instruction.
He continued, “It seems to me something is seriously wrong. I have a bachelor of science degree, two masters degrees, and 15 credit hours toward a doctorate.
“I help oversee an organization with 22,000 employees and a $3 billion operations and capital budget, and am able to make sense of complex data related to those responsibilities.
“I have a wide circle of friends in various professions. Since taking the test, I’ve detailed its contents as best I can to many of them, particularly the math section, which does more than its share of shoving students in our system out of school and on to the street. Not a single one of them said that the math I described was necessary in their profession.
“It might be argued that I’ve been out of school too long, that if I’d actually been in the 10th grade prior to taking the test, the material would have been fresh. But doesn’t that miss the point? A test that can determine a student’s future life chances should surely relate in some practical way to the requirements of life. I can’t see how that could possibly be true of the test I took.”
Here’s the clincher in what he wrote:
“If I’d been required to take those two tests when I was a 10th grader, my life would almost certainly have been very different. I’d have been told I wasn’t ‘college material,’ would probably have believed it, and looked for work appropriate for the level of ability that the test said I had.
“It makes no sense to me that a test with the potential for shaping a student’s entire future has so little apparent relevance to adult, real-world functioning. Who decided the kind of questions and their level of difficulty? Using what criteria? To whom did they have to defend their decisions? As subject-matter specialists, how qualified were they to make general judgments about the needs of this state’s children in a future they can’t possibly predict? Who set the pass-fail “cut score”? How?”
“I can’t escape the conclusion that decisions about the [state test] in particular and standardized tests in general are being made by individuals who lack perspective and aren’t really accountable.”
There you have it. A concise summary of what’s wrong with present corporately driven education change: Decisions are being made by individuals who lack perspective and aren’t really accountable.
Those decisions are shaped not by knowledge or understanding of educating, but by ideology, politics, hubris, greed, ignorance, the conventional wisdom, and various combinations thereof. And then they’re sold to the public by the rich and powerful.
All that without so much as a pilot program to see if their simplistic, worn-out ideas work, and without a single procedure in place that imposes on them what they demand of teachers: accountability.
But maybe there’s hope. As I write, a New York Times story by Michael Winerip makes my day. The stupidity of the current test-based thrust of reform has triggered the first revolt of school principals.
Winerip writes: “As of last night, 658 principals around the state (New York) had signed a letter — 488 of them from Long Island, where the insurrection began — protesting the use of students’ test scores to evaluate teachers’ and principals’ performance.”
One of those school principals, Winerip says, is Bernard Kaplan. Kaplan runs one of the highest-achieving schools in the state, but is required to attend 10 training sessions.
“It’s education by humiliation,” Kaplan said. “I’ve never seen teachers and principals so degraded.”
Carol Burris, named the 2010 Educator of the Year by the School Administrators Association of New York State, has to attend those 10 training sessions.
Katie Zahedi, another principal, said the session she attended was “two days of total nonsense. I have a Ph.D., I’m in a school every day, and some consultant is supposed to be teaching me to do evaluations.”
A fourth principal, Mario Fernandez, called the evaluation process a product of “ludicrous, shallow thinking. They’re expecting a tornado to go through a junkyard and have a brand new Mercedes pop up.”
My school board member-friend concluded his email with this: “I can’t escape the conclusion that those of us who are expected to follow through on decisions that have been made for us are doing something ethically questionable.”
He’s wrong. What they’re being made to do isn’t ethically questionable. It’s ethically unacceptable. Ethically reprehensible. Ethically indefensible.
How many of the approximately 100,000 school principals in the U.S. would join the revolt if their ethical principles trumped their fears of retribution? Why haven’t they been asked?
Washington Post Article
November 30, 2011
Who has the Final Say? Parents or Doctors?
by Michael Farris
HSLDA Chairman
Who should make very difficult decisions for children? Parents or doctors?
In March of this year, 8-year-old Jacob Stieler was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma, a dangerous bone cancer. His parents took him to a highly-rated children’s oncology center in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Jacob had surgery to remove the tumor, which was followed by several rounds of chemotherapy. The treatment was incredibly difficult, and Jacob’s mom, Erin, told me that when she looked her son in the eyes, she knew in her heart that he simply could not survive many more rounds of these drugs.
Erin and Ken, Jacob’s mom and dad, joined by hundreds of others, prayed for Jacob and his complete recovery.
After all of these rounds of chemotherapy were completed, there was a PET scan done to check on the status of the cancer. There was no evidence of cancer detected in Jacob’s body. Jacob’s family and friends rejoiced in his healing—praising God for this wonderful outcome.
But the doctors wanted to give Jacob several more rounds of chemotherapy and radiation, despite the clean PET scan. When asked why they wanted to keep giving Jacob these incredibly dangerous drugs, the doctors replied that this was “the standard of care” for his illness.
Jacob’s parents begged the doctors to make an individual diagnosis, rather than simply following unbending standards. But the doctors were steadfast. All children with this cancer needed multiple rounds of these drugs—regardless of PET scan results, the doctors contended.
Jacob’s parents did extensive study of the side effects of the five different chemotherapy drugs that the doctor wanted to administer. And they believed that the risk of the drugs was far greater than the risk of recurrent
cancer, since Jacob had a clean PET scan. They said no to the doctors. No more chemotherapy treatment for now.
But the doctors would not take no for an answer. They called child protective services in Jacob’s county and asked the agency to file charges against the family for medical neglect.
After looking into the matter, both the local CPS agency and the local prosecuting attorney refused to file charges. They believed that the parents were making reasonable decisions for Jacob.
The doctors still would not take no for an answer. They called higher authorities in the state level CPS agency. The doctors had to make several calls before they finally found someone who would agree with them.
As a result of all of these calls, the local CPS agency was pressured into filing medical neglect charges against the parents.
The local prosecutor still refused to take a case against the family, so the state level CPS officials hired an independent private lawyer to serve as the prosecutor against Ken and Erin Stieler.
A jury trial is scheduled for early January to determine if the doctors will be given the authority to take over the medical decision-making for Jacob.
When I heard about this case—and checked out the facts—I knew that I could not sit on the sidelines and watch this family be overrun and parental rights be trashed by well-meaning but overzealous doctors.
I recently flew to Michigan and took the depositions of all three doctors who were scheduled to testify against the family.
Jacob’s treating physician is the key.
I prepared for the depositions by obtaining copies of the official “package inserts” that the FDA requires all drug companies to give to physicians and patients. Undoubtedly, you have seen these inserts when you have picked up prescriptions for your children.
The inserts tell you several things:
Indicated uses—that is a list of the diseases for which there is evidence that the drug is a safe and effective treatment.
Warnings—these are strong cautions that indicate serious potential issues.
Side effects—these disclose all of the potential consequences that arise from taking the drug.
Approved for children—there is a specific disclaimer on many drugs that indicate whether the drugs have been proven to be safe and effective for children.
“Have all of these drugs been approved by the FDA as safe and effective for children?” I asked Jacob’s treating oncologist.
“Yes,” she replied, they have been FDA-approved for children.
According to the official package inserts that we were able to obtain, she is just flat wrong.
She wanted to continue to give Ifosfamide to Jacob.
The FDA disclosure for this drug says: “Pediatric Use: Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients have not been established.”
The oncologist wanted to give Jacob a weeks’ worth of Etoposide.
The FDA disclosure says: “Pediatric Use: Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients have not been established.”
The warning on the drug Doxorubicin says: “Pediatric patients are at increased risk for developing delayed cardiotoxicity.” This means that the drug can cause severe harm to a child’s heart—at even higher rates than it can in adults.
In fact, as it turned out, the treating doctor had never even seen, much less read, these official FDA-required package inserts. She did state that she had seen similar information from other sources.
Most of the drugs did not list Jacob’s form of cancer as an “indicated use.” This means that these drugs had not been tested and validated as safe and effective for this particular kind of cancer—even for adults, much less for children.
And then we get to the official warnings and side effects.
In addition to the strong warnings about “congestive heart failure” from Doxorubicin, other drugs the doctor wanted to give were known to have caused cancer—new forms of cancer—in patients being treated for an original cancer. Vincristine’s label is typical of these warnings: “Patients who received chemotherapy with vinchristine sulfate in combination with anticancer drugs known to be carcinogenic have developed second malignancies.” The warning labels say that sometimes these second cancers develop years after the treatment.
All five of the drugs that the doctors want to give Jacob are either known to cause other cancers or have not been fully tested.
Some of the other side effects for these drugs include:
Damage to the cranial motor nerves
Serious infections
Failure of boys to sexually mature
The inability to father children
It would take pages to recite all of the warnings and side effects.
Parental rights are increasingly being lost in the medical arena. I am beginning to wonder why physicians even bother asking for parental consent if they will just do an end run around the parents whenever it is convenient for them to do so.
This is not an easy case. It is not a case where a child has a current illness and the treatment is tested and proven to be safe and effective—those cases are easily resolved. The best evidence is that Jacob no longer has objective evidence of cancer. And not a single drug that the doctors want to give Jacob is FDA-approved for children for his kind of cancer.
This is a case where there must be a judgment call—a balancing of risks.
Who makes that call?
The doctor told me during the deposition that she thinks that she should make the call—for every child in this situation. And she would give the same answer every time, rather than making an individual judgment.
I can’t imagine a more clear case of the need for parental rights. This is a decision that requires the wisdom of God.
HSLDA was established to defend parental rights in the context of homeschooling. But the assault on parental rights comes to us on many fronts. This is why we have set up the Homeschool Freedom Fund to enable us to fight important cases for the broader principle of parental rights. Our regular membership fees do not stretch far enough to cover these kinds of cases. We truly need your help to be able to fight for the principles we all hold dear.
If you would like to stand with us in this critical battle for parental rights, I would ask you to send the very best gift you can to the Home School Foundation’s Homeschool Freedom Fund. All gifts to HSF are tax-deductible.
This trial is coming soon—we will send out email alerts if there is any change in the schedule.
Fighting a case of this magnitude is an expensive proposition. I hope you will be as generous as possible so that we may cover travel costs, local counsel, and deposition expenses—for this case and future cases where justice demands action to preserve freedom.
Our nation was founded upon the traditions of Western Civilization. This civilization was founded on the principles of the Word of God. God gives children to parents—not to the state, and not to doctors. In cases like this one, our legal system must remain steadfast in following the principle that God has delegated these kinds of decisions to parents, not to doctors, social workers, or courts.
Please pray for the Stieler family’s case and help as best you can. Thank you.
Donate to the Homeschool Freedom Fund
to help with this and other cases!
HSLDA Chairman
Who should make very difficult decisions for children? Parents or doctors?
In March of this year, 8-year-old Jacob Stieler was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma, a dangerous bone cancer. His parents took him to a highly-rated children’s oncology center in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Jacob had surgery to remove the tumor, which was followed by several rounds of chemotherapy. The treatment was incredibly difficult, and Jacob’s mom, Erin, told me that when she looked her son in the eyes, she knew in her heart that he simply could not survive many more rounds of these drugs.
Erin and Ken, Jacob’s mom and dad, joined by hundreds of others, prayed for Jacob and his complete recovery.
After all of these rounds of chemotherapy were completed, there was a PET scan done to check on the status of the cancer. There was no evidence of cancer detected in Jacob’s body. Jacob’s family and friends rejoiced in his healing—praising God for this wonderful outcome.
But the doctors wanted to give Jacob several more rounds of chemotherapy and radiation, despite the clean PET scan. When asked why they wanted to keep giving Jacob these incredibly dangerous drugs, the doctors replied that this was “the standard of care” for his illness.
Jacob’s parents begged the doctors to make an individual diagnosis, rather than simply following unbending standards. But the doctors were steadfast. All children with this cancer needed multiple rounds of these drugs—regardless of PET scan results, the doctors contended.
Jacob’s parents did extensive study of the side effects of the five different chemotherapy drugs that the doctor wanted to administer. And they believed that the risk of the drugs was far greater than the risk of recurrent
cancer, since Jacob had a clean PET scan. They said no to the doctors. No more chemotherapy treatment for now.
But the doctors would not take no for an answer. They called child protective services in Jacob’s county and asked the agency to file charges against the family for medical neglect.
After looking into the matter, both the local CPS agency and the local prosecuting attorney refused to file charges. They believed that the parents were making reasonable decisions for Jacob.
The doctors still would not take no for an answer. They called higher authorities in the state level CPS agency. The doctors had to make several calls before they finally found someone who would agree with them.
As a result of all of these calls, the local CPS agency was pressured into filing medical neglect charges against the parents.
The local prosecutor still refused to take a case against the family, so the state level CPS officials hired an independent private lawyer to serve as the prosecutor against Ken and Erin Stieler.
A jury trial is scheduled for early January to determine if the doctors will be given the authority to take over the medical decision-making for Jacob.
When I heard about this case—and checked out the facts—I knew that I could not sit on the sidelines and watch this family be overrun and parental rights be trashed by well-meaning but overzealous doctors.
I recently flew to Michigan and took the depositions of all three doctors who were scheduled to testify against the family.
Jacob’s treating physician is the key.
I prepared for the depositions by obtaining copies of the official “package inserts” that the FDA requires all drug companies to give to physicians and patients. Undoubtedly, you have seen these inserts when you have picked up prescriptions for your children.
The inserts tell you several things:
Indicated uses—that is a list of the diseases for which there is evidence that the drug is a safe and effective treatment.
Warnings—these are strong cautions that indicate serious potential issues.
Side effects—these disclose all of the potential consequences that arise from taking the drug.
Approved for children—there is a specific disclaimer on many drugs that indicate whether the drugs have been proven to be safe and effective for children.
“Have all of these drugs been approved by the FDA as safe and effective for children?” I asked Jacob’s treating oncologist.
“Yes,” she replied, they have been FDA-approved for children.
According to the official package inserts that we were able to obtain, she is just flat wrong.
She wanted to continue to give Ifosfamide to Jacob.
The FDA disclosure for this drug says: “Pediatric Use: Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients have not been established.”
The oncologist wanted to give Jacob a weeks’ worth of Etoposide.
The FDA disclosure says: “Pediatric Use: Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients have not been established.”
The warning on the drug Doxorubicin says: “Pediatric patients are at increased risk for developing delayed cardiotoxicity.” This means that the drug can cause severe harm to a child’s heart—at even higher rates than it can in adults.
In fact, as it turned out, the treating doctor had never even seen, much less read, these official FDA-required package inserts. She did state that she had seen similar information from other sources.
Most of the drugs did not list Jacob’s form of cancer as an “indicated use.” This means that these drugs had not been tested and validated as safe and effective for this particular kind of cancer—even for adults, much less for children.
And then we get to the official warnings and side effects.
In addition to the strong warnings about “congestive heart failure” from Doxorubicin, other drugs the doctor wanted to give were known to have caused cancer—new forms of cancer—in patients being treated for an original cancer. Vincristine’s label is typical of these warnings: “Patients who received chemotherapy with vinchristine sulfate in combination with anticancer drugs known to be carcinogenic have developed second malignancies.” The warning labels say that sometimes these second cancers develop years after the treatment.
All five of the drugs that the doctors want to give Jacob are either known to cause other cancers or have not been fully tested.
Some of the other side effects for these drugs include:
Damage to the cranial motor nerves
Serious infections
Failure of boys to sexually mature
The inability to father children
It would take pages to recite all of the warnings and side effects.
Parental rights are increasingly being lost in the medical arena. I am beginning to wonder why physicians even bother asking for parental consent if they will just do an end run around the parents whenever it is convenient for them to do so.
This is not an easy case. It is not a case where a child has a current illness and the treatment is tested and proven to be safe and effective—those cases are easily resolved. The best evidence is that Jacob no longer has objective evidence of cancer. And not a single drug that the doctors want to give Jacob is FDA-approved for children for his kind of cancer.
This is a case where there must be a judgment call—a balancing of risks.
Who makes that call?
The doctor told me during the deposition that she thinks that she should make the call—for every child in this situation. And she would give the same answer every time, rather than making an individual judgment.
I can’t imagine a more clear case of the need for parental rights. This is a decision that requires the wisdom of God.
HSLDA was established to defend parental rights in the context of homeschooling. But the assault on parental rights comes to us on many fronts. This is why we have set up the Homeschool Freedom Fund to enable us to fight important cases for the broader principle of parental rights. Our regular membership fees do not stretch far enough to cover these kinds of cases. We truly need your help to be able to fight for the principles we all hold dear.
If you would like to stand with us in this critical battle for parental rights, I would ask you to send the very best gift you can to the Home School Foundation’s Homeschool Freedom Fund. All gifts to HSF are tax-deductible.
This trial is coming soon—we will send out email alerts if there is any change in the schedule.
Fighting a case of this magnitude is an expensive proposition. I hope you will be as generous as possible so that we may cover travel costs, local counsel, and deposition expenses—for this case and future cases where justice demands action to preserve freedom.
Our nation was founded upon the traditions of Western Civilization. This civilization was founded on the principles of the Word of God. God gives children to parents—not to the state, and not to doctors. In cases like this one, our legal system must remain steadfast in following the principle that God has delegated these kinds of decisions to parents, not to doctors, social workers, or courts.
Please pray for the Stieler family’s case and help as best you can. Thank you.
Donate to the Homeschool Freedom Fund
to help with this and other cases!
April 28, 2011
Letterboxing Totals Update
I see I haven't updated this blog for quite some time. Most of my blogging time is spent over on our Laughing Orca Ranch Blog.
But it's time to update our letterbox totals. Our goal is to reach at least 400 boxes found this year....hopefully more. Now if only the price of gas would cooperate.
1.Veterans' Memorial (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/12/2007
2.Koi Fish (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/12/2007
3.La Cueva Arrow (Albuquerque, NM) - 03/13/2007
4.The Netherwood Box (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/12/2007
5.Los Vaqueros (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/13/2007
6.Domingo Baca (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/13/2007
7.Rosche's Little Affair (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/15/2007
8.ABQ Sunport (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/20/2007
9.Urban Forest (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/20/2007
10.Embudo Canyon (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/2/2006
11.It's Chile Out Here! (Hatch, NM) - 4/14/2007
12.What is the Thing? (Dragoon, AZ) - 4/14/2007
13.Lordsburg (Lordsburg, NM) - 4/14/2007
14.Tombstone (Tombstone, AZ) - 4/18/2007
15.Rolling Stones (Tombstone, AZ) - 4/18/2007
16.Lincoln Park (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
17.AMARC (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
18.Fly Catcher (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
19.Going Batty II (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
20.Phainopepia (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
21.Rock Solid (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
22.1st Annual (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
23.Diamondback Crossing (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
24.Diamondback Bridge (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
25.3rd at Columbus Letterbox (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
23.Columbus Park Letterbox (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
24.Silverbell Letterbox (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
25.Crystal's Cathouse Hostel: [5 Hitchhikers] (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
26.Rolling Stones Re-Mixed (Texas Canyon, AZ) - 4/27/2007
27.Ibex Box (Deming, NM) - 4/27/2007
28.Black and White (Mystery, NM) - 5/16/2007
29.Isotopes (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/18/2007
30.Abundant Water (Ft. Stockton, TX) - 5/26/2007
31.Displaced Donkey (Ft. Stockton, TX) - 5/26/2007
32.Leaning Tower of Pease, Texas Governor Series (Austin, TX) - 5/26/2007
33.Oakwood Cemetery (Austin, TX) - 5/26/2007
34.Branding Iron (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/28/2007
35.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
36.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
37.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
38.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
39.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
40.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
41.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
42.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
43.Explorers Circle (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
44.Mark by Mark (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
45.Call of the Wild (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
46.America's StoryTeller (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
47.Literary Ace (Tomball,TX) - 5/30/2007
48.Elm Creek Quilts-Quilt Block Series (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
49.Harry's Headache (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
50.The Stamp (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
51.True North (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
52.Runners High Series Box #1 Visual Aid (The Woodlands, TX) - 6/1/2007
53.Runners High Series Box #3 Tee Time (The Woodlands, TX) - 6/1/2007
54.Mercer Monarch (Spring, TX) - 6/2/2007
55.Grandmother's Flower Garden-Quilt Block Series (Spring, TX) - 6/2/2007
56.Panda Bear, what do you see? (Humble, TX) - 6/2/2007
57.The Pinata Box [18+ stamps!] (Humble, TX) - 6/2/2007
58.A Sssssnake Story (Humble, TX) - 6/2/2007
59.Cactus Pot (Kerrville, TX) - 6/5/2007
60.Peace on Earth (Kerrville, TX) - 6/5/2007
62.Cattle on the Mesa (Fabens, TX) - 6/5/2007
63.Windy Day (Alamagordo, NM) - 6/6/2007
64.Atari E.T.-Random Wierdness Box#3 (Alamagordo, NM) - 6/6/2007
65.Sandia Crest (Albuquerque, NM) - 6/18/2007
66.The Aliens have Landed (Socorro, NM) - 6/19/2007
67.Space Port "Take Me To Your Leader" (Truth or Consequences, NM) - 6/19/2007
68.Cabinet Box (Deming, NM) - 6/19/2007
69.Bisbee Box (Bisbee, AZ) - 6/24/2007
70.Bisbee Pass (Bisbee, AZ) - 6/24/2007
71.Doc and Brutus (Pomerene, AZ) - 6/25/2007
72.To the Bat Cave (Benson, AZ) - 6/26/2007
73.Boys of Summer (Tucson, AZ) - 6/27/2007
74.Presidio Downtown Walking Tour #1 (Tucson,AZ) - 6/27/2007
75.Presidio Downtown Walking Tour #3 (Tucson,AZ) - 6/27/2007
76.Crocodile Duck Dee (Tucson, AZ) - 6/28/2007
77.Tucson (Tucson, AZ) - 6/28/2007
78.Speedway (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
79.Agua Caliente (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
80.Ben's Bells (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
81.C is for Cougar (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
82.Coati Corner (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
83.San Pedro River (Sierra Vista, AZ) - 7/6/2007
84.Geology 101-'Limestone' (Vail, AZ) - 7/7/2007
85.Rincon Valley (Vail, AZ) - 7/7/2007
86.Five Minutes of my Life (Tucson, AZ) - 7/7/2007
87.Willcox Playa (Willcox, AZ) - 7/11/2007
88.Ladybug Peak (Bonita, AZ) - 7/11/2007
89.Safford Cotton (Safford, AZ) - 7/11/2007
90.Vexing Letterbox Anomaly (Mystery Box) - 7/11/2007
91.The Red Brick (Farmington, NM) - 7/22/2007
92.Downtown Moab (Moab, Utah) - 7/22/2007
93.Happy 10th,11th, 13th Birthday (Moab, Utah) - 7/22/2007
94.Choose the Right 'Pawth' (Provo, Utah) - 7/23/2007
95.Moose (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
96.Utah's State Symbol Series: Elk (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
97.Olympic Letterbox (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
98.The Swaner Box (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
99.Bark City Letterbox (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
100.Summit County Library (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
101.Farmin' Fun Fer All (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
102.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
103.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
104.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
105.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
106.Wetlands #1 Catch & Release (Sandy, Utah) - 7/26/2007
107.Wetlands #2 Fowl Play (Sandy, Utah) - 7/26/2007
108.Utah State Symbol Series: Sego Lily (Sandy, Utah) - 7/26/2007
109.Horse Thief Trail (Moab, Utah) - 7/27/2007
110.Fish Out of Water (Moab, Utah) - 7/27/2007
111.Moab Man (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
112.Dourown Petroglyph Panel (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
113.Art on the Rocks (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
114.Newspaper Rock Box (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
115.Indian Creek Box (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
116.Hole in the Rock~Spanish Trail Box (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
117.Four Corners (Four Corners, Colorado) - 7/28/2007
118.Tunnel Canyon (Tijeras, NM) - 8/23/2007
119.A Texas Acorn (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/30/2007
120.The Netherwood Box Re-Visited (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/30/2007
121.Bio Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/6/2007
Santa Fe Letterboxing Spooktacular Event
122.A Little Scare (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
123.Araneae (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
124.Day of the Dead: Cancion de Amor (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
125.Day of the Dead: La Catrina (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
126.Double, Double Toil and Trouble (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
127.Flight 1007 (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
128.Fly by Night (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
129.I wnt 2 suk yor bl%d (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
130.I'm a Lumberjack and I'm Ok (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
131.The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
132.You've got Candy (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
End-Santa Fe Letterboxing Spooktacular Event
133.Rattlesnake (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/12/2008
134.Los Altos Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/12/2008
135.Smokey Bear (Capitan, NM) - 5/25/2008
136.Embudito:Letterboxing is for the birds (Albuquerque, NM) -7/20/2008
137.Lost Dog: German Short Hair (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008
138.Bosque:Letterboxing is for the Birds (Albuquerque, NM) (3 boxes)- 8/11/2008
139.Bosque:Letterboxing is for the Birds (Albuquerque, NM) (3 boxes)- 8/11/2008
140.Bosque:Letterboxing is for the Birds (Albuquerque, NM) (3 boxes)- 8/11/2008
141.Roosevelt Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/11/08
142.Alburwocky: (Mystery Box, NM) - 9/11/08
143.Alphabetical New Mexico~Quarra (Mountainair, NM) - 10/08/08
144.Miner at the Mirador (Cerillos, NM) - 10/18/08
145.Letterboxing is for the Birds~Hawk Watch (Carnuel, NM) - 10/24/08
146.Paws & Purrs Kitten (Santa Fe) - 10/26/08
147.Paw & Purrs Puppy (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
148.Put a little love in your heart (Bonus Box) (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
149.La Paloma (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
150.Fortitudo Dei (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
151.Giant Rebel of Eden (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
152.Bear in Mind (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
153.The Crow Knows (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
154.Are your Dogs Barking (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
155.Honor, Loyalty & Peace (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
156.Lizard Goes South (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
157.Artful Southwest: Santa Fe Style (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
158.The Art of Ebru (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
159.The Falling Leaves (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
160.1/4 of July Canyon (Tajique, NM) - 11/04/08
161.Marsh Mellow (San Antonio, NM) - 12/15/08
162.Dabbling Duck (San Antonio, NM) - 12/15/08
163.Alphabetical New Mexico:Sand Hill Crane (San Antonio, NM) - 12/15/08
164.Camel Rock (Tesuque, NM) - 2/20/2009
165.New Mexico in a Box (Socorro, NM) - 03/22/09
166.Pie Time (Socorro, NM) - 03/22/09
167.Oso Canyon (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
168.Hidden Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
169.Bataan Memorial Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
170.UNM Dreams (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
171.The Book of Eli (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/11/2009
172.Alphabetical New Mexico: M (William C. McDonald) (White Oaks, NM) - 5/11/2009
173.Alphabetical New Mexico: W (White Oaks, NM) - 5/11/2009
174.Alphabetical New Mexico: Billie the Kid (Lincoln, NM) - 5/16/2009
175.Santa Fe Southern (Lamy, NM) - 7/04/2009
176.Salman Ranch (La Cueva, NM) - 7/04/2009
177.Coyote Creek State Park (Guadalapita, NM) - 7/04/2009
178.Angel Fire (Angel Fire, NM) - 7/04/2009
179.ABC New Mexico: Vietnam Veterans Memorial(Angel Fire, NM) 7/04/2009
180.The Dykes of Red River (Red River, NM) - 7/04/2009
181.Hummingbird (Red River, NM) - 7/04/2009
182.Foxy Box (Red River, NM) - 7/04/2009
183.Humming Hummingbird (Eagle Nest, NM) - 7/04/2009
184.ABC New Mexico: Eagle Nest Lake (Eagle Nest, NM) - 7/04/2009
185.The Lazy Wheeler (Eagle Nest, NM) - 7/04/2009
186.Christmas in July (Mora, NM) - 7/04/2009
187.Embudito: Letterboxing Is For The Birds! Box #1 - (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008
188.Embudito: Letterboxing Is For The Birds! Box #2 - (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008
189.Center of the Universe (Mystery Box, NM) - 8/12/09
190.Pueblo Palace (Bonus Box, NM) - 8/12/09
191.Rivers Edge (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
192.Everyone's Ditching Me (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
193.ABC Dolphin (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
194.Pedalin Poet (Albuquerque, NM) -8/27/09
195.Pedalin Papa (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
196.Dawn Light (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
197.Tunnel Springs Turtle (Placitas, NM) - 9/02/09
198.The Climbing Tree (Corrales, NM) - 9/02/09
199.Pedalin' Pigtail (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/02/09
200.Pedalin' Choo Choo-Bonus Box (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/03/09
201.New Mexico State Fair (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/03/09
202.Play Pasture Pool (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/20/09
203.Anisoptera (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/20/09
Santa Fe El Rancho de Los Letterboxes Event
204.Hiding in Plain Sight (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
205.Ms. Forktail (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
206.Descansos (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
207.Battlefield New Mexico (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
208.Water-powered Grist Mill (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
209.For Leonora (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
210. El Camino (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
211.Ox Cart (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
212.Not Wonder Bread (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
213.O'K Jimson (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
214.El Rancho de las Golondrinas (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
End-Santa Fe El Rancho de Los Letterboxes Event
215.Always in Style (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
216.Stamp in Every State: New Mexico Pug (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
217.Felis Concolor (Cerillos, NM) - 9/26/2009
218.Poecile Gambeli (Tijeras, NM) - 9/29/2009
219.Soon a Monsoon (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/4/2009
220.The Beav~Bonus Box (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/4/2009
221.Canis Latrans~Bonus Box (Cerillos, NM) - 10/4/2009
222.Feathered Serpent (Mystery Box) - 10/14/2009
223.I knew I shoulda taken a left at Albuquerque (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/14/2009
224.Mass Happiness! (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/18/2009
225.Lucky Sevens (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/18/2009
226.Magical Gate (Cerillos, NM) - 10/19/2009
227.New Mexico's Eternal Flame (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
228.Keep Swimming (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
229.A Boy and His Tiger (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
230.Land of Enchantment Series-State Flag (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
231.Land of Enchantment Series-State Tree (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
232.Land of Enchantment Series-State Fossil (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
233.Land of Enchantment Series-State Mammal (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
234.Land of Enchantment Series-State Insect (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
235.Land of Enchantment Series-State Bird (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
236.Siddhartha Guatama (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
237.Going in Circles (Santa Fe, NM) -10/19/2009
238.Stuck in the Bosque (Albuquerque, NM) - 11/4/2009
239.Which Way From Here (Stanley, NM) - 11/5/2009
240.The Flying Mini (Reno, NV) - 11/7/2009
241.A Buckin' Bronco (Reno, NV) - 11/7/2009
242.La Reina de Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/20/2010
243.Colores (Cedar Crest, NM) - 4/20/2010
244.Stench (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/27/2010
245.La Morena (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/27/2010
246.My Plane Ride to New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/8/2010
247.The Spinning Burro (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/10/2010
248.Burrito/Tiny Little Burro (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/10/2010
249.El Conquistador (San Ysidro, NM) - 5/20/2010
250.Tarry at Tamara (Bernalillo, NM) - 6/6/2010
251.Road Trip (Pilar, NM) - 7/2/2010
252.Side Trip (Pilar, NM) - 7/2/1010
253.Speed Racer (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/8/2010
254.A Southwest Icon (Santa Fe, NM) -7/14/2010
255.SFS (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
256.Animalia (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
257.Land of Enchantment Series-State Fish (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
258.Land of Enchantment Series-State Flower (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
259.Land of Enchantment Series-State Vegetable (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
260.Ski Bear (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
261.A Kiss from Connecticut (Cerrillos, NM) - 7/14/2010
262.KIMO (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/2/2010
263.Micro-Soft, It's Not Ice Cream! (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/2/2010
264.Redtop Diner (Edgewood, NM) - 8/3/2010
265.Southwest Pieta (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/9/2010
266.New Heart (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/9/2010
267.Chevy on a Stick (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/9/2010
268.Coyote del Bosque (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/12/2010
269.Betsy Ross (Philadelphia, PA) - 9/16/2010
270.An Epic Weekend (Philadelphia, PA) - 9/16/2010
271.Interstate Rest Stops VA I-81N 108 MM (Radford, VA) - 9/20/2010
272.Things that make you go Hmmm (Groom, TX) - 9/22/2010
273.VW Slug Bug Ranch (Conway, TX) - 9/22/2010
274.Shorty Was Here (Amarillo, TX) - 9/22/2010
275.Windy Memorial (Vega, TX) - 9/22/2010
276.Big Valley (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
277.Oppenheimer (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
278.The Black Hole (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
279.ABC New Mexico: A for Atomic Bombs (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
280.ABC New Mexico: T for Turquoise Trail (Madrid, NM) - 9/26/2010
281.Panda and the Poo (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/28/2010
282.Chainsaw Bear (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/29/2010
283.All Aboard the RailRunner (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/5/2010
284.Open a Book (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/17/2010
285.Calavera (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/17/2010
286.Santa Fe Songbird (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/17/2010
287.La Piedra Rosa (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/17/2010
288.Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/17/2010
289.Bike Bridge (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/22/2010
290.Tiguex Tweet (Albuquerque, NM) - 11/11/2010
291.Volcano Aslumber (Albuquerque, NM) - 12/2/2010
292.KA (Mystery) - 12/2/2010
293.Art Attack! (#1) (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/4/2010
294.Little Edie's Hitchhiker Hostel (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/4/2010
295.Is She Mary? (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/4/2010
296.Turkey Two Step (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/10/2010
297.Artful Southwest - Little Pot (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/10/2010
298.Follow the Mold (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/10/2010
299.A Pressing Matter (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/10/2010
300.Thaumaturgic Escalator (Mystery) - 1/28/2011
301.Santa Fe Trails Microbox (Santa Fe, NM) - 2/18/2011
302.lionsmane's 5 Year Letterboxiversary (Santa Fe, NM) - 2/18/2011
303.Clay Menagerie #1 (Tesuque, NM) - 2/18/2011
304.Clay Menagerie #3 (Tesuque, NM) - 2/18/2011
305.Clay Menagerie #4 (Tesuque, NM) - 2/18/2011
306.El Santuario de Chimayo (Chimayo, NM) - 2/18/2011
307.La Luz (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/8/2011
308.ABC New Mexico - Zuni Pueblo (Zuni, NM) - 3/15/2011
309.On The Run (Gallup, NM) - 3/15/2011
310.Red Rock (Church Rock, NM) - 3/15/2011
311.A Slice of Life (Santa Fe, NM) - 4/2/2011
312.Pin Up Stamp Swap 2: Tess (Santa Fe, NM) - 4/2/2011
313.City Different Walking Tour (Santa Fe, NM) - 4/2/2011
314.Artful Southwest: Cathedral Moon (Santa Fe, NM) - 4/2/2011
315.King of the Road (Santa Fe, NM) - 4/2/2011
315.Amelia's Rose (Santa Fe, NM) - 4/2/2011
1.Mariposa Ranch (Rio Rancho, NM) - 3/16/2007
2.Sandia Man Cave (Placitas, NM) - 3/16/2007
3.Vikings in New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/18/2007(MISSING)
4.Indian Blanket (Bernalillo, NM) - 5/20/2007
5.The Catwalk (Glenwood, NM) - 7/11/2007
6.Tijeras (Tijeras, NM) - 5/17/2008
7.DWI Memorial (Moriarty, NM)- 5/20/2008
8.Golden Eagle (Edgewod, NM) - 7/08/2008
9.Have a Javalina (Edgewood, NM) - 7/08/2008
10.The Masked Bandit (Edgewood, NM) - 7/08/2008
11.The Big "I" (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008(RETIRED)
12.Monkey Cave (Tijeras, NM) - 11/07/2008
13.Fortune Teller (Sandia Park, NM) -03/28/2009
14.Corrales Crawdad (Corrales, NM) - 4/21/2009
15.Zig Zag (Claunch, NM) - 05/16/2009
16.Smack Dab in the Middle (Mystery, NM) - 05/16/2009
17.Who? Who? (Cerillos, NM) - 10/4/2009)
18.Sandia Peak Tram (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/16/2009
19.Wind Power (Willard, NM) - 5/10/2010
20.Valley of Fires (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/10/2010
21.Beatles Series - "Octopus's Garden" (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/8/2010
22.Beatles Series - "Blue Jay Way" (Cedar Crest, NM) - 7/8/2010
23.Beatles Series - "Lend Me Your Comb" (Cedar Crest, NM) - 7/10/2010
24.Beatles Series - "Old Brown Shoe" (Cedar Crest, NM) - 7/10/2010
25.Beatles Series - "The Long and Winding Road" (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
26.Beatles Series - "In Spite of all the Danger" (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
27.Beatles Series - "Dizzy Miss Lizzy" (Tijeras, NM) - 8/1/2010
28.Beatles Series - "I Want to Hold Your Hand" (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/22/2010
29.Beatles Series - "Day Tripper" (Madrid, NM) - 10/24/20
30.Beatles Series - "Yellow Submarine" (Albuquerque, NM) - 12/2/2010
31.Beatles Series - "I Am The Walrus" (Santa Fe, NM) - 2/19/2011
32.Beatles Series - "From a Window" (Grants, NM) - 3/15/2011
33.Beatles Series - "Lady Madonna" (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/21/2011
34.Beatles Series - "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/21/2011
35.Beatles Series - "Revolution" (Santa Fe, NM) - 4/2/2011
Soon to be planted:
36.Beatles Series - "Please Mr. Postman" (Cedar Crest, NM)
37.Beatles Series - "Sheik of Araby" - (Ramah, NM)
38.Beatles Series - "Dig A Pony" - (Ramah, NM)
39.Beatles Series: "Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite" - (Edgewood, NM)
40.Beatles Series: "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" - (Edgewood, NM)
41.Beatles Series - "Honey Pie" (Pie Town, NM)
42.Beatles Series - "Nothing Shakin'" (Santa Fe, NM)
43.Beatles Series - "Yesterday" (Tijeras, NM)
44.Beatles Series - "Blackbird" (Tijeras, NM)
45.Beatles Series - "Happiness is a Warm Gun"
46.Beatles Series - "Everybody's got Something to Hide Except me and my Monkey" (Tijeras, NM)
47.Beatles Series - "Ticket To Ride" (Cedar Crest, NM)
48.Beatles Series - "Norwegian Wood" (Albuquerque, NM)
1.Hebrew Aleph-Bet~Zayin (Albuquerque,NM) - 3/20/2007 (Placed: "It's Chile Out There~Hatch, NM - 4/14/2007)
2.Merry Traveler (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
3.World Traveler (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
4.Reading Rocks Bookworm (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
5.Green Leaf (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
6.Sandy (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
7.The Cannonball (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
8.Reading Rocks BookWorm (Bisbee, AZ) - 6/24/2007 (Placed: "Wetlands #2 Fowl Play~Sandy, UT - 7/26/2007)
9.Mojo (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008 (Placed: "Tijeras"~Tijeras, NM - 7/27/2008)
10.Hermie Hitchhiker Cuckoo Camino (Tajique, NM) - 7/04/2008 (Placed: Alphabetical New Mexico-Quarai - 11/4/2008)
11.Moving On (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
12.GWB (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/12/09 (Placed: Pedalin Poet~Albuquerque, NM - 8/27/09)
13.The Only Thing to Do (Santa Fe, NM) - 09/26/2009 (Placed: Albuquerque, NM)
14.Thar She Blows (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009 (Placed: Reno, NV)
15.Symbols of Asia (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010 (Placed: ABC NM Atomic Bombs 9/26/10)
16.Silhoette with Chair (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/2/2010 (Placed: Albuquerque, NM 8/9/10)
17.Get Off of My Back (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/12/2010 (Placed Panda and the Poo, ABQ, NM 9/28/10)
18.Sightseeing Starfish (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/24/2010 (Placed Beatles Series "Day Tripper" Mystery, NM)
19.PHI (Albuquerque, NM) - 12/4/2010 (Placed Little Edie's Hitchhiker Hostel, Santa Fe, NM)
20.Lemon Shark (Santa Fe, NM) -12/4/2010
21.Talk to the Paw (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/4/2010
22.I'm Just a Girl (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/4/2010
23.50 is Nifty (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/4/2010
24.Let Yourself Shine (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/4/2010
1. ¡Bienvenidos! 2007 (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
2. G is for gatherings (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
3. LBNA Map Roving Event Stamp (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
4. Santa Fe SPOOKtacular Letterboxing Event Stamp (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
5. SPOOKtacular Magic Words (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
6.iBienvenidos! 2009 (Santa Fe, NM) - Sept 26, 2009
7.El Rancho de las Letterboxing (Santa Fe, NM) -Sept. 26, 2009
1.Santa Fe SPOOKtacular (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct. 6, 2007
2.El Rancho de las Letterboxing (Santa Fe, NM) - Sept. 26, 2009
1. Cutie Bee (Tijeras, NM) -July, 21, 2008
2.Evil Bat (Santa Fe)- October 6, 2007
3.Putting on Pounds (Santa Fe)- October 6, 2007
3.Clover (Santa Fe)- Ocober 6, 2007
1. A Corking Carivan (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
2. Aztraveler (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
3. Cowabunga! (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
4. Gait Training (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
5. Literary Personal Traveler (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
6. No Mirrors for Me (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
7. Sheshells (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
8.Slainte (Santa Fe, NM) - Sept 26, 2009
Lionsmane, Astro D, The Great Wuga Wuga, Rubberpeace, RBR Horno, Highwayman, Front Range Hiker, Warm Front, Cold Front, Azroadie, AZJokester, y nought, preboxed, Triple T's, South Hill Hendersons, Fantastyk Voyager, Phancy Phan Tail, Blind Smiley, Potted Frog, Dutch Rabbit, Wrong Hat, St. Patty's Day, Dewberry
But it's time to update our letterbox totals. Our goal is to reach at least 400 boxes found this year....hopefully more. Now if only the price of gas would cooperate.
1.Veterans' Memorial (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/12/2007
2.Koi Fish (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/12/2007
3.La Cueva Arrow (Albuquerque, NM) - 03/13/2007
4.The Netherwood Box (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/12/2007
5.Los Vaqueros (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/13/2007
6.Domingo Baca (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/13/2007
7.Rosche's Little Affair (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/15/2007
8.ABQ Sunport (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/20/2007
9.Urban Forest (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/20/2007
10.Embudo Canyon (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/2/2006
11.It's Chile Out Here! (Hatch, NM) - 4/14/2007
12.What is the Thing? (Dragoon, AZ) - 4/14/2007
13.Lordsburg (Lordsburg, NM) - 4/14/2007
14.Tombstone (Tombstone, AZ) - 4/18/2007
15.Rolling Stones (Tombstone, AZ) - 4/18/2007
16.Lincoln Park (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
17.AMARC (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
18.Fly Catcher (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
19.Going Batty II (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
20.Phainopepia (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
21.Rock Solid (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
22.1st Annual (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
23.Diamondback Crossing (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
24.Diamondback Bridge (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
25.3rd at Columbus Letterbox (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
23.Columbus Park Letterbox (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
24.Silverbell Letterbox (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
25.Crystal's Cathouse Hostel: [5 Hitchhikers] (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
26.Rolling Stones Re-Mixed (Texas Canyon, AZ) - 4/27/2007
27.Ibex Box (Deming, NM) - 4/27/2007
28.Black and White (Mystery, NM) - 5/16/2007
29.Isotopes (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/18/2007
30.Abundant Water (Ft. Stockton, TX) - 5/26/2007
31.Displaced Donkey (Ft. Stockton, TX) - 5/26/2007
32.Leaning Tower of Pease, Texas Governor Series (Austin, TX) - 5/26/2007
33.Oakwood Cemetery (Austin, TX) - 5/26/2007
34.Branding Iron (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/28/2007
35.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
36.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
37.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
38.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
39.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
40.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
41.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
42.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
43.Explorers Circle (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
44.Mark by Mark (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
45.Call of the Wild (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
46.America's StoryTeller (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
47.Literary Ace (Tomball,TX) - 5/30/2007
48.Elm Creek Quilts-Quilt Block Series (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
49.Harry's Headache (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
50.The Stamp (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
51.True North (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
52.Runners High Series Box #1 Visual Aid (The Woodlands, TX) - 6/1/2007
53.Runners High Series Box #3 Tee Time (The Woodlands, TX) - 6/1/2007
54.Mercer Monarch (Spring, TX) - 6/2/2007
55.Grandmother's Flower Garden-Quilt Block Series (Spring, TX) - 6/2/2007
56.Panda Bear, what do you see? (Humble, TX) - 6/2/2007
57.The Pinata Box [18+ stamps!] (Humble, TX) - 6/2/2007
58.A Sssssnake Story (Humble, TX) - 6/2/2007
59.Cactus Pot (Kerrville, TX) - 6/5/2007
60.Peace on Earth (Kerrville, TX) - 6/5/2007
62.Cattle on the Mesa (Fabens, TX) - 6/5/2007
63.Windy Day (Alamagordo, NM) - 6/6/2007
64.Atari E.T.-Random Wierdness Box#3 (Alamagordo, NM) - 6/6/2007
65.Sandia Crest (Albuquerque, NM) - 6/18/2007
66.The Aliens have Landed (Socorro, NM) - 6/19/2007
67.Space Port "Take Me To Your Leader" (Truth or Consequences, NM) - 6/19/2007
68.Cabinet Box (Deming, NM) - 6/19/2007
69.Bisbee Box (Bisbee, AZ) - 6/24/2007
70.Bisbee Pass (Bisbee, AZ) - 6/24/2007
71.Doc and Brutus (Pomerene, AZ) - 6/25/2007
72.To the Bat Cave (Benson, AZ) - 6/26/2007
73.Boys of Summer (Tucson, AZ) - 6/27/2007
74.Presidio Downtown Walking Tour #1 (Tucson,AZ) - 6/27/2007
75.Presidio Downtown Walking Tour #3 (Tucson,AZ) - 6/27/2007
76.Crocodile Duck Dee (Tucson, AZ) - 6/28/2007
77.Tucson (Tucson, AZ) - 6/28/2007
78.Speedway (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
79.Agua Caliente (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
80.Ben's Bells (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
81.C is for Cougar (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
82.Coati Corner (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
83.San Pedro River (Sierra Vista, AZ) - 7/6/2007
84.Geology 101-'Limestone' (Vail, AZ) - 7/7/2007
85.Rincon Valley (Vail, AZ) - 7/7/2007
86.Five Minutes of my Life (Tucson, AZ) - 7/7/2007
87.Willcox Playa (Willcox, AZ) - 7/11/2007
88.Ladybug Peak (Bonita, AZ) - 7/11/2007
89.Safford Cotton (Safford, AZ) - 7/11/2007
90.Vexing Letterbox Anomaly (Mystery Box) - 7/11/2007
91.The Red Brick (Farmington, NM) - 7/22/2007
92.Downtown Moab (Moab, Utah) - 7/22/2007
93.Happy 10th,11th, 13th Birthday (Moab, Utah) - 7/22/2007
94.Choose the Right 'Pawth' (Provo, Utah) - 7/23/2007
95.Moose (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
96.Utah's State Symbol Series: Elk (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
97.Olympic Letterbox (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
98.The Swaner Box (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
99.Bark City Letterbox (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
100.Summit County Library (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
101.Farmin' Fun Fer All (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
102.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
103.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
104.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
105.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
106.Wetlands #1 Catch & Release (Sandy, Utah) - 7/26/2007
107.Wetlands #2 Fowl Play (Sandy, Utah) - 7/26/2007
108.Utah State Symbol Series: Sego Lily (Sandy, Utah) - 7/26/2007
109.Horse Thief Trail (Moab, Utah) - 7/27/2007
110.Fish Out of Water (Moab, Utah) - 7/27/2007
111.Moab Man (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
112.Dourown Petroglyph Panel (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
113.Art on the Rocks (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
114.Newspaper Rock Box (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
115.Indian Creek Box (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
116.Hole in the Rock~Spanish Trail Box (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
117.Four Corners (Four Corners, Colorado) - 7/28/2007
118.Tunnel Canyon (Tijeras, NM) - 8/23/2007
119.A Texas Acorn (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/30/2007
120.The Netherwood Box Re-Visited (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/30/2007
121.Bio Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/6/2007
Santa Fe Letterboxing Spooktacular Event
122.A Little Scare (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
123.Araneae (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
124.Day of the Dead: Cancion de Amor (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
125.Day of the Dead: La Catrina (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
126.Double, Double Toil and Trouble (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
127.Flight 1007 (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
128.Fly by Night (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
129.I wnt 2 suk yor bl%d (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
130.I'm a Lumberjack and I'm Ok (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
131.The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
132.You've got Candy (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
End-Santa Fe Letterboxing Spooktacular Event
133.Rattlesnake (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/12/2008
134.Los Altos Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/12/2008
135.Smokey Bear (Capitan, NM) - 5/25/2008
136.Embudito:Letterboxing is for the birds (Albuquerque, NM) -7/20/2008
137.Lost Dog: German Short Hair (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008
138.Bosque:Letterboxing is for the Birds (Albuquerque, NM) (3 boxes)- 8/11/2008
139.Bosque:Letterboxing is for the Birds (Albuquerque, NM) (3 boxes)- 8/11/2008
140.Bosque:Letterboxing is for the Birds (Albuquerque, NM) (3 boxes)- 8/11/2008
141.Roosevelt Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/11/08
142.Alburwocky: (Mystery Box, NM) - 9/11/08
143.Alphabetical New Mexico~Quarra (Mountainair, NM) - 10/08/08
144.Miner at the Mirador (Cerillos, NM) - 10/18/08
145.Letterboxing is for the Birds~Hawk Watch (Carnuel, NM) - 10/24/08
146.Paws & Purrs Kitten (Santa Fe) - 10/26/08
147.Paw & Purrs Puppy (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
148.Put a little love in your heart (Bonus Box) (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
149.La Paloma (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
150.Fortitudo Dei (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
151.Giant Rebel of Eden (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
152.Bear in Mind (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
153.The Crow Knows (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
154.Are your Dogs Barking (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
155.Honor, Loyalty & Peace (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
156.Lizard Goes South (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
157.Artful Southwest: Santa Fe Style (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
158.The Art of Ebru (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
159.The Falling Leaves (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
160.1/4 of July Canyon (Tajique, NM) - 11/04/08
161.Marsh Mellow (San Antonio, NM) - 12/15/08
162.Dabbling Duck (San Antonio, NM) - 12/15/08
163.Alphabetical New Mexico:Sand Hill Crane (San Antonio, NM) - 12/15/08
164.Camel Rock (Tesuque, NM) - 2/20/2009
165.New Mexico in a Box (Socorro, NM) - 03/22/09
166.Pie Time (Socorro, NM) - 03/22/09
167.Oso Canyon (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
168.Hidden Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
169.Bataan Memorial Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
170.UNM Dreams (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
171.The Book of Eli (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/11/2009
172.Alphabetical New Mexico: M (William C. McDonald) (White Oaks, NM) - 5/11/2009
173.Alphabetical New Mexico: W (White Oaks, NM) - 5/11/2009
174.Alphabetical New Mexico: Billie the Kid (Lincoln, NM) - 5/16/2009
175.Santa Fe Southern (Lamy, NM) - 7/04/2009
176.Salman Ranch (La Cueva, NM) - 7/04/2009
177.Coyote Creek State Park (Guadalapita, NM) - 7/04/2009
178.Angel Fire (Angel Fire, NM) - 7/04/2009
179.ABC New Mexico: Vietnam Veterans Memorial(Angel Fire, NM) 7/04/2009
180.The Dykes of Red River (Red River, NM) - 7/04/2009
181.Hummingbird (Red River, NM) - 7/04/2009
182.Foxy Box (Red River, NM) - 7/04/2009
183.Humming Hummingbird (Eagle Nest, NM) - 7/04/2009
184.ABC New Mexico: Eagle Nest Lake (Eagle Nest, NM) - 7/04/2009
185.The Lazy Wheeler (Eagle Nest, NM) - 7/04/2009
186.Christmas in July (Mora, NM) - 7/04/2009
187.Embudito: Letterboxing Is For The Birds! Box #1 - (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008
188.Embudito: Letterboxing Is For The Birds! Box #2 - (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008
189.Center of the Universe (Mystery Box, NM) - 8/12/09
190.Pueblo Palace (Bonus Box, NM) - 8/12/09
191.Rivers Edge (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
192.Everyone's Ditching Me (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
193.ABC Dolphin (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
194.Pedalin Poet (Albuquerque, NM) -8/27/09
195.Pedalin Papa (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
196.Dawn Light (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
197.Tunnel Springs Turtle (Placitas, NM) - 9/02/09
198.The Climbing Tree (Corrales, NM) - 9/02/09
199.Pedalin' Pigtail (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/02/09
200.Pedalin' Choo Choo-Bonus Box (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/03/09
201.New Mexico State Fair (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/03/09
202.Play Pasture Pool (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/20/09
203.Anisoptera (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/20/09
Santa Fe El Rancho de Los Letterboxes Event
204.Hiding in Plain Sight (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
205.Ms. Forktail (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
206.Descansos (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
207.Battlefield New Mexico (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
208.Water-powered Grist Mill (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
209.For Leonora (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
210. El Camino (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
211.Ox Cart (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
212.Not Wonder Bread (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
213.O'K Jimson (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
214.El Rancho de las Golondrinas (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
End-Santa Fe El Rancho de Los Letterboxes Event
215.Always in Style (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
216.Stamp in Every State: New Mexico Pug (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
217.Felis Concolor (Cerillos, NM) - 9/26/2009
218.Poecile Gambeli (Tijeras, NM) - 9/29/2009
219.Soon a Monsoon (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/4/2009
220.The Beav~Bonus Box (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/4/2009
221.Canis Latrans~Bonus Box (Cerillos, NM) - 10/4/2009
222.Feathered Serpent (Mystery Box) - 10/14/2009
223.I knew I shoulda taken a left at Albuquerque (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/14/2009
224.Mass Happiness! (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/18/2009
225.Lucky Sevens (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/18/2009
226.Magical Gate (Cerillos, NM) - 10/19/2009
227.New Mexico's Eternal Flame (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
228.Keep Swimming (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
229.A Boy and His Tiger (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
230.Land of Enchantment Series-State Flag (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
231.Land of Enchantment Series-State Tree (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
232.Land of Enchantment Series-State Fossil (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
233.Land of Enchantment Series-State Mammal (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
234.Land of Enchantment Series-State Insect (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
235.Land of Enchantment Series-State Bird (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
236.Siddhartha Guatama (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
237.Going in Circles (Santa Fe, NM) -10/19/2009
238.Stuck in the Bosque (Albuquerque, NM) - 11/4/2009
239.Which Way From Here (Stanley, NM) - 11/5/2009
240.The Flying Mini (Reno, NV) - 11/7/2009
241.A Buckin' Bronco (Reno, NV) - 11/7/2009
242.La Reina de Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/20/2010
243.Colores (Cedar Crest, NM) - 4/20/2010
244.Stench (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/27/2010
245.La Morena (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/27/2010
246.My Plane Ride to New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/8/2010
247.The Spinning Burro (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/10/2010
248.Burrito/Tiny Little Burro (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/10/2010
249.El Conquistador (San Ysidro, NM) - 5/20/2010
250.Tarry at Tamara (Bernalillo, NM) - 6/6/2010
251.Road Trip (Pilar, NM) - 7/2/2010
252.Side Trip (Pilar, NM) - 7/2/1010
253.Speed Racer (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/8/2010
254.A Southwest Icon (Santa Fe, NM) -7/14/2010
255.SFS (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
256.Animalia (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
257.Land of Enchantment Series-State Fish (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
258.Land of Enchantment Series-State Flower (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
259.Land of Enchantment Series-State Vegetable (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
260.Ski Bear (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
261.A Kiss from Connecticut (Cerrillos, NM) - 7/14/2010
262.KIMO (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/2/2010
263.Micro-Soft, It's Not Ice Cream! (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/2/2010
264.Redtop Diner (Edgewood, NM) - 8/3/2010
265.Southwest Pieta (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/9/2010
266.New Heart (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/9/2010
267.Chevy on a Stick (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/9/2010
268.Coyote del Bosque (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/12/2010
269.Betsy Ross (Philadelphia, PA) - 9/16/2010
270.An Epic Weekend (Philadelphia, PA) - 9/16/2010
271.Interstate Rest Stops VA I-81N 108 MM (Radford, VA) - 9/20/2010
272.Things that make you go Hmmm (Groom, TX) - 9/22/2010
273.VW Slug Bug Ranch (Conway, TX) - 9/22/2010
274.Shorty Was Here (Amarillo, TX) - 9/22/2010
275.Windy Memorial (Vega, TX) - 9/22/2010
276.Big Valley (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
277.Oppenheimer (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
278.The Black Hole (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
279.ABC New Mexico: A for Atomic Bombs (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
280.ABC New Mexico: T for Turquoise Trail (Madrid, NM) - 9/26/2010
281.Panda and the Poo (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/28/2010
282.Chainsaw Bear (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/29/2010
283.All Aboard the RailRunner (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/5/2010
284.Open a Book (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/17/2010
285.Calavera (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/17/2010
286.Santa Fe Songbird (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/17/2010
287.La Piedra Rosa (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/17/2010
288.Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/17/2010
289.Bike Bridge (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/22/2010
290.Tiguex Tweet (Albuquerque, NM) - 11/11/2010
291.Volcano Aslumber (Albuquerque, NM) - 12/2/2010
292.KA (Mystery) - 12/2/2010
293.Art Attack! (#1) (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/4/2010
294.Little Edie's Hitchhiker Hostel (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/4/2010
295.Is She Mary? (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/4/2010
296.Turkey Two Step (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/10/2010
297.Artful Southwest - Little Pot (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/10/2010
298.Follow the Mold (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/10/2010
299.A Pressing Matter (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/10/2010
300.Thaumaturgic Escalator (Mystery) - 1/28/2011
301.Santa Fe Trails Microbox (Santa Fe, NM) - 2/18/2011
302.lionsmane's 5 Year Letterboxiversary (Santa Fe, NM) - 2/18/2011
303.Clay Menagerie #1 (Tesuque, NM) - 2/18/2011
304.Clay Menagerie #3 (Tesuque, NM) - 2/18/2011
305.Clay Menagerie #4 (Tesuque, NM) - 2/18/2011
306.El Santuario de Chimayo (Chimayo, NM) - 2/18/2011
307.La Luz (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/8/2011
308.ABC New Mexico - Zuni Pueblo (Zuni, NM) - 3/15/2011
309.On The Run (Gallup, NM) - 3/15/2011
310.Red Rock (Church Rock, NM) - 3/15/2011
311.A Slice of Life (Santa Fe, NM) - 4/2/2011
312.Pin Up Stamp Swap 2: Tess (Santa Fe, NM) - 4/2/2011
313.City Different Walking Tour (Santa Fe, NM) - 4/2/2011
314.Artful Southwest: Cathedral Moon (Santa Fe, NM) - 4/2/2011
315.King of the Road (Santa Fe, NM) - 4/2/2011
315.Amelia's Rose (Santa Fe, NM) - 4/2/2011
1.Mariposa Ranch (Rio Rancho, NM) - 3/16/2007
2.Sandia Man Cave (Placitas, NM) - 3/16/2007
3.Vikings in New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/18/2007(MISSING)
4.Indian Blanket (Bernalillo, NM) - 5/20/2007
5.The Catwalk (Glenwood, NM) - 7/11/2007
6.Tijeras (Tijeras, NM) - 5/17/2008
7.DWI Memorial (Moriarty, NM)- 5/20/2008
8.Golden Eagle (Edgewod, NM) - 7/08/2008
9.Have a Javalina (Edgewood, NM) - 7/08/2008
10.The Masked Bandit (Edgewood, NM) - 7/08/2008
11.The Big "I" (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008(RETIRED)
12.Monkey Cave (Tijeras, NM) - 11/07/2008
13.Fortune Teller (Sandia Park, NM) -03/28/2009
14.Corrales Crawdad (Corrales, NM) - 4/21/2009
15.Zig Zag (Claunch, NM) - 05/16/2009
16.Smack Dab in the Middle (Mystery, NM) - 05/16/2009
17.Who? Who? (Cerillos, NM) - 10/4/2009)
18.Sandia Peak Tram (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/16/2009
19.Wind Power (Willard, NM) - 5/10/2010
20.Valley of Fires (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/10/2010
21.Beatles Series - "Octopus's Garden" (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/8/2010
22.Beatles Series - "Blue Jay Way" (Cedar Crest, NM) - 7/8/2010
23.Beatles Series - "Lend Me Your Comb" (Cedar Crest, NM) - 7/10/2010
24.Beatles Series - "Old Brown Shoe" (Cedar Crest, NM) - 7/10/2010
25.Beatles Series - "The Long and Winding Road" (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
26.Beatles Series - "In Spite of all the Danger" (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
27.Beatles Series - "Dizzy Miss Lizzy" (Tijeras, NM) - 8/1/2010
28.Beatles Series - "I Want to Hold Your Hand" (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/22/2010
29.Beatles Series - "Day Tripper" (Madrid, NM) - 10/24/20
30.Beatles Series - "Yellow Submarine" (Albuquerque, NM) - 12/2/2010
31.Beatles Series - "I Am The Walrus" (Santa Fe, NM) - 2/19/2011
32.Beatles Series - "From a Window" (Grants, NM) - 3/15/2011
33.Beatles Series - "Lady Madonna" (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/21/2011
34.Beatles Series - "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/21/2011
35.Beatles Series - "Revolution" (Santa Fe, NM) - 4/2/2011
Soon to be planted:
36.Beatles Series - "Please Mr. Postman" (Cedar Crest, NM)
37.Beatles Series - "Sheik of Araby" - (Ramah, NM)
38.Beatles Series - "Dig A Pony" - (Ramah, NM)
39.Beatles Series: "Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite" - (Edgewood, NM)
40.Beatles Series: "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" - (Edgewood, NM)
41.Beatles Series - "Honey Pie" (Pie Town, NM)
42.Beatles Series - "Nothing Shakin'" (Santa Fe, NM)
43.Beatles Series - "Yesterday" (Tijeras, NM)
44.Beatles Series - "Blackbird" (Tijeras, NM)
45.Beatles Series - "Happiness is a Warm Gun"
46.Beatles Series - "Everybody's got Something to Hide Except me and my Monkey" (Tijeras, NM)
47.Beatles Series - "Ticket To Ride" (Cedar Crest, NM)
48.Beatles Series - "Norwegian Wood" (Albuquerque, NM)
1.Hebrew Aleph-Bet~Zayin (Albuquerque,NM) - 3/20/2007 (Placed: "It's Chile Out There~Hatch, NM - 4/14/2007)
2.Merry Traveler (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
3.World Traveler (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
4.Reading Rocks Bookworm (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
5.Green Leaf (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
6.Sandy (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
7.The Cannonball (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
8.Reading Rocks BookWorm (Bisbee, AZ) - 6/24/2007 (Placed: "Wetlands #2 Fowl Play~Sandy, UT - 7/26/2007)
9.Mojo (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008 (Placed: "Tijeras"~Tijeras, NM - 7/27/2008)
10.Hermie Hitchhiker Cuckoo Camino (Tajique, NM) - 7/04/2008 (Placed: Alphabetical New Mexico-Quarai - 11/4/2008)
11.Moving On (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
12.GWB (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/12/09 (Placed: Pedalin Poet~Albuquerque, NM - 8/27/09)
13.The Only Thing to Do (Santa Fe, NM) - 09/26/2009 (Placed: Albuquerque, NM)
14.Thar She Blows (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009 (Placed: Reno, NV)
15.Symbols of Asia (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010 (Placed: ABC NM Atomic Bombs 9/26/10)
16.Silhoette with Chair (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/2/2010 (Placed: Albuquerque, NM 8/9/10)
17.Get Off of My Back (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/12/2010 (Placed Panda and the Poo, ABQ, NM 9/28/10)
18.Sightseeing Starfish (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/24/2010 (Placed Beatles Series "Day Tripper" Mystery, NM)
19.PHI (Albuquerque, NM) - 12/4/2010 (Placed Little Edie's Hitchhiker Hostel, Santa Fe, NM)
20.Lemon Shark (Santa Fe, NM) -12/4/2010
21.Talk to the Paw (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/4/2010
22.I'm Just a Girl (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/4/2010
23.50 is Nifty (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/4/2010
24.Let Yourself Shine (Santa Fe, NM) - 12/4/2010
1. ¡Bienvenidos! 2007 (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
2. G is for gatherings (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
3. LBNA Map Roving Event Stamp (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
4. Santa Fe SPOOKtacular Letterboxing Event Stamp (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
5. SPOOKtacular Magic Words (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
6.iBienvenidos! 2009 (Santa Fe, NM) - Sept 26, 2009
7.El Rancho de las Letterboxing (Santa Fe, NM) -Sept. 26, 2009
1.Santa Fe SPOOKtacular (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct. 6, 2007
2.El Rancho de las Letterboxing (Santa Fe, NM) - Sept. 26, 2009
1. Cutie Bee (Tijeras, NM) -July, 21, 2008
2.Evil Bat (Santa Fe)- October 6, 2007
3.Putting on Pounds (Santa Fe)- October 6, 2007
3.Clover (Santa Fe)- Ocober 6, 2007
1. A Corking Carivan (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
2. Aztraveler (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
3. Cowabunga! (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
4. Gait Training (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
5. Literary Personal Traveler (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
6. No Mirrors for Me (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
7. Sheshells (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
8.Slainte (Santa Fe, NM) - Sept 26, 2009
Lionsmane, Astro D, The Great Wuga Wuga, Rubberpeace, RBR Horno, Highwayman, Front Range Hiker, Warm Front, Cold Front, Azroadie, AZJokester, y nought, preboxed, Triple T's, South Hill Hendersons, Fantastyk Voyager, Phancy Phan Tail, Blind Smiley, Potted Frog, Dutch Rabbit, Wrong Hat, St. Patty's Day, Dewberry
February 01, 2011
Totalitarian Regimes vs Parental Rights
Last Thursday, CNN reported that a Florida legislator has proposed a bill that would have public school teachers issuing a grade to parents. Yes, grading the parents. HB 255 provides that “each prekindergarten through grade 3 student report card shall include a section in which the teacher grades the parental involvement as satisfactory, needs improvement, or unsatisfactory…” based on criteria set by the bill.
The whole idea of setting up public schools as overseers of parents is one more sign that American parental rights are in danger. Parents should not have to answer to government agents unless and until there is solid evidence of abuse or neglect on the part of that parent. Giving a grade to every parent clearly violates this constitutional principle.
In fact, this bill would espouse the same foundational principle as the UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child: assume that all parents are bad parents, and that only government oversight can save our children from parental incompetence.
Totalitarian regimes are built on assumed guilt; the nanny state determines which citizens do or do not require their “services.” Florida’s bill would establish a system to do the same. A free nation, on the other hand, operates on the assumption of innocence until proven guilty. Parents do not need government intervention (interference) unless there is proof to the contrary. The Supreme Court has held that “historically, [the law] has recognized that natural bonds of affection lead parents to act in the best interest of their children.” Parham v. J.R., 442 U.S. 584 (1979) Sadly, Florida’s proposed bill recognizes no such thing.
We can stop this trend and reestablish the fundamental right of fit parents to direct the upbringing of their children through passage of the Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. If you haven’t already done so, click here to sign the petition at ParentalRights.org.
And please pass this message on to your family, friends – anyone you know who might share your concern for the future of our American families. If we lose the right to raise our children without constant government oversight, we will lose every other political fight we care about – and we will ultimately lose our children, and our country.
But together we can save the future, by protecting these parental rights.
Michael Ramey
Director of Communications and Research
The whole idea of setting up public schools as overseers of parents is one more sign that American parental rights are in danger. Parents should not have to answer to government agents unless and until there is solid evidence of abuse or neglect on the part of that parent. Giving a grade to every parent clearly violates this constitutional principle.
In fact, this bill would espouse the same foundational principle as the UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child: assume that all parents are bad parents, and that only government oversight can save our children from parental incompetence.
Totalitarian regimes are built on assumed guilt; the nanny state determines which citizens do or do not require their “services.” Florida’s bill would establish a system to do the same. A free nation, on the other hand, operates on the assumption of innocence until proven guilty. Parents do not need government intervention (interference) unless there is proof to the contrary. The Supreme Court has held that “historically, [the law] has recognized that natural bonds of affection lead parents to act in the best interest of their children.” Parham v. J.R., 442 U.S. 584 (1979) Sadly, Florida’s proposed bill recognizes no such thing.
We can stop this trend and reestablish the fundamental right of fit parents to direct the upbringing of their children through passage of the Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. If you haven’t already done so, click here to sign the petition at ParentalRights.org.
And please pass this message on to your family, friends – anyone you know who might share your concern for the future of our American families. If we lose the right to raise our children without constant government oversight, we will lose every other political fight we care about – and we will ultimately lose our children, and our country.
But together we can save the future, by protecting these parental rights.
Michael Ramey
Director of Communications and Research
November 29, 2010
November 25, 2010
Getting Closer ~ Letterboxing Totals
We've been letterboxing for over 3 years and our goal for 2010 is to reach 300 letterboxes found. Almost there.....
1.Veterans' Memorial (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/12/2007
2.Koi Fish (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/12/2007
3.La Cueva Arrow (Albuquerque, NM) - 03/13/2007
4.The Netherwood Box (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/12/2007
5.Los Vaqueros (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/13/2007
6.Domingo Baca (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/13/2007
7.Rosche's Little Affair (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/15/2007
8.ABQ Sunport (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/20/2007
9.Urban Forest (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/20/2007
10.Embudo Canyon (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/2/2006
11.It's Chile Out Here! (Hatch, NM) - 4/14/2007
12.What is the Thing? (Dragoon, AZ) - 4/14/2007
13.Lordsburg (Lordsburg, NM) - 4/14/2007
14.Tombstone (Tombstone, AZ) - 4/18/2007
15.Rolling Stones (Tombstone, AZ) - 4/18/2007
16.Lincoln Park (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
17.AMARC (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
18.Fly Catcher (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
19.Going Batty II (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
20.Phainopepia (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
21.Rock Solid (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
22.1st Annual (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
23.Diamondback Crossing (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
24.Diamondback Bridge (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
25.3rd at Columbus Letterbox (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
23.Columbus Park Letterbox (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
24.Silverbell Letterbox (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
25.Crystal's Cathouse Hostel: [5 Hitchhikers] (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
26.Rolling Stones Re-Mixed (Texas Canyon, AZ) - 4/27/2007
27.Ibex Box (Deming, NM) - 4/27/2007
28.Black and White (Mystery, NM) - 5/16/2007
29.Isotopes (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/18/2007
30.Abundant Water (Ft. Stockton, TX) - 5/26/2007
31.Displaced Donkey (Ft. Stockton, TX) - 5/26/2007
32.Leaning Tower of Pease, Texas Governor Series (Austin, TX) - 5/26/2007
33.Oakwood Cemetery (Austin, TX) - 5/26/2007
34.Branding Iron (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/28/2007
35.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
36.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
37.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
38.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
39.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
40.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
41.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
42.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
43.Explorers Circle (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
44.Mark by Mark (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
45.Call of the Wild (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
46.America's StoryTeller (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
47.Literary Ace (Tomball,TX) - 5/30/2007
48.Elm Creek Quilts-Quilt Block Series (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
49.Harry's Headache (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
50.The Stamp (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
51.True North (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
52.Runners High Series Box #1 Visual Aid (The Woodlands, TX) - 6/1/2007
53.Runners High Series Box #3 Tee Time (The Woodlands, TX) - 6/1/2007
54.Mercer Monarch (Spring, TX) - 6/2/2007
55.Grandmother's Flower Garden-Quilt Block Series (Spring, TX) - 6/2/2007
56.Panda Bear, what do you see? (Humble, TX) - 6/2/2007
57.The Pinata Box [18+ stamps!] (Humble, TX) - 6/2/2007
58.A Sssssnake Story (Humble, TX) - 6/2/2007
59.Cactus Pot (Kerrville, TX) - 6/5/2007
60.Peace on Earth (Kerrville, TX) - 6/5/2007
62.Cattle on the Mesa (Fabens, TX) - 6/5/2007
63.Windy Day (Alamagordo, NM) - 6/6/2007
64.Atari E.T.-Random Wierdness Box#3 (Alamagordo, NM) - 6/6/2007
65.Sandia Crest (Albuquerque, NM) - 6/18/2007
66.The Aliens have Landed (Socorro, NM) - 6/19/2007
67.Space Port "Take Me To Your Leader" (Truth or Consequences, NM) - 6/19/2007
68.Cabinet Box (Deming, NM) - 6/19/2007
69.Bisbee Box (Bisbee, AZ) - 6/24/2007
70.Bisbee Pass (Bisbee, AZ) - 6/24/2007
71.Doc and Brutus (Pomerene, AZ) - 6/25/2007
72.To the Bat Cave (Benson, AZ) - 6/26/2007
73.Boys of Summer (Tucson, AZ) - 6/27/2007
74.Presidio Downtown Walking Tour #1 (Tucson,AZ) - 6/27/2007
75.Presidio Downtown Walking Tour #3 (Tucson,AZ) - 6/27/2007
76.Crocodile Duck Dee (Tucson, AZ) - 6/28/2007
77.Tucson (Tucson, AZ) - 6/28/2007
78.Speedway (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
79.Agua Caliente (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
80.Ben's Bells (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
81.C is for Cougar (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
82.Coati Corner (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
83.San Pedro River (Sierra Vista, AZ) - 7/6/2007
84.Geology 101-'Limestone' (Vail, AZ) - 7/7/2007
85.Rincon Valley (Vail, AZ) - 7/7/2007
86.Five Minutes of my Life (Tucson, AZ) - 7/7/2007
87.Willcox Playa (Willcox, AZ) - 7/11/2007
88.Ladybug Peak (Bonita, AZ) - 7/11/2007
89.Safford Cotton (Safford, AZ) - 7/11/2007
90.Vexing Letterbox Anomaly (Mystery Box) - 7/11/2007
91.The Red Brick (Farmington, NM) - 7/22/2007
92.Downtown Moab (Moab, Utah) - 7/22/2007
93.Happy 10th,11th, 13th Birthday (Moab, Utah) - 7/22/2007
94.Choose the Right 'Pawth' (Provo, Utah) - 7/23/2007
95.Moose (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
96.Utah's State Symbol Series: Elk (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
97.Olympic Letterbox (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
98.The Swaner Box (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
99.Bark City Letterbox (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
100.Summit County Library (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
101.Farmin' Fun Fer All (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
102.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
103.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
104.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
105.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
106.Wetlands #1 Catch & Release (Sandy, Utah) - 7/26/2007
107.Wetlands #2 Fowl Play (Sandy, Utah) - 7/26/2007
108.Utah State Symbol Series: Sego Lily (Sandy, Utah) - 7/26/2007
109.Horse Thief Trail (Moab, Utah) - 7/27/2007
110.Fish Out of Water (Moab, Utah) - 7/27/2007
111.Moab Man (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
112.Dourown Petroglyph Panel (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
113.Art on the Rocks (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
114.Newspaper Rock Box (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
115.Indian Creek Box (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
116.Hole in the Rock~Spanish Trail Box (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
117.Four Corners (Four Corners, Colorado) - 7/28/2007
118.Tunnel Canyon (Tijeras, NM) - 8/23/2007
119.A Texas Acorn (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/30/2007
120.The Netherwood Box Re-Visited (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/30/2007
121.Bio Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/6/2007
Santa Fe Letterboxing Spooktacular Event
122.A Little Scare (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
123.Araneae (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
124.Day of the Dead: Cancion de Amor (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
125.Day of the Dead: La Catrina (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
126.Double, Double Toil and Trouble (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
127.Flight 1007 (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
128.Fly by Night (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
129.I wnt 2 suk yor bl%d (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
130.I'm a Lumberjack and I'm Ok (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
131.The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
132.You've got Candy (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
End-Santa Fe Letterboxing Spooktacular Event
133.Rattlesnake (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/12/2008
134.Los Altos Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/12/2008
135.Smokey Bear (Capitan, NM) - 5/25/2008
136.Embudito:Letterboxing is for the birds (Albuquerque, NM) -7/20/2008
137.Lost Dog: German Short Hair (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008
138.Bosque:Letterboxing is for the Birds (Albuquerque, NM) (3 boxes)- 8/11/2008
139.Bosque:Letterboxing is for the Birds (Albuquerque, NM) (3 boxes)- 8/11/2008
140.Bosque:Letterboxing is for the Birds (Albuquerque, NM) (3 boxes)- 8/11/2008
141.Roosevelt Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/11/08
142.Alburwocky: (Mystery Box, NM) - 9/11/08
143.Alphabetical New Mexico~Quarra (Mountainair, NM) - 10/08/08
144.Miner at the Mirador (Cerillos, NM) - 10/18/08
145.Letterboxing is for the Birds~Hawk Watch (Carnuel, NM) - 10/24/08
146.Paws & Purrs Kitten (Santa Fe) - 10/26/08
147.Paw & Purrs Puppy (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
148.Put a little love in your heart (Bonus Box) (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
149.La Paloma (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
150.Fortitudo Dei (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
151.Giant Rebel of Eden (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
152.Bear in Mind (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
153.The Crow Knows (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
154.Are your Dogs Barking (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
155.Honor, Loyalty & Peace (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
156.Lizard Goes South (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
157.Artful Southwest: Santa Fe Style (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
158.The Art of Ebru (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
159.The Falling Leaves (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
160.1/4 of July Canyon (Tajique, NM) - 11/04/08
161.Marsh Mellow (San Antonio, NM) - 12/15/08
162.Dabbling Duck (San Antonio, NM) - 12/15/08
163.Alphabetical New Mexico:Sand Hill Crane (San Antonio, NM) - 12/15/08
164.Camel Rock (Tesuque, NM) - 2/20/2009
165.New Mexico in a Box (Socorro, NM) - 03/22/09
166.Pie Time (Socorro, NM) - 03/22/09
167.Oso Canyon (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
168.Hidden Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
169.Bataan Memorial Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
170.UNM Dreams (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
171.The Book of Eli (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/11/2009
172.Alphabetical New Mexico: M (William C. McDonald) (White Oaks, NM) - 5/11/2009
173.Alphabetical New Mexico: W (White Oaks, NM) - 5/11/2009
174.Alphabetical New Mexico: Billie the Kid (Lincoln, NM) - 5/16/2009
175.Santa Fe Southern (Lamy, NM) - 7/04/2009
176.Salman Ranch (La Cueva, NM) - 7/04/2009
177.Coyote Creek State Park (Guadalapita, NM) - 7/04/2009
178.Angel Fire (Angel Fire, NM) - 7/04/2009
179.ABC New Mexico: Vietnam Veterans Memorial(Angel Fire, NM) 7/04/2009
180.The Dykes of Red River (Red River, NM) - 7/04/2009
181.Hummingbird (Red River, NM) - 7/04/2009
182.Foxy Box (Red River, NM) - 7/04/2009
183.Humming Hummingbird (Eagle Nest, NM) - 7/04/2009
184.ABC New Mexico: Eagle Nest Lake (Eagle Nest, NM) - 7/04/2009
185.The Lazy Wheeler (Eagle Nest, NM) - 7/04/2009
186.Christmas in July (Mora, NM) - 7/04/2009
187.Embudito: Letterboxing Is For The Birds! Box #1 - (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008
188.Embudito: Letterboxing Is For The Birds! Box #2 - (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008
189.Center of the Universe (Mystery Box, NM) - 8/12/09
190.Pueblo Palace (Bonus Box, NM) - 8/12/09
191.Rivers Edge (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
192.Everyone's Ditching Me (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
193.ABC Dolphin (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
194.Pedalin Poet (Albuquerque, NM) -8/27/09
195.Pedalin Papa (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
196.Dawn Light (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
197.Tunnel Springs Turtle (Placitas, NM) - 9/02/09
198.The Climbing Tree (Corrales, NM) - 9/02/09
199.Pedalin' Pigtail (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/02/09
200.Pedalin' Choo Choo-Bonus Box (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/03/09
201.New Mexico State Fair (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/03/09
202.Play Pasture Pool (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/20/09
203.Anisoptera (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/20/09
Santa Fe El Rancho de Los Letterboxes Event
204.Hiding in Plain Sight (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
205.Ms. Forktail (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
206.Descansos (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
207.Battlefield New Mexico (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
208.Water-powered Grist Mill (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
209.For Leonora (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
210. El Camino (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
211.Ox Cart (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
212.Not Wonder Bread (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
213.O'K Jimson (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
214.El Rancho de las Golondrinas (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
End-Santa Fe El Rancho de Los Letterboxes Event
215.Always in Style (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
216.Stamp in Every State: New Mexico Pug (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
217.Felis Concolor (Cerillos, NM) - 9/26/2009
218.Poecile Gambeli (Tijeras, NM) - 9/29/2009
219.Soon a Monsoon (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/4/2009
220.The Beav~Bonus Box (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/4/2009
221.Canis Latrans~Bonus Box (Cerillos, NM) - 10/4/2009
222.Feathered Serpent (Mystery Box) - 10/14/2009
223.I knew I shoulda taken a left at Albuquerque (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/14/2009
224.Mass Happiness! (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/18/2009
225.Lucky Sevens (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/18/2009
226.Magical Gate (Cerillos, NM) - 10/19/2009
227.New Mexico's Eternal Flame (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
228.Keep Swimming (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
229.A Boy and His Tiger (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
230.Land of Enchantment Series-State Flag (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
231.Land of Enchantment Series-State Tree (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
232.Land of Enchantment Series-State Fossil (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
233.Land of Enchantment Series-State Mammal (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
234.Land of Enchantment Series-State Insect (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
235.Land of Enchantment Series-State Bird (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
236.Siddhartha Guatama (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
237.Going in Circles (Santa Fe, NM) -10/19/2009
238.Stuck in the Bosque (Albuquerque, NM) - 11/4/2009
239.Which Way From Here (Stanley, NM) - 11/5/2009
240.The Flying Mini (Reno, NV) - 11/7/2009
241.A Buckin' Bronco (Reno, NV) - 11/7/2009
242.La Reina de Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/20/2010
243.Colores (Cedar Crest, NM) - 4/20/2010
244.Stench (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/27/2010
245.La Morena (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/27/2010
246.My Plane Ride to New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/8/2010
247.The Spinning Burro (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/10/2010
248.Burrito/Tiny Little Burro (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/10/2010
249.El Conquistador (San Ysidro, NM) - 5/20/2010
250.Tarry at Tamara (Bernalillo, NM) - 6/6/2010
251.Road Trip (Pilar, NM) - 7/2/2010
252.Side Trip (Pilar, NM) - 7/2/1010
253.Speed Racer (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/8/2010
254.A Southwest Icon (Santa Fe, NM) -7/14/2010
255.SFS (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
256.Animalia (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
257.Land of Enchantment Series-State Fish (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
258.Land of Enchantment Series-State Flower (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
259.Land of Enchantment Series-State Vegetable (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
260.Ski Bear (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
261.A Kiss from Connecticut (Cerrillos, NM) - 7/14/2010
262.KIMO (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/2/2010
263.Micro-Soft, It's Not Ice Cream! (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/2/2010
264.Redtop Diner (Edgewood, NM) - 8/3/2010
265.Southwest Pieta (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/9/2010
266.New Heart (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/9/2010
267.Chevy on a Stick (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/9/2010
268.Coyote del Bosque (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/12/2010
269.Betsy Ross (Philadelphia, PA) - 9/16/2010
270.An Epic Weekend (Philadelphia, PA) - 9/16/2010
271.Interstate Rest Stops VA I-81N 108 MM (Radford, VA) - 9/20/2010
272.Things that make you go Hmmm (Groom, TX) - 9/22/2010
273.VW Slug Bug Ranch (Conway, TX) - 9/22/2010
274.Shorty Was Here (Amarillo, TX) - 9/22/2010
275.Windy Memorial (Vega, TX) - 9/22/2010
276.Big Valley (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
277.Oppenheimer (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
278.The Black Hole (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
279.ABC New Mexico: A for Atomic Bombs (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
280.ABC New Mexico: T for Turquoise Trail (Madrid, NM) - 9/26/2010
281.Panda and the Poo (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/28/2010
282.Chainsaw Bear (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/29/2010
283.All Aboard the RailRunner (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/5/2010
284.Open a Book (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/17/2010
285.Calavera (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/17/2010
286.Santa Fe Songbird (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/17/2010
287.La Piedra Rosa (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/17/2010
288.Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/17/2010
289.Bike Bridge (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/22/2010
290.Tiguex Tweet (Albuquerque, NM) - 11/11/2010
1.Mariposa Ranch (Rio Rancho, NM) - 3/16/2007
2.Sandia Man Cave (Placitas, NM) - 3/16/2007
3.Vikings in New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/18/2007(MISSING)
4.Indian Blanket (Bernalillo, NM) - 5/20/2007
5.The Catwalk (Glenwood, NM) - 7/11/2007
6.Tijeras (Tijeras, NM) - 5/17/2008
7.DWI Memorial (Moriarty, NM)- 5/20/2008
8.Golden Eagle (Edgewod, NM) - 7/08/2008
9.Have a Javalina (Edgewood, NM) - 7/08/2008
10.The Masked Bandit (Edgewood, NM) - 7/08/2008
11.The Big "I" (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008(RETIRED)
12.Monkey Cave (Tijeras, NM) - 11/07/2008
13.Fortune Teller (Sandia Park, NM) -03/28/2009
14.Corrales Crawdad (Corrales, NM) - 4/21/2009
15.Zig Zag (Claunch, NM) - 05/16/2009
16.Smack Dab in the Middle (Mystery, NM) - 05/16/2009
17.Who? Who? (Cerillos, NM) - 10/4/2009)
18.Sandia Peak Tram (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/16/2009
19.Wind Power (Willard, NM) - 5/10/2010
20.Valley of Fires (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/10/2010
21.Beatles Series - "Octopus's Garden" (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/8/2010
22.Beatles Series - "Blue Jay Way" (Cedar Crest, NM) - 7/8/2010
23.Beatles Series - "Lend Me Your Comb" (Cedar Crest, NM) - 7/10/2010
24.Beatles Series - "Old Brown Shoe" (Cedar Crest, NM) - 7/10/2010
25.Beatles Series - "The Long and Winding Road" (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
26.Beatles Series - "In Spite of all the Danger" (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
27.Beatles Series - "Dizzy Miss Lizzy" (Tijeras, NM) - 8/1/2010
28.Beatles Series - "I Want to Hold Your Hand" (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/22/2010
29.Beatles Series - "Day Tripper" (Mystery, NM) - 10/24/20
30.Beatles Series - "Yellow Submarine" (Albuquerque, NM) - TBA
31.Beatles Series - "Lady Madonna" (Albuquerque, NM) - TBA
1.Hebrew Aleph-Bet~Zayin (Albuquerque,NM) - 3/20/2007 (Placed: "It's Chile Out There~Hatch, NM - 4/14/2007)
2.Merry Traveler (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
3.World Traveler (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
4.Reading Rocks Bookworm (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
5.Green Leaf (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
6.Sandy (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
7.The Cannonball (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
8.Reading Rocks BookWorm (Bisbee, AZ) - 6/24/2007 (Placed: "Wetlands #2 Fowl Play~Sandy, UT - 7/26/2007)
9.Mojo (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008 (Placed: "Tijeras"~Tijeras, NM - 7/27/2008)
10.Hermie Hitchhiker Cuckoo Camino (Tajique, NM) - 7/04/2008 (Placed: Alphabetical New Mexico-Quarai - 11/4/2008)
11.Moving On (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
12.GWB (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/12/09 (Placed: Pedalin Poet~Albuquerque, NM - 8/27/09)
13.The Only Thing to Do (Santa Fe, NM) - 09/26/2009 (Placed: Albuquerque, NM)
14.Thar She Blows (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009 (Placed: Reno, NV)
15.Symbols of Asia (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010 (Placed: ABC NM Atomic Bombs 9/26/10)
16.Silhoette with Chair (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/2/2010 (Placed: Albuquerque, NM 8/9/10)
17.Get Off of My Back (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/12/2010 (Placed Panda and the Poo, ABQ, NM 9/28/10)
18. Sightseeing Starfish (Albuquerque, NM) 8/24/2010 (Placed Beatles Series "Day Tripper" Mystery, NM)
1. ¡Bienvenidos! 2007 (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
2. G is for gatherings (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
3. LBNA Map Roving Event Stamp (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
4. Santa Fe SPOOKtacular Letterboxing Event Stamp (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
5. SPOOKtacular Magic Words (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
6.iBienvenidos! 2009 (Santa Fe, NM) - Sept 26, 2009
7.El Rancho de las Letterboxing (Santa Fe, NM) -Sept. 26, 2009
1.Santa Fe SPOOKtacular (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct. 6, 2007
2.El Rancho de las Letterboxing (Santa Fe, NM) - Sept. 26, 2009
1. Cutie Bee (Tijeras, NM) -July, 21, 2008
2.Evil Bat (Santa Fe)- October 6, 2007
3.Putting on Pounds (Santa Fe)- October 6, 2007
3.Clover (Santa Fe)- Ocober 6, 2007
1. A Corking Carivan (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
2. Aztraveler (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
3. Cowabunga! (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
4. Gait Training (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
5. Literary Personal Traveler (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
6. No Mirrors for Me (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
7. Sheshells (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
8.Slainte (Santa Fe, NM) - Sept 26, 2009
1.Veterans' Memorial (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/12/2007
2.Koi Fish (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/12/2007
3.La Cueva Arrow (Albuquerque, NM) - 03/13/2007
4.The Netherwood Box (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/12/2007
5.Los Vaqueros (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/13/2007
6.Domingo Baca (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/13/2007
7.Rosche's Little Affair (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/15/2007
8.ABQ Sunport (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/20/2007
9.Urban Forest (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/20/2007
10.Embudo Canyon (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/2/2006
11.It's Chile Out Here! (Hatch, NM) - 4/14/2007
12.What is the Thing? (Dragoon, AZ) - 4/14/2007
13.Lordsburg (Lordsburg, NM) - 4/14/2007
14.Tombstone (Tombstone, AZ) - 4/18/2007
15.Rolling Stones (Tombstone, AZ) - 4/18/2007
16.Lincoln Park (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
17.AMARC (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
18.Fly Catcher (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
19.Going Batty II (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
20.Phainopepia (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
21.Rock Solid (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
22.1st Annual (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
23.Diamondback Crossing (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
24.Diamondback Bridge (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
25.3rd at Columbus Letterbox (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
23.Columbus Park Letterbox (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
24.Silverbell Letterbox (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
25.Crystal's Cathouse Hostel: [5 Hitchhikers] (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
26.Rolling Stones Re-Mixed (Texas Canyon, AZ) - 4/27/2007
27.Ibex Box (Deming, NM) - 4/27/2007
28.Black and White (Mystery, NM) - 5/16/2007
29.Isotopes (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/18/2007
30.Abundant Water (Ft. Stockton, TX) - 5/26/2007
31.Displaced Donkey (Ft. Stockton, TX) - 5/26/2007
32.Leaning Tower of Pease, Texas Governor Series (Austin, TX) - 5/26/2007
33.Oakwood Cemetery (Austin, TX) - 5/26/2007
34.Branding Iron (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/28/2007
35.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
36.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
37.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
38.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
39.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
40.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
41.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
42.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
43.Explorers Circle (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
44.Mark by Mark (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
45.Call of the Wild (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
46.America's StoryTeller (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
47.Literary Ace (Tomball,TX) - 5/30/2007
48.Elm Creek Quilts-Quilt Block Series (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
49.Harry's Headache (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
50.The Stamp (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
51.True North (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
52.Runners High Series Box #1 Visual Aid (The Woodlands, TX) - 6/1/2007
53.Runners High Series Box #3 Tee Time (The Woodlands, TX) - 6/1/2007
54.Mercer Monarch (Spring, TX) - 6/2/2007
55.Grandmother's Flower Garden-Quilt Block Series (Spring, TX) - 6/2/2007
56.Panda Bear, what do you see? (Humble, TX) - 6/2/2007
57.The Pinata Box [18+ stamps!] (Humble, TX) - 6/2/2007
58.A Sssssnake Story (Humble, TX) - 6/2/2007
59.Cactus Pot (Kerrville, TX) - 6/5/2007
60.Peace on Earth (Kerrville, TX) - 6/5/2007
62.Cattle on the Mesa (Fabens, TX) - 6/5/2007
63.Windy Day (Alamagordo, NM) - 6/6/2007
64.Atari E.T.-Random Wierdness Box#3 (Alamagordo, NM) - 6/6/2007
65.Sandia Crest (Albuquerque, NM) - 6/18/2007
66.The Aliens have Landed (Socorro, NM) - 6/19/2007
67.Space Port "Take Me To Your Leader" (Truth or Consequences, NM) - 6/19/2007
68.Cabinet Box (Deming, NM) - 6/19/2007
69.Bisbee Box (Bisbee, AZ) - 6/24/2007
70.Bisbee Pass (Bisbee, AZ) - 6/24/2007
71.Doc and Brutus (Pomerene, AZ) - 6/25/2007
72.To the Bat Cave (Benson, AZ) - 6/26/2007
73.Boys of Summer (Tucson, AZ) - 6/27/2007
74.Presidio Downtown Walking Tour #1 (Tucson,AZ) - 6/27/2007
75.Presidio Downtown Walking Tour #3 (Tucson,AZ) - 6/27/2007
76.Crocodile Duck Dee (Tucson, AZ) - 6/28/2007
77.Tucson (Tucson, AZ) - 6/28/2007
78.Speedway (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
79.Agua Caliente (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
80.Ben's Bells (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
81.C is for Cougar (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
82.Coati Corner (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
83.San Pedro River (Sierra Vista, AZ) - 7/6/2007
84.Geology 101-'Limestone' (Vail, AZ) - 7/7/2007
85.Rincon Valley (Vail, AZ) - 7/7/2007
86.Five Minutes of my Life (Tucson, AZ) - 7/7/2007
87.Willcox Playa (Willcox, AZ) - 7/11/2007
88.Ladybug Peak (Bonita, AZ) - 7/11/2007
89.Safford Cotton (Safford, AZ) - 7/11/2007
90.Vexing Letterbox Anomaly (Mystery Box) - 7/11/2007
91.The Red Brick (Farmington, NM) - 7/22/2007
92.Downtown Moab (Moab, Utah) - 7/22/2007
93.Happy 10th,11th, 13th Birthday (Moab, Utah) - 7/22/2007
94.Choose the Right 'Pawth' (Provo, Utah) - 7/23/2007
95.Moose (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
96.Utah's State Symbol Series: Elk (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
97.Olympic Letterbox (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
98.The Swaner Box (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
99.Bark City Letterbox (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
100.Summit County Library (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
101.Farmin' Fun Fer All (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
102.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
103.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
104.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
105.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
106.Wetlands #1 Catch & Release (Sandy, Utah) - 7/26/2007
107.Wetlands #2 Fowl Play (Sandy, Utah) - 7/26/2007
108.Utah State Symbol Series: Sego Lily (Sandy, Utah) - 7/26/2007
109.Horse Thief Trail (Moab, Utah) - 7/27/2007
110.Fish Out of Water (Moab, Utah) - 7/27/2007
111.Moab Man (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
112.Dourown Petroglyph Panel (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
113.Art on the Rocks (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
114.Newspaper Rock Box (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
115.Indian Creek Box (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
116.Hole in the Rock~Spanish Trail Box (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
117.Four Corners (Four Corners, Colorado) - 7/28/2007
118.Tunnel Canyon (Tijeras, NM) - 8/23/2007
119.A Texas Acorn (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/30/2007
120.The Netherwood Box Re-Visited (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/30/2007
121.Bio Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/6/2007
Santa Fe Letterboxing Spooktacular Event
122.A Little Scare (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
123.Araneae (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
124.Day of the Dead: Cancion de Amor (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
125.Day of the Dead: La Catrina (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
126.Double, Double Toil and Trouble (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
127.Flight 1007 (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
128.Fly by Night (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
129.I wnt 2 suk yor bl%d (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
130.I'm a Lumberjack and I'm Ok (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
131.The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
132.You've got Candy (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
End-Santa Fe Letterboxing Spooktacular Event
133.Rattlesnake (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/12/2008
134.Los Altos Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/12/2008
135.Smokey Bear (Capitan, NM) - 5/25/2008
136.Embudito:Letterboxing is for the birds (Albuquerque, NM) -7/20/2008
137.Lost Dog: German Short Hair (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008
138.Bosque:Letterboxing is for the Birds (Albuquerque, NM) (3 boxes)- 8/11/2008
139.Bosque:Letterboxing is for the Birds (Albuquerque, NM) (3 boxes)- 8/11/2008
140.Bosque:Letterboxing is for the Birds (Albuquerque, NM) (3 boxes)- 8/11/2008
141.Roosevelt Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/11/08
142.Alburwocky: (Mystery Box, NM) - 9/11/08
143.Alphabetical New Mexico~Quarra (Mountainair, NM) - 10/08/08
144.Miner at the Mirador (Cerillos, NM) - 10/18/08
145.Letterboxing is for the Birds~Hawk Watch (Carnuel, NM) - 10/24/08
146.Paws & Purrs Kitten (Santa Fe) - 10/26/08
147.Paw & Purrs Puppy (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
148.Put a little love in your heart (Bonus Box) (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
149.La Paloma (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
150.Fortitudo Dei (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
151.Giant Rebel of Eden (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
152.Bear in Mind (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
153.The Crow Knows (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
154.Are your Dogs Barking (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
155.Honor, Loyalty & Peace (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
156.Lizard Goes South (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
157.Artful Southwest: Santa Fe Style (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
158.The Art of Ebru (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
159.The Falling Leaves (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
160.1/4 of July Canyon (Tajique, NM) - 11/04/08
161.Marsh Mellow (San Antonio, NM) - 12/15/08
162.Dabbling Duck (San Antonio, NM) - 12/15/08
163.Alphabetical New Mexico:Sand Hill Crane (San Antonio, NM) - 12/15/08
164.Camel Rock (Tesuque, NM) - 2/20/2009
165.New Mexico in a Box (Socorro, NM) - 03/22/09
166.Pie Time (Socorro, NM) - 03/22/09
167.Oso Canyon (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
168.Hidden Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
169.Bataan Memorial Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
170.UNM Dreams (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
171.The Book of Eli (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/11/2009
172.Alphabetical New Mexico: M (William C. McDonald) (White Oaks, NM) - 5/11/2009
173.Alphabetical New Mexico: W (White Oaks, NM) - 5/11/2009
174.Alphabetical New Mexico: Billie the Kid (Lincoln, NM) - 5/16/2009
175.Santa Fe Southern (Lamy, NM) - 7/04/2009
176.Salman Ranch (La Cueva, NM) - 7/04/2009
177.Coyote Creek State Park (Guadalapita, NM) - 7/04/2009
178.Angel Fire (Angel Fire, NM) - 7/04/2009
179.ABC New Mexico: Vietnam Veterans Memorial(Angel Fire, NM) 7/04/2009
180.The Dykes of Red River (Red River, NM) - 7/04/2009
181.Hummingbird (Red River, NM) - 7/04/2009
182.Foxy Box (Red River, NM) - 7/04/2009
183.Humming Hummingbird (Eagle Nest, NM) - 7/04/2009
184.ABC New Mexico: Eagle Nest Lake (Eagle Nest, NM) - 7/04/2009
185.The Lazy Wheeler (Eagle Nest, NM) - 7/04/2009
186.Christmas in July (Mora, NM) - 7/04/2009
187.Embudito: Letterboxing Is For The Birds! Box #1 - (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008
188.Embudito: Letterboxing Is For The Birds! Box #2 - (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008
189.Center of the Universe (Mystery Box, NM) - 8/12/09
190.Pueblo Palace (Bonus Box, NM) - 8/12/09
191.Rivers Edge (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
192.Everyone's Ditching Me (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
193.ABC Dolphin (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
194.Pedalin Poet (Albuquerque, NM) -8/27/09
195.Pedalin Papa (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
196.Dawn Light (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
197.Tunnel Springs Turtle (Placitas, NM) - 9/02/09
198.The Climbing Tree (Corrales, NM) - 9/02/09
199.Pedalin' Pigtail (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/02/09
200.Pedalin' Choo Choo-Bonus Box (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/03/09
201.New Mexico State Fair (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/03/09
202.Play Pasture Pool (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/20/09
203.Anisoptera (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/20/09
Santa Fe El Rancho de Los Letterboxes Event
204.Hiding in Plain Sight (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
205.Ms. Forktail (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
206.Descansos (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
207.Battlefield New Mexico (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
208.Water-powered Grist Mill (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
209.For Leonora (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
210. El Camino (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
211.Ox Cart (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
212.Not Wonder Bread (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
213.O'K Jimson (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
214.El Rancho de las Golondrinas (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
End-Santa Fe El Rancho de Los Letterboxes Event
215.Always in Style (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
216.Stamp in Every State: New Mexico Pug (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
217.Felis Concolor (Cerillos, NM) - 9/26/2009
218.Poecile Gambeli (Tijeras, NM) - 9/29/2009
219.Soon a Monsoon (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/4/2009
220.The Beav~Bonus Box (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/4/2009
221.Canis Latrans~Bonus Box (Cerillos, NM) - 10/4/2009
222.Feathered Serpent (Mystery Box) - 10/14/2009
223.I knew I shoulda taken a left at Albuquerque (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/14/2009
224.Mass Happiness! (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/18/2009
225.Lucky Sevens (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/18/2009
226.Magical Gate (Cerillos, NM) - 10/19/2009
227.New Mexico's Eternal Flame (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
228.Keep Swimming (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
229.A Boy and His Tiger (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
230.Land of Enchantment Series-State Flag (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
231.Land of Enchantment Series-State Tree (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
232.Land of Enchantment Series-State Fossil (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
233.Land of Enchantment Series-State Mammal (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
234.Land of Enchantment Series-State Insect (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
235.Land of Enchantment Series-State Bird (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
236.Siddhartha Guatama (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
237.Going in Circles (Santa Fe, NM) -10/19/2009
238.Stuck in the Bosque (Albuquerque, NM) - 11/4/2009
239.Which Way From Here (Stanley, NM) - 11/5/2009
240.The Flying Mini (Reno, NV) - 11/7/2009
241.A Buckin' Bronco (Reno, NV) - 11/7/2009
242.La Reina de Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/20/2010
243.Colores (Cedar Crest, NM) - 4/20/2010
244.Stench (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/27/2010
245.La Morena (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/27/2010
246.My Plane Ride to New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/8/2010
247.The Spinning Burro (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/10/2010
248.Burrito/Tiny Little Burro (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/10/2010
249.El Conquistador (San Ysidro, NM) - 5/20/2010
250.Tarry at Tamara (Bernalillo, NM) - 6/6/2010
251.Road Trip (Pilar, NM) - 7/2/2010
252.Side Trip (Pilar, NM) - 7/2/1010
253.Speed Racer (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/8/2010
254.A Southwest Icon (Santa Fe, NM) -7/14/2010
255.SFS (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
256.Animalia (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
257.Land of Enchantment Series-State Fish (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
258.Land of Enchantment Series-State Flower (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
259.Land of Enchantment Series-State Vegetable (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
260.Ski Bear (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
261.A Kiss from Connecticut (Cerrillos, NM) - 7/14/2010
262.KIMO (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/2/2010
263.Micro-Soft, It's Not Ice Cream! (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/2/2010
264.Redtop Diner (Edgewood, NM) - 8/3/2010
265.Southwest Pieta (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/9/2010
266.New Heart (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/9/2010
267.Chevy on a Stick (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/9/2010
268.Coyote del Bosque (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/12/2010
269.Betsy Ross (Philadelphia, PA) - 9/16/2010
270.An Epic Weekend (Philadelphia, PA) - 9/16/2010
271.Interstate Rest Stops VA I-81N 108 MM (Radford, VA) - 9/20/2010
272.Things that make you go Hmmm (Groom, TX) - 9/22/2010
273.VW Slug Bug Ranch (Conway, TX) - 9/22/2010
274.Shorty Was Here (Amarillo, TX) - 9/22/2010
275.Windy Memorial (Vega, TX) - 9/22/2010
276.Big Valley (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
277.Oppenheimer (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
278.The Black Hole (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
279.ABC New Mexico: A for Atomic Bombs (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
280.ABC New Mexico: T for Turquoise Trail (Madrid, NM) - 9/26/2010
281.Panda and the Poo (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/28/2010
282.Chainsaw Bear (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/29/2010
283.All Aboard the RailRunner (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/5/2010
284.Open a Book (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/17/2010
285.Calavera (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/17/2010
286.Santa Fe Songbird (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/17/2010
287.La Piedra Rosa (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/17/2010
288.Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/17/2010
289.Bike Bridge (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/22/2010
290.Tiguex Tweet (Albuquerque, NM) - 11/11/2010
1.Mariposa Ranch (Rio Rancho, NM) - 3/16/2007
2.Sandia Man Cave (Placitas, NM) - 3/16/2007
3.Vikings in New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/18/2007(MISSING)
4.Indian Blanket (Bernalillo, NM) - 5/20/2007
5.The Catwalk (Glenwood, NM) - 7/11/2007
6.Tijeras (Tijeras, NM) - 5/17/2008
7.DWI Memorial (Moriarty, NM)- 5/20/2008
8.Golden Eagle (Edgewod, NM) - 7/08/2008
9.Have a Javalina (Edgewood, NM) - 7/08/2008
10.The Masked Bandit (Edgewood, NM) - 7/08/2008
11.The Big "I" (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008(RETIRED)
12.Monkey Cave (Tijeras, NM) - 11/07/2008
13.Fortune Teller (Sandia Park, NM) -03/28/2009
14.Corrales Crawdad (Corrales, NM) - 4/21/2009
15.Zig Zag (Claunch, NM) - 05/16/2009
16.Smack Dab in the Middle (Mystery, NM) - 05/16/2009
17.Who? Who? (Cerillos, NM) - 10/4/2009)
18.Sandia Peak Tram (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/16/2009
19.Wind Power (Willard, NM) - 5/10/2010
20.Valley of Fires (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/10/2010
21.Beatles Series - "Octopus's Garden" (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/8/2010
22.Beatles Series - "Blue Jay Way" (Cedar Crest, NM) - 7/8/2010
23.Beatles Series - "Lend Me Your Comb" (Cedar Crest, NM) - 7/10/2010
24.Beatles Series - "Old Brown Shoe" (Cedar Crest, NM) - 7/10/2010
25.Beatles Series - "The Long and Winding Road" (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
26.Beatles Series - "In Spite of all the Danger" (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
27.Beatles Series - "Dizzy Miss Lizzy" (Tijeras, NM) - 8/1/2010
28.Beatles Series - "I Want to Hold Your Hand" (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/22/2010
29.Beatles Series - "Day Tripper" (Mystery, NM) - 10/24/20
30.Beatles Series - "Yellow Submarine" (Albuquerque, NM) - TBA
31.Beatles Series - "Lady Madonna" (Albuquerque, NM) - TBA
1.Hebrew Aleph-Bet~Zayin (Albuquerque,NM) - 3/20/2007 (Placed: "It's Chile Out There~Hatch, NM - 4/14/2007)
2.Merry Traveler (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
3.World Traveler (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
4.Reading Rocks Bookworm (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
5.Green Leaf (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
6.Sandy (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
7.The Cannonball (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
8.Reading Rocks BookWorm (Bisbee, AZ) - 6/24/2007 (Placed: "Wetlands #2 Fowl Play~Sandy, UT - 7/26/2007)
9.Mojo (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008 (Placed: "Tijeras"~Tijeras, NM - 7/27/2008)
10.Hermie Hitchhiker Cuckoo Camino (Tajique, NM) - 7/04/2008 (Placed: Alphabetical New Mexico-Quarai - 11/4/2008)
11.Moving On (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
12.GWB (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/12/09 (Placed: Pedalin Poet~Albuquerque, NM - 8/27/09)
13.The Only Thing to Do (Santa Fe, NM) - 09/26/2009 (Placed: Albuquerque, NM)
14.Thar She Blows (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009 (Placed: Reno, NV)
15.Symbols of Asia (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010 (Placed: ABC NM Atomic Bombs 9/26/10)
16.Silhoette with Chair (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/2/2010 (Placed: Albuquerque, NM 8/9/10)
17.Get Off of My Back (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/12/2010 (Placed Panda and the Poo, ABQ, NM 9/28/10)
18. Sightseeing Starfish (Albuquerque, NM) 8/24/2010 (Placed Beatles Series "Day Tripper" Mystery, NM)
1. ¡Bienvenidos! 2007 (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
2. G is for gatherings (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
3. LBNA Map Roving Event Stamp (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
4. Santa Fe SPOOKtacular Letterboxing Event Stamp (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
5. SPOOKtacular Magic Words (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
6.iBienvenidos! 2009 (Santa Fe, NM) - Sept 26, 2009
7.El Rancho de las Letterboxing (Santa Fe, NM) -Sept. 26, 2009
1.Santa Fe SPOOKtacular (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct. 6, 2007
2.El Rancho de las Letterboxing (Santa Fe, NM) - Sept. 26, 2009
1. Cutie Bee (Tijeras, NM) -July, 21, 2008
2.Evil Bat (Santa Fe)- October 6, 2007
3.Putting on Pounds (Santa Fe)- October 6, 2007
3.Clover (Santa Fe)- Ocober 6, 2007
1. A Corking Carivan (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
2. Aztraveler (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
3. Cowabunga! (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
4. Gait Training (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
5. Literary Personal Traveler (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
6. No Mirrors for Me (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
7. Sheshells (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
8.Slainte (Santa Fe, NM) - Sept 26, 2009
November 12, 2010
Public Schools are Creating Drop-Outs and Failures
By Ruth Bettelheim
Our public schools are turning millions of normal children into dropouts and failures. This isn't because of a few bad teachers or principals, but because the natural learning behaviors of children are routinely penalized instead of praised. Initiatives such as "No Child Left Behind" and "Race to the Top" won't change this, because they don't adequately take into account research about how children learn.
Our classrooms are outdated, functioning like mid-20th century factories. Each child is offered an identical curriculum, like a car on an assembly line. But children aren't units of production, and this approach is failing. Since 1970, the rate of high school graduation has declined, and the U.S. has fallen from first to 12th among developed nations in education.
This is inexcusable given the well-documented research about what makes students effective learners. Contemporary neuroscience has confirmed that children's learning is largely dependent on inherent interest, emotional engagement, social interaction, physical activity and the pleasure of mastery.
A passive environment
These findings are ignored in traditional classroom approaches. If children are not interested, they won't learn, but schools aren't structured to capture students' individual interests. Instead, everyone studies the same texts at the same time. Teachers reprimand children for failing to change gears with the rest of the class. Students must be quiet, sit still and listen passively, though we know that social, emotional and physical engagement enhance learning.
Freedom to make mistakes and benefit from them is the basis of intellectual growth. If researchers or entrepreneurs were forbidden to make errors, innovation would cease. But when teachers are required to prioritize standardized test preparation, children are necessarily taught that being wrong is unacceptable.
The traditional classroom needs an overhaul based on the findings of cognitive neuroscience. Rather than lecturing to passive observers, teachers should act as facilitators, introducing individual students to new concepts based on their interests and developmental state. Children should be free to move around and to choose when, for how long and with whom they will work at each task. Instead of being told facts, children should learn by acting on instructional materials, experimenting and observing until answers are found.
The Montessori model
Students should experience themselves as triumphant problem solvers. This exhilaration helps make computer games addictive. Like video game players, students should go on to the next level only after mastering the previous one, taking as long as they need to solve each problem, and staying with it as long as they like.
Though it might seem impossible, offering individualized, self-directed learning in public schools has been done. The Montessori method, which uses these approaches, has been successfully adopted by public school systems, including in inner cities. Students in these schools achieve equal or superior academic performance to their peers, and superior outcomes in social skills and engagement. While this method isn't a panacea, it provides a feasible, well-tested basis for developing teaching methods grounded in cognitive neuroscience research.
Scientifically sound, individualized instruction should be our new educational standard. It's time to shift our focus from administrative changes to fundamental classroom reforms that will truly make a difference. This is an urgent necessity — our children's well-being and our economic and technological edge in the 21st century are at stake.
Our public schools are turning millions of normal children into dropouts and failures. This isn't because of a few bad teachers or principals, but because the natural learning behaviors of children are routinely penalized instead of praised. Initiatives such as "No Child Left Behind" and "Race to the Top" won't change this, because they don't adequately take into account research about how children learn.
Our classrooms are outdated, functioning like mid-20th century factories. Each child is offered an identical curriculum, like a car on an assembly line. But children aren't units of production, and this approach is failing. Since 1970, the rate of high school graduation has declined, and the U.S. has fallen from first to 12th among developed nations in education.
This is inexcusable given the well-documented research about what makes students effective learners. Contemporary neuroscience has confirmed that children's learning is largely dependent on inherent interest, emotional engagement, social interaction, physical activity and the pleasure of mastery.
A passive environment
These findings are ignored in traditional classroom approaches. If children are not interested, they won't learn, but schools aren't structured to capture students' individual interests. Instead, everyone studies the same texts at the same time. Teachers reprimand children for failing to change gears with the rest of the class. Students must be quiet, sit still and listen passively, though we know that social, emotional and physical engagement enhance learning.
Freedom to make mistakes and benefit from them is the basis of intellectual growth. If researchers or entrepreneurs were forbidden to make errors, innovation would cease. But when teachers are required to prioritize standardized test preparation, children are necessarily taught that being wrong is unacceptable.
The traditional classroom needs an overhaul based on the findings of cognitive neuroscience. Rather than lecturing to passive observers, teachers should act as facilitators, introducing individual students to new concepts based on their interests and developmental state. Children should be free to move around and to choose when, for how long and with whom they will work at each task. Instead of being told facts, children should learn by acting on instructional materials, experimenting and observing until answers are found.
The Montessori model
Students should experience themselves as triumphant problem solvers. This exhilaration helps make computer games addictive. Like video game players, students should go on to the next level only after mastering the previous one, taking as long as they need to solve each problem, and staying with it as long as they like.
Though it might seem impossible, offering individualized, self-directed learning in public schools has been done. The Montessori method, which uses these approaches, has been successfully adopted by public school systems, including in inner cities. Students in these schools achieve equal or superior academic performance to their peers, and superior outcomes in social skills and engagement. While this method isn't a panacea, it provides a feasible, well-tested basis for developing teaching methods grounded in cognitive neuroscience research.
Scientifically sound, individualized instruction should be our new educational standard. It's time to shift our focus from administrative changes to fundamental classroom reforms that will truly make a difference. This is an urgent necessity — our children's well-being and our economic and technological edge in the 21st century are at stake.
October 01, 2010
Letterboxing Update
We're getting closer to reaching our goal of finding 300 boxes. Our goal is to do this before the year is up. Wish us luck!
1.Veterans' Memorial (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/12/2007
2.Koi Fish (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/12/2007
3.La Cueva Arrow (Albuquerque, NM) - 03/13/2007
4.The Netherwood Box (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/12/2007
5.Los Vaqueros (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/13/2007
6.Domingo Baca (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/13/2007
7.Rosche's Little Affair (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/15/2007
8.ABQ Sunport (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/20/2007
9.Urban Forest (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/20/2007
10.Embudo Canyon (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/2/2006
11.It's Chile Out Here! (Hatch, NM) - 4/14/2007
12.What is the Thing? (Dragoon, AZ) - 4/14/2007
13.Lordsburg (Lordsburg, NM) - 4/14/2007
14.Tombstone (Tombstone, AZ) - 4/18/2007
15.Rolling Stones (Tombstone, AZ) - 4/18/2007
16.Lincoln Park (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
17.AMARC (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
18.Fly Catcher (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
19.Going Batty II (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
20.Phainopepia (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
21.Rock Solid (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
22.1st Annual (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
23.Diamondback Crossing (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
24.Diamondback Bridge (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
25.3rd at Columbus Letterbox (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
23.Columbus Park Letterbox (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
24.Silverbell Letterbox (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
25.Crystal's Cathouse Hostel: [5 Hitchhikers] (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
26.Rolling Stones Re-Mixed (Texas Canyon, AZ) - 4/27/2007
27.Ibex Box (Deming, NM) - 4/27/2007
28.Black and White (Mystery, NM) - 5/16/2007
29.Isotopes (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/18/2007
30.Abundant Water (Ft. Stockton, TX) - 5/26/2007
31.Displaced Donkey (Ft. Stockton, TX) - 5/26/2007
32.Leaning Tower of Pease, Texas Governor Series (Austin, TX) - 5/26/2007
33.Oakwood Cemetery (Austin, TX) - 5/26/2007
34.Branding Iron (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/28/2007
35.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
36.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
37.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
38.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
39.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
40.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
41.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
42.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
43.Explorers Circle (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
44.Mark by Mark (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
45.Call of the Wild (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
46.America's StoryTeller (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
47.Literary Ace (Tomball,TX) - 5/30/2007
48.Elm Creek Quilts-Quilt Block Series (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
49.Harry's Headache (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
50.The Stamp (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
51.True North (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
52.Runners High Series Box #1 Visual Aid (The Woodlands, TX) - 6/1/2007
53.Runners High Series Box #3 Tee Time (The Woodlands, TX) - 6/1/2007
54.Mercer Monarch (Spring, TX) - 6/2/2007
55.Grandmother's Flower Garden-Quilt Block Series (Spring, TX) - 6/2/2007
56.Panda Bear, what do you see? (Humble, TX) - 6/2/2007
57.The Pinata Box [18+ stamps!] (Humble, TX) - 6/2/2007
58.A Sssssnake Story (Humble, TX) - 6/2/2007
59.Cactus Pot (Kerrville, TX) - 6/5/2007
60.Peace on Earth (Kerrville, TX) - 6/5/2007
62.Cattle on the Mesa (Fabens, TX) - 6/5/2007
63.Windy Day (Alamagordo, NM) - 6/6/2007
64.Atari E.T.-Random Wierdness Box#3 (Alamagordo, NM) - 6/6/2007
65.Sandia Crest (Albuquerque, NM) - 6/18/2007
66.The Aliens have Landed (Socorro, NM) - 6/19/2007
67.Space Port "Take Me To Your Leader" (Truth or Consequences, NM) - 6/19/2007
68.Cabinet Box (Deming, NM) - 6/19/2007
69.Bisbee Box (Bisbee, AZ) - 6/24/2007
70.Bisbee Pass (Bisbee, AZ) - 6/24/2007
71.Doc and Brutus (Pomerene, AZ) - 6/25/2007
72.To the Bat Cave (Benson, AZ) - 6/26/2007
73.Boys of Summer (Tucson, AZ) - 6/27/2007
74.Presidio Downtown Walking Tour #1 (Tucson,AZ) - 6/27/2007
75.Presidio Downtown Walking Tour #3 (Tucson,AZ) - 6/27/2007
76.Crocodile Duck Dee (Tucson, AZ) - 6/28/2007
77.Tucson (Tucson, AZ) - 6/28/2007
78.Speedway (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
79.Agua Caliente (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
80.Ben's Bells (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
81.C is for Cougar (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
82.Coati Corner (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
83.San Pedro River (Sierra Vista, AZ) - 7/6/2007
84.Geology 101-'Limestone' (Vail, AZ) - 7/7/2007
85.Rincon Valley (Vail, AZ) - 7/7/2007
86.Five Minutes of my Life (Tucson, AZ) - 7/7/2007
87.Willcox Playa (Willcox, AZ) - 7/11/2007
88.Ladybug Peak (Bonita, AZ) - 7/11/2007
89.Safford Cotton (Safford, AZ) - 7/11/2007
90.Vexing Letterbox Anomaly (Mystery Box) - 7/11/2007
91.The Red Brick (Farmington, NM) - 7/22/2007
92.Downtown Moab (Moab, Utah) - 7/22/2007
93.Happy 10th,11th, 13th Birthday (Moab, Utah) - 7/22/2007
94.Choose the Right 'Pawth' (Provo, Utah) - 7/23/2007
95.Moose (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
96.Utah's State Symbol Series: Elk (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
97.Olympic Letterbox (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
98.The Swaner Box (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
99.Bark City Letterbox (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
100.Summit County Library (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
101.Farmin' Fun Fer All (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
102.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
103.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
104.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
105.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
106.Wetlands #1 Catch & Release (Sandy, Utah) - 7/26/2007
107.Wetlands #2 Fowl Play (Sandy, Utah) - 7/26/2007
108.Utah State Symbol Series: Sego Lily (Sandy, Utah) - 7/26/2007
109.Horse Thief Trail (Moab, Utah) - 7/27/2007
110.Fish Out of Water (Moab, Utah) - 7/27/2007
111.Moab Man (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
112.Dourown Petroglyph Panel (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
113.Art on the Rocks (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
114.Newspaper Rock Box (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
115.Indian Creek Box (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
116.Hole in the Rock~Spanish Trail Box (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
117.Four Corners (Four Corners, Colorado) - 7/28/2007
118.Tunnel Canyon (Tijeras, NM) - 8/23/2007
119.A Texas Acorn (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/30/2007
120.The Netherwood Box Re-Visited (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/30/2007
121.Bio Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/6/2007
Santa Fe Letterboxing Spooktacular Event
122.A Little Scare (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
123.Araneae (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
124.Day of the Dead: Cancion de Amor (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
125.Day of the Dead: La Catrina (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
126.Double, Double Toil and Trouble (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
127.Flight 1007 (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
128.Fly by Night (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
129.I wnt 2 suk yor bl%d (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
130.I'm a Lumberjack and I'm Ok (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
131.The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
132.You've got Candy (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
End-Santa Fe Letterboxing Spooktacular Event
133.Rattlesnake (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/12/2008
134.Los Altos Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/12/2008
135.Smokey Bear (Capitan, NM) - 5/25/2008
136.Embudito:Letterboxing is for the birds (Albuquerque, NM) -7/20/2008
137.Lost Dog: German Short Hair (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008
138.Bosque:Letterboxing is for the Birds (Albuquerque, NM) (3 boxes)- 8/11/2008
139.Bosque:Letterboxing is for the Birds (Albuquerque, NM) (3 boxes)- 8/11/2008
140.Bosque:Letterboxing is for the Birds (Albuquerque, NM) (3 boxes)- 8/11/2008
141.Roosevelt Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/11/08
142.Alburwocky: (Mystery Box, NM) - 9/11/08
143.Alphabetical New Mexico~Quarra (Mountainair, NM) - 10/08/08
144.Miner at the Mirador (Cerillos, NM) - 10/18/08
145.Letterboxing is for the Birds~Hawk Watch (Carnuel, NM) - 10/24/08
146.Paws & Purrs Kitten (Santa Fe) - 10/26/08
147.Paw & Purrs Puppy (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
148.Put a little love in your heart (Bonus Box) (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
149.La Paloma (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
150.Fortitudo Dei (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
151.Giant Rebel of Eden (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
152.Bear in Mind (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
153.The Crow Knows (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
154.Are your Dogs Barking (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
155.Honor, Loyalty & Peace (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
156.Lizard Goes South (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
157.Artful Southwest: Santa Fe Style (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
158.The Art of Ebru (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
159.The Falling Leaves (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
160.1/4 of July Canyon (Tajique, NM) - 11/04/08
161.Marsh Mellow (San Antonio, NM) - 12/15/08
162.Dabbling Duck (San Antonio, NM) - 12/15/08
163.Alphabetical New Mexico:Sand Hill Crane (San Antonio, NM) - 12/15/08
164.Camel Rock (Tesuque, NM) - 2/20/2009
165.New Mexico in a Box (Socorro, NM) - 03/22/09
166.Pie Time (Socorro, NM) - 03/22/09
167.Oso Canyon (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
168.Hidden Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
169.Bataan Memorial Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
170.UNM Dreams (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
171.The Book of Eli (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/11/2009
172.Alphabetical New Mexico: M (William C. McDonald) (White Oaks, NM) - 5/11/2009
173.Alphabetical New Mexico: W (White Oaks, NM) - 5/11/2009
174.Alphabetical New Mexico: Billie the Kid (Lincoln, NM) - 5/16/2009
175.Santa Fe Southern (Lamy, NM) - 7/04/2009
176.Salman Ranch (La Cueva, NM) - 7/04/2009
177.Coyote Creek State Park (Guadalapita, NM) - 7/04/2009
178.Angel Fire (Angel Fire, NM) - 7/04/2009
179.ABC New Mexico: Vietnam Veterans Memorial(Angel Fire, NM) 7/04/2009
180.The Dykes of Red River (Red River, NM) - 7/04/2009
181.Hummingbird (Red River, NM) - 7/04/2009
182.Foxy Box (Red River, NM) - 7/04/2009
183.Humming Hummingbird (Eagle Nest, NM) - 7/04/2009
184.ABC New Mexico: Eagle Nest Lake (Eagle Nest, NM) - 7/04/2009
185.The Lazy Wheeler (Eagle Nest, NM) - 7/04/2009
186.Christmas in July (Mora, NM) - 7/04/2009
187.Embudito: Letterboxing Is For The Birds! Box #1 - (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008
188.Embudito: Letterboxing Is For The Birds! Box #2 - (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008
189.Center of the Universe (Mystery Box, NM) - 8/12/09
190.Pueblo Palace (Bonus Box, NM) - 8/12/09
191.Rivers Edge (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
192.Everyone's Ditching Me (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
193.ABC Dolphin (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
194.Pedalin Poet (Albuquerque, NM) -8/27/09
195.Pedalin Papa (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
196.Dawn Light (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
197.Tunnel Springs Turtle (Placitas, NM) - 9/02/09
198.The Climbing Tree (Corrales, NM) - 9/02/09
199.Pedalin' Pigtail (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/02/09
200.Pedalin' Choo Choo-Bonus Box (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/03/09
201.New Mexico State Fair (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/03/09
202.Play Pasture Pool (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/20/09
203.Anisoptera (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/20/09
Santa Fe El Rancho de Los Letterboxes Event
204.Hiding in Plain Sight (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
205.Ms. Forktail (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
206.Descansos (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
207.Battlefield New Mexico (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
208.Water-powered Grist Mill (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
209.For Leonora (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
210. El Camino (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
211.Ox Cart (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
212.Not Wonder Bread (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
213.O'K Jimson (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
214.El Rancho de las Golondrinas (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
End-Santa Fe El Rancho de Los Letterboxes Event
215.Always in Style (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
216.Stamp in Every State: New Mexico Pug (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
217.Felis Concolor (Cerillos, NM) - 9/26/2009
218.Poecile Gambeli (Tijeras, NM) - 9/29/2009
219.Soon a Monsoon (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/4/2009
220.The Beav~Bonus Box (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/4/2009
221.Canis Latrans~Bonus Box (Cerillos, NM) - 10/4/2009
222.Feathered Serpent (Mystery Box) - 10/14/2009
223.I knew I shoulda taken a left at Albuquerque (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/14/2009
224.Mass Happiness! (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/18/2009
225.Lucky Sevens (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/18/2009
226.Magical Gate (Cerillos, NM) - 10/19/2009
227.New Mexico's Eternal Flame (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
228.Keep Swimming (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
229.A Boy and His Tiger (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
230.Land of Enchantment Series-State Flag (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
231.Land of Enchantment Series-State Tree (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
232.Land of Enchantment Series-State Fossil (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
233.Land of Enchantment Series-State Mammal (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
234.Land of Enchantment Series-State Insect (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
235.Land of Enchantment Series-State Bird (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
236.Siddhartha Guatama (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
237.Going in Circles (Santa Fe, NM) -10/19/2009
238.Stuck in the Bosque (Albuquerque, NM) - 11/4/2009
239.Which Way From Here (Stanley, NM) - 11/5/2009
240.The Flying Mini (Reno, NV) - 11/7/2009
241.A Buckin' Bronco (Reno, NV) - 11/7/2009
242.La Reina de Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/20/2010
243.Colores (Cedar Crest, NM) - 4/20/2010
244.Stench (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/27/2010
245.La Morena (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/27/2010
246.My Plane Ride to New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/8/2010
247.The Spinning Burro (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/10/2010
248.Burrito/Tiny Little Burro (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/10/2010
249.El Conquistador (San Ysidro, NM) - 5/20/2010
250.Tarry at Tamara (Bernalillo, NM) - 6/6/2010
251.Road Trip (Pilar, NM) - 7/2/2010
252.Side Trip (Pilar, NM) - 7/2/1010
253.Speed Racer (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/8/2010
254.A Southwest Icon (Santa Fe, NM) -7/14/2010
255.SFS (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
256.Animalia (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
257.Land of Enchantment Series-State Fish (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
258.Land of Enchantment Series-State Flower (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
259.Land of Enchantment Series-State Vegetable (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
260.Ski Bear (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
261.A Kiss from Connecticut (Cerrillos, NM) - 7/14/2010
262.KIMO (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/2/2010
263.Micro-Soft, It's Not Ice Cream! (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/2/2010
264.Redtop Diner (Edgewood, NM) - 8/3/2010
265.Southwest Pieta (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/9/2010
266.New Heart (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/9/2010
267.Chevy on a Stick (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/9/2010
268.Coyote del Bosque (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/12/2010
269.Betsy Ross (Philadelphia, PA) - 9/16/2010
270.An Epic Weekend (Philadelphia, PA) - 9/16/2010
271.Interstate Rest Stops VA I-81N 108 MM (Radford, VA) - 9/20/2010
272.Things that make you go Hmmm (Groom, TX) - 9/22/2010
273.VW Slug Bug Ranch (Conway, TX) - 9/22/2010
274.Shorty Was Here (Amarillo, TX) - 9/22/2010
275.Windy Memorial (Vega, TX) - 9/22/2010
276.Big Valley (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
277.Oppenheimer (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
278.The Black Hole (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
279.ABC New Mexico: A for Atomic Bombs (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
280.ABC New Mexico: T for Turquoise Trail (Madrid, NM) - 9/26/2010
281.Panda and the Poo (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/28/2010
282.Chainsaw Bear (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/29/2010
1.Mariposa Ranch (Rio Rancho, NM) - 3/16/2007
2.Sandia Man Cave (Placitas, NM) - 3/16/2007
3.Vikings in New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/18/2007
4.Indian Blanket (Bernalillo, NM) - 5/20/2007
5.The Catwalk (Glenwood, NM) - 7/11/2007
6.Tijeras (Tijeras, NM) - 5/17/2008
7.DWI Memorial (Moriarty, NM)- 5/20/2008
8.Golden Eagle (Edgewod, NM) - 7/08/2008
9.Have a Javalina (Edgewood, NM) - 7/08/2008
10.The Masked Bandit (Edgewood, NM) - 7/08/2008
11.The Big "I" (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008
12.Monkey Cave (Tijeras, NM) - 11/07/2008
13.Fortune Teller (Sandia Park, NM) -03/28/2009
14.Corrales Crawdad (Corrales, NM) - 4/21/2009
15.Zig Zag (Claunch, NM) - 05/16/2009
16.Smack Dab in the Middle (Mystery, NM) - 05/16/2009
17.Who? Who? (Cerillos, NM) - 10/4/2009)
18.Sandia Peak Tram (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/16/2009
19.Wind Power (Willard, NM) - 5/10/2010
20.Valley of Fires (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/10/2010
21.Beatles Series - "Octopus's Garden" (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/8/2010
22.Beatles Series - "Blue Jay Way" (Cedar Crest, NM) - 7/8/2010
23.Beatles Series - "Lend Me Your Comb" (Cedar Crest, NM) - 7/10/2010
24.Beatles Series - "Old Brown Shoe" (Cedar Crest, NM) - 7/10/2010
25.Beatles Series - "The Long and Winding Road" (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
26.Beatles Series - "In Spite of all the Danger" (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
27.Beatles Series - "Dizzy Miss Lizzy" (Tijeras, NM) - 8/1/2010
1.Hebrew Aleph-Bet~Zayin (Albuquerque,NM) - 3/20/2007 (Placed: "It's Chile Out There~Hatch, NM - 4/14/2007)
2.Merry Traveler (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
3.World Traveler (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
4.Reading Rocks Bookworm (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
5.Green Leaf (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
6.Sandy (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
7.The Cannonball (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
8.Reading Rocks BookWorm (Bisbee, AZ) - 6/24/2007 (Placed: "Wetlands #2 Fowl Play~Sandy, UT - 7/26/2007)
9.Mojo (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008 (Placed: "Tijeras"~Tijeras, NM - 7/27/2008)
10.Hermie Hitchhiker Cuckoo Camino (Tajique, NM) - 7/04/2008 (Placed: Alphabetical New Mexico-Quarai - 11/4/2008)
11.Moving On (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
12.GWB (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/12/09 (Placed: Pedalin Poet~Albuquerque, NM - 8/27/09)
13.The Only Thing to Do (Santa Fe, NM) - 09/26/2009 (Placed: Albuquerque, NM)
14.Thar She Blows (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009 (Placed: Reno, NV)
15.Symbols of Asia (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010 (Placed: ABC NM Atomic Bombs 9/26/10)
16.Silhoette with Chair (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/2/2010 (Placed: Albuquerque, NM 8/9/10)
17.Get Off of My Back (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/12/2010 (Placed Panda and the Poo, ABQ, NM 9/28/10)
1. ¡Bienvenidos! 2007 (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
2. G is for gatherings (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
3. LBNA Map Roving Event Stamp (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
4. Santa Fe SPOOKtacular Letterboxing Event Stamp (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
5. SPOOKtacular Magic Words (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
6.iBienvenidos! 2009 (Santa Fe, NM) - Sept 26, 2009
7.El Rancho de las Letterboxing (Santa Fe, NM) -Sept. 26, 2009
1.Santa Fe SPOOKtacular (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct. 6, 2007
2.El Rancho de las Letterboxing (Santa Fe, NM) - Sept. 26, 2009
1. Cutie Bee (Tijeras, NM) -July, 21, 2008
2.Evil Bat (Santa Fe)- October 6, 2007
3.Putting on Pounds (Santa Fe)- October 6, 2007
3.Clover (Santa Fe)- Ocober 6, 2007
1. A Corking Carivan (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
2. Aztraveler (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
3. Cowabunga! (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
4. Gait Training (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
5. Literary Personal Traveler (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
6. No Mirrors for Me (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
7. Sheshells (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
8.Slainte (Santa Fe, NM) - Sept 26, 2009
Lionsmane, Astro D, The Great Wuga Wuga, Rubberpeace, RBR Horno, Highwayman, Front Range Hiker, Warm Front, Cold Front, Azroadie, AZJokester, y nought, preboxed, Triple T's, South Hill Hendersons, Fantastyk Voyager, Phancy Phan Tail, Blind Smiley, Potted Frog, Dutch Rabbit, Wrong Hat, St. Patty's Day, Dewberry
1.Veterans' Memorial (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/12/2007
2.Koi Fish (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/12/2007
3.La Cueva Arrow (Albuquerque, NM) - 03/13/2007
4.The Netherwood Box (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/12/2007
5.Los Vaqueros (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/13/2007
6.Domingo Baca (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/13/2007
7.Rosche's Little Affair (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/15/2007
8.ABQ Sunport (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/20/2007
9.Urban Forest (Albuquerque, NM) - 3/20/2007
10.Embudo Canyon (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/2/2006
11.It's Chile Out Here! (Hatch, NM) - 4/14/2007
12.What is the Thing? (Dragoon, AZ) - 4/14/2007
13.Lordsburg (Lordsburg, NM) - 4/14/2007
14.Tombstone (Tombstone, AZ) - 4/18/2007
15.Rolling Stones (Tombstone, AZ) - 4/18/2007
16.Lincoln Park (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
17.AMARC (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
18.Fly Catcher (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
19.Going Batty II (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
20.Phainopepia (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
21.Rock Solid (Tucson, AZ) - 4/23/2007
22.1st Annual (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
23.Diamondback Crossing (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
24.Diamondback Bridge (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
25.3rd at Columbus Letterbox (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
23.Columbus Park Letterbox (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
24.Silverbell Letterbox (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
25.Crystal's Cathouse Hostel: [5 Hitchhikers] (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
26.Rolling Stones Re-Mixed (Texas Canyon, AZ) - 4/27/2007
27.Ibex Box (Deming, NM) - 4/27/2007
28.Black and White (Mystery, NM) - 5/16/2007
29.Isotopes (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/18/2007
30.Abundant Water (Ft. Stockton, TX) - 5/26/2007
31.Displaced Donkey (Ft. Stockton, TX) - 5/26/2007
32.Leaning Tower of Pease, Texas Governor Series (Austin, TX) - 5/26/2007
33.Oakwood Cemetery (Austin, TX) - 5/26/2007
34.Branding Iron (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/28/2007
35.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
36.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
37.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
38.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
39.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
40.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
41.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
42.Tiger Cub-Go See It!: [8 boxes] (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
43.Explorers Circle (The Woodlands, TX) - 5/29/2007
44.Mark by Mark (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
45.Call of the Wild (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
46.America's StoryTeller (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
47.Literary Ace (Tomball,TX) - 5/30/2007
48.Elm Creek Quilts-Quilt Block Series (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
49.Harry's Headache (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
50.The Stamp (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
51.True North (Tomball, TX) - 5/30/2007
52.Runners High Series Box #1 Visual Aid (The Woodlands, TX) - 6/1/2007
53.Runners High Series Box #3 Tee Time (The Woodlands, TX) - 6/1/2007
54.Mercer Monarch (Spring, TX) - 6/2/2007
55.Grandmother's Flower Garden-Quilt Block Series (Spring, TX) - 6/2/2007
56.Panda Bear, what do you see? (Humble, TX) - 6/2/2007
57.The Pinata Box [18+ stamps!] (Humble, TX) - 6/2/2007
58.A Sssssnake Story (Humble, TX) - 6/2/2007
59.Cactus Pot (Kerrville, TX) - 6/5/2007
60.Peace on Earth (Kerrville, TX) - 6/5/2007
62.Cattle on the Mesa (Fabens, TX) - 6/5/2007
63.Windy Day (Alamagordo, NM) - 6/6/2007
64.Atari E.T.-Random Wierdness Box#3 (Alamagordo, NM) - 6/6/2007
65.Sandia Crest (Albuquerque, NM) - 6/18/2007
66.The Aliens have Landed (Socorro, NM) - 6/19/2007
67.Space Port "Take Me To Your Leader" (Truth or Consequences, NM) - 6/19/2007
68.Cabinet Box (Deming, NM) - 6/19/2007
69.Bisbee Box (Bisbee, AZ) - 6/24/2007
70.Bisbee Pass (Bisbee, AZ) - 6/24/2007
71.Doc and Brutus (Pomerene, AZ) - 6/25/2007
72.To the Bat Cave (Benson, AZ) - 6/26/2007
73.Boys of Summer (Tucson, AZ) - 6/27/2007
74.Presidio Downtown Walking Tour #1 (Tucson,AZ) - 6/27/2007
75.Presidio Downtown Walking Tour #3 (Tucson,AZ) - 6/27/2007
76.Crocodile Duck Dee (Tucson, AZ) - 6/28/2007
77.Tucson (Tucson, AZ) - 6/28/2007
78.Speedway (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
79.Agua Caliente (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
80.Ben's Bells (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
81.C is for Cougar (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
82.Coati Corner (Tucson, AZ) - 6/30/2007
83.San Pedro River (Sierra Vista, AZ) - 7/6/2007
84.Geology 101-'Limestone' (Vail, AZ) - 7/7/2007
85.Rincon Valley (Vail, AZ) - 7/7/2007
86.Five Minutes of my Life (Tucson, AZ) - 7/7/2007
87.Willcox Playa (Willcox, AZ) - 7/11/2007
88.Ladybug Peak (Bonita, AZ) - 7/11/2007
89.Safford Cotton (Safford, AZ) - 7/11/2007
90.Vexing Letterbox Anomaly (Mystery Box) - 7/11/2007
91.The Red Brick (Farmington, NM) - 7/22/2007
92.Downtown Moab (Moab, Utah) - 7/22/2007
93.Happy 10th,11th, 13th Birthday (Moab, Utah) - 7/22/2007
94.Choose the Right 'Pawth' (Provo, Utah) - 7/23/2007
95.Moose (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
96.Utah's State Symbol Series: Elk (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
97.Olympic Letterbox (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
98.The Swaner Box (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
99.Bark City Letterbox (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
100.Summit County Library (Park City, Utah) - 7/25/2007
101.Farmin' Fun Fer All (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
102.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
103.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
104.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
105.On the Farm Series: [4 boxes] (Salt Lake City, Utah) - 7/26/2007
106.Wetlands #1 Catch & Release (Sandy, Utah) - 7/26/2007
107.Wetlands #2 Fowl Play (Sandy, Utah) - 7/26/2007
108.Utah State Symbol Series: Sego Lily (Sandy, Utah) - 7/26/2007
109.Horse Thief Trail (Moab, Utah) - 7/27/2007
110.Fish Out of Water (Moab, Utah) - 7/27/2007
111.Moab Man (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
112.Dourown Petroglyph Panel (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
113.Art on the Rocks (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
114.Newspaper Rock Box (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
115.Indian Creek Box (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
116.Hole in the Rock~Spanish Trail Box (Moab, Utah) - 7/28/2007
117.Four Corners (Four Corners, Colorado) - 7/28/2007
118.Tunnel Canyon (Tijeras, NM) - 8/23/2007
119.A Texas Acorn (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/30/2007
120.The Netherwood Box Re-Visited (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/30/2007
121.Bio Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/6/2007
Santa Fe Letterboxing Spooktacular Event
122.A Little Scare (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
123.Araneae (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
124.Day of the Dead: Cancion de Amor (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
125.Day of the Dead: La Catrina (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
126.Double, Double Toil and Trouble (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
127.Flight 1007 (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
128.Fly by Night (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
129.I wnt 2 suk yor bl%d (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
130.I'm a Lumberjack and I'm Ok (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
131.The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
132.You've got Candy (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/6/2007
End-Santa Fe Letterboxing Spooktacular Event
133.Rattlesnake (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/12/2008
134.Los Altos Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/12/2008
135.Smokey Bear (Capitan, NM) - 5/25/2008
136.Embudito:Letterboxing is for the birds (Albuquerque, NM) -7/20/2008
137.Lost Dog: German Short Hair (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008
138.Bosque:Letterboxing is for the Birds (Albuquerque, NM) (3 boxes)- 8/11/2008
139.Bosque:Letterboxing is for the Birds (Albuquerque, NM) (3 boxes)- 8/11/2008
140.Bosque:Letterboxing is for the Birds (Albuquerque, NM) (3 boxes)- 8/11/2008
141.Roosevelt Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/11/08
142.Alburwocky: (Mystery Box, NM) - 9/11/08
143.Alphabetical New Mexico~Quarra (Mountainair, NM) - 10/08/08
144.Miner at the Mirador (Cerillos, NM) - 10/18/08
145.Letterboxing is for the Birds~Hawk Watch (Carnuel, NM) - 10/24/08
146.Paws & Purrs Kitten (Santa Fe) - 10/26/08
147.Paw & Purrs Puppy (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
148.Put a little love in your heart (Bonus Box) (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
149.La Paloma (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
150.Fortitudo Dei (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
151.Giant Rebel of Eden (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
152.Bear in Mind (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
153.The Crow Knows (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
154.Are your Dogs Barking (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
155.Honor, Loyalty & Peace (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
156.Lizard Goes South (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
157.Artful Southwest: Santa Fe Style (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
158.The Art of Ebru (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
159.The Falling Leaves (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/26/08
160.1/4 of July Canyon (Tajique, NM) - 11/04/08
161.Marsh Mellow (San Antonio, NM) - 12/15/08
162.Dabbling Duck (San Antonio, NM) - 12/15/08
163.Alphabetical New Mexico:Sand Hill Crane (San Antonio, NM) - 12/15/08
164.Camel Rock (Tesuque, NM) - 2/20/2009
165.New Mexico in a Box (Socorro, NM) - 03/22/09
166.Pie Time (Socorro, NM) - 03/22/09
167.Oso Canyon (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
168.Hidden Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
169.Bataan Memorial Park (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
170.UNM Dreams (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
171.The Book of Eli (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/11/2009
172.Alphabetical New Mexico: M (William C. McDonald) (White Oaks, NM) - 5/11/2009
173.Alphabetical New Mexico: W (White Oaks, NM) - 5/11/2009
174.Alphabetical New Mexico: Billie the Kid (Lincoln, NM) - 5/16/2009
175.Santa Fe Southern (Lamy, NM) - 7/04/2009
176.Salman Ranch (La Cueva, NM) - 7/04/2009
177.Coyote Creek State Park (Guadalapita, NM) - 7/04/2009
178.Angel Fire (Angel Fire, NM) - 7/04/2009
179.ABC New Mexico: Vietnam Veterans Memorial(Angel Fire, NM) 7/04/2009
180.The Dykes of Red River (Red River, NM) - 7/04/2009
181.Hummingbird (Red River, NM) - 7/04/2009
182.Foxy Box (Red River, NM) - 7/04/2009
183.Humming Hummingbird (Eagle Nest, NM) - 7/04/2009
184.ABC New Mexico: Eagle Nest Lake (Eagle Nest, NM) - 7/04/2009
185.The Lazy Wheeler (Eagle Nest, NM) - 7/04/2009
186.Christmas in July (Mora, NM) - 7/04/2009
187.Embudito: Letterboxing Is For The Birds! Box #1 - (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008
188.Embudito: Letterboxing Is For The Birds! Box #2 - (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008
189.Center of the Universe (Mystery Box, NM) - 8/12/09
190.Pueblo Palace (Bonus Box, NM) - 8/12/09
191.Rivers Edge (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
192.Everyone's Ditching Me (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
193.ABC Dolphin (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
194.Pedalin Poet (Albuquerque, NM) -8/27/09
195.Pedalin Papa (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
196.Dawn Light (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/27/09
197.Tunnel Springs Turtle (Placitas, NM) - 9/02/09
198.The Climbing Tree (Corrales, NM) - 9/02/09
199.Pedalin' Pigtail (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/02/09
200.Pedalin' Choo Choo-Bonus Box (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/03/09
201.New Mexico State Fair (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/03/09
202.Play Pasture Pool (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/20/09
203.Anisoptera (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/20/09
Santa Fe El Rancho de Los Letterboxes Event
204.Hiding in Plain Sight (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
205.Ms. Forktail (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
206.Descansos (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
207.Battlefield New Mexico (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
208.Water-powered Grist Mill (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
209.For Leonora (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
210. El Camino (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
211.Ox Cart (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
212.Not Wonder Bread (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
213.O'K Jimson (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
214.El Rancho de las Golondrinas (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
End-Santa Fe El Rancho de Los Letterboxes Event
215.Always in Style (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
216.Stamp in Every State: New Mexico Pug (Santa Fe, NM) - 9/26/2009
217.Felis Concolor (Cerillos, NM) - 9/26/2009
218.Poecile Gambeli (Tijeras, NM) - 9/29/2009
219.Soon a Monsoon (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/4/2009
220.The Beav~Bonus Box (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/4/2009
221.Canis Latrans~Bonus Box (Cerillos, NM) - 10/4/2009
222.Feathered Serpent (Mystery Box) - 10/14/2009
223.I knew I shoulda taken a left at Albuquerque (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/14/2009
224.Mass Happiness! (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/18/2009
225.Lucky Sevens (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/18/2009
226.Magical Gate (Cerillos, NM) - 10/19/2009
227.New Mexico's Eternal Flame (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
228.Keep Swimming (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
229.A Boy and His Tiger (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
230.Land of Enchantment Series-State Flag (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
231.Land of Enchantment Series-State Tree (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
232.Land of Enchantment Series-State Fossil (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
233.Land of Enchantment Series-State Mammal (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
234.Land of Enchantment Series-State Insect (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
235.Land of Enchantment Series-State Bird (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
236.Siddhartha Guatama (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009
237.Going in Circles (Santa Fe, NM) -10/19/2009
238.Stuck in the Bosque (Albuquerque, NM) - 11/4/2009
239.Which Way From Here (Stanley, NM) - 11/5/2009
240.The Flying Mini (Reno, NV) - 11/7/2009
241.A Buckin' Bronco (Reno, NV) - 11/7/2009
242.La Reina de Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/20/2010
243.Colores (Cedar Crest, NM) - 4/20/2010
244.Stench (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/27/2010
245.La Morena (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/27/2010
246.My Plane Ride to New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/8/2010
247.The Spinning Burro (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/10/2010
248.Burrito/Tiny Little Burro (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/10/2010
249.El Conquistador (San Ysidro, NM) - 5/20/2010
250.Tarry at Tamara (Bernalillo, NM) - 6/6/2010
251.Road Trip (Pilar, NM) - 7/2/2010
252.Side Trip (Pilar, NM) - 7/2/1010
253.Speed Racer (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/8/2010
254.A Southwest Icon (Santa Fe, NM) -7/14/2010
255.SFS (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
256.Animalia (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
257.Land of Enchantment Series-State Fish (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
258.Land of Enchantment Series-State Flower (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
259.Land of Enchantment Series-State Vegetable (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
260.Ski Bear (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
261.A Kiss from Connecticut (Cerrillos, NM) - 7/14/2010
262.KIMO (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/2/2010
263.Micro-Soft, It's Not Ice Cream! (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/2/2010
264.Redtop Diner (Edgewood, NM) - 8/3/2010
265.Southwest Pieta (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/9/2010
266.New Heart (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/9/2010
267.Chevy on a Stick (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/9/2010
268.Coyote del Bosque (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/12/2010
269.Betsy Ross (Philadelphia, PA) - 9/16/2010
270.An Epic Weekend (Philadelphia, PA) - 9/16/2010
271.Interstate Rest Stops VA I-81N 108 MM (Radford, VA) - 9/20/2010
272.Things that make you go Hmmm (Groom, TX) - 9/22/2010
273.VW Slug Bug Ranch (Conway, TX) - 9/22/2010
274.Shorty Was Here (Amarillo, TX) - 9/22/2010
275.Windy Memorial (Vega, TX) - 9/22/2010
276.Big Valley (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
277.Oppenheimer (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
278.The Black Hole (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
279.ABC New Mexico: A for Atomic Bombs (Los Alamos, NM) - 9/26/2010
280.ABC New Mexico: T for Turquoise Trail (Madrid, NM) - 9/26/2010
281.Panda and the Poo (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/28/2010
282.Chainsaw Bear (Albuquerque, NM) - 9/29/2010
1.Mariposa Ranch (Rio Rancho, NM) - 3/16/2007
2.Sandia Man Cave (Placitas, NM) - 3/16/2007
3.Vikings in New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) - 5/18/2007
4.Indian Blanket (Bernalillo, NM) - 5/20/2007
5.The Catwalk (Glenwood, NM) - 7/11/2007
6.Tijeras (Tijeras, NM) - 5/17/2008
7.DWI Memorial (Moriarty, NM)- 5/20/2008
8.Golden Eagle (Edgewod, NM) - 7/08/2008
9.Have a Javalina (Edgewood, NM) - 7/08/2008
10.The Masked Bandit (Edgewood, NM) - 7/08/2008
11.The Big "I" (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008
12.Monkey Cave (Tijeras, NM) - 11/07/2008
13.Fortune Teller (Sandia Park, NM) -03/28/2009
14.Corrales Crawdad (Corrales, NM) - 4/21/2009
15.Zig Zag (Claunch, NM) - 05/16/2009
16.Smack Dab in the Middle (Mystery, NM) - 05/16/2009
17.Who? Who? (Cerillos, NM) - 10/4/2009)
18.Sandia Peak Tram (Albuquerque, NM) - 10/16/2009
19.Wind Power (Willard, NM) - 5/10/2010
20.Valley of Fires (Carrizozo, NM) - 5/10/2010
21.Beatles Series - "Octopus's Garden" (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/8/2010
22.Beatles Series - "Blue Jay Way" (Cedar Crest, NM) - 7/8/2010
23.Beatles Series - "Lend Me Your Comb" (Cedar Crest, NM) - 7/10/2010
24.Beatles Series - "Old Brown Shoe" (Cedar Crest, NM) - 7/10/2010
25.Beatles Series - "The Long and Winding Road" (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
26.Beatles Series - "In Spite of all the Danger" (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010
27.Beatles Series - "Dizzy Miss Lizzy" (Tijeras, NM) - 8/1/2010
1.Hebrew Aleph-Bet~Zayin (Albuquerque,NM) - 3/20/2007 (Placed: "It's Chile Out There~Hatch, NM - 4/14/2007)
2.Merry Traveler (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
3.World Traveler (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
4.Reading Rocks Bookworm (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
5.Green Leaf (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
6.Sandy (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
7.The Cannonball (Tucson, AZ) - 4/26/2007
8.Reading Rocks BookWorm (Bisbee, AZ) - 6/24/2007 (Placed: "Wetlands #2 Fowl Play~Sandy, UT - 7/26/2007)
9.Mojo (Albuquerque, NM) - 7/20/2008 (Placed: "Tijeras"~Tijeras, NM - 7/27/2008)
10.Hermie Hitchhiker Cuckoo Camino (Tajique, NM) - 7/04/2008 (Placed: Alphabetical New Mexico-Quarai - 11/4/2008)
11.Moving On (Albuquerque, NM) - 4/25/2009
12.GWB (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/12/09 (Placed: Pedalin Poet~Albuquerque, NM - 8/27/09)
13.The Only Thing to Do (Santa Fe, NM) - 09/26/2009 (Placed: Albuquerque, NM)
14.Thar She Blows (Santa Fe, NM) - 10/19/2009 (Placed: Reno, NV)
15.Symbols of Asia (Santa Fe, NM) - 7/14/2010 (Placed: ABC NM Atomic Bombs 9/26/10)
16.Silhoette with Chair (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/2/2010 (Placed: Albuquerque, NM 8/9/10)
17.Get Off of My Back (Albuquerque, NM) - 8/12/2010 (Placed Panda and the Poo, ABQ, NM 9/28/10)
1. ¡Bienvenidos! 2007 (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
2. G is for gatherings (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
3. LBNA Map Roving Event Stamp (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
4. Santa Fe SPOOKtacular Letterboxing Event Stamp (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
5. SPOOKtacular Magic Words (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
6.iBienvenidos! 2009 (Santa Fe, NM) - Sept 26, 2009
7.El Rancho de las Letterboxing (Santa Fe, NM) -Sept. 26, 2009
1.Santa Fe SPOOKtacular (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct. 6, 2007
2.El Rancho de las Letterboxing (Santa Fe, NM) - Sept. 26, 2009
1. Cutie Bee (Tijeras, NM) -July, 21, 2008
2.Evil Bat (Santa Fe)- October 6, 2007
3.Putting on Pounds (Santa Fe)- October 6, 2007
3.Clover (Santa Fe)- Ocober 6, 2007
1. A Corking Carivan (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
2. Aztraveler (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
3. Cowabunga! (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
4. Gait Training (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
5. Literary Personal Traveler (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
6. No Mirrors for Me (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
7. Sheshells (Santa Fe, NM) - Oct 6, 2007
8.Slainte (Santa Fe, NM) - Sept 26, 2009
Lionsmane, Astro D, The Great Wuga Wuga, Rubberpeace, RBR Horno, Highwayman, Front Range Hiker, Warm Front, Cold Front, Azroadie, AZJokester, y nought, preboxed, Triple T's, South Hill Hendersons, Fantastyk Voyager, Phancy Phan Tail, Blind Smiley, Potted Frog, Dutch Rabbit, Wrong Hat, St. Patty's Day, Dewberry
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