Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

August 05, 2006

Carowinds Theme Park, NC/SC

This visit to Carowinds was very special because someone had given us free tickets. IN the past we had always bought family passes, but because of the accident in March, and Jackson's broken arm and ribs and concerns over Jeremiah's brain, we weren't able to do that in 2005. A very generous person on our local Rock Hill Freecycle group offered us the tickets and we had such a fabulous time together. We rode every ride we could...twice! haha! Our favorite was the Flying Dutchman's Revenge. The ride goes around and around, but switches cars from front to facing backwards while it goes up and down little hills. It's wild! I couldn't stop laughing and my boys and I loved it!