Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

August 18, 2006

Explora Science Museum

Since we have a Science museum membership we tend to visit the local museums at least every other week. We love the freedom a membership gives us because we never have to feel rushed to see everything. We can experience whatever we are into at the moment, fully, and without interuption.
Sometimes we spend msot of our time at one of the water tables, or even the bubbles. Sometimes, we just sit in the building materials room and create stuff. Jeremiah likes to hang out in the wind exploration area where he creates vehicles that operate on wind power.
This day, Jackson was attending Lacrosse camp, so it was just Jeremiah, Jenna and I. Jeremiah decided to try out the balancing cable bike. Wow.
He was very high up, but only a little bit nervous. He's much braver than me.