Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

August 05, 2006

After Brain Surgery

Here are some pics of John after the surgery. Right afterwards, he was feeling alot of pain and discomfort. He started feeling a little better after the 3rd day, but he still had quite a while of healing to go at home before he was feeling better and stronger. He had a shunt installed in his brain to channel fluids, that were causing swelling in his brain. The swelling and fluids were causing side effects of dizziness and headaches, hearing loss and pain. But even after the surgery, the Traumatic Brain Injury effects of short term memory, frustrations and short-fuse were still around...and will be for a very long time, we have been told.

Also, we have come to realize that the fluids that drain into his stomach cause John digestive irritation and elimination problems. John has missed alot of work due to "The Accident", and all of the Dr appts and surgeries and side effects. It has been a very difficult and challenging year.