Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

August 04, 2006

Catawba River Hike

The Catawba River is dammed every so many miles, but there are still a few rapids and a few gorgeous areas to hike to and explore, as well as the famous Spider Lilies that grown nowhere else, but in one area of the Catawba river. Every summer, when hundreds of these delicate beautiful flowers bloom, a festival is held in their honor.

We decided one day to take a hike on Catawba Indian Land on one of their hiking trails, which used to be a wagon trail for commuting across the river as well as digging up their secret special clay for pottery.

The Catawba Indians spoke of fairies and sprites which live on this trail and that follow anyone that travels it, especially the children, who the fairies and sprites like to pester and annoy. We don't know if the stories are true, but we did feel a presence several times on the trail and often felt as if we were being watched, especially when we stood close to the old gnarled tree that was said to house many of the forest sprites.