Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

August 18, 2006

Jessie's Birthday Party

Before I was a Mother to sons of my own, I 'mothered' Julie & Steve's 3 little boys and loved every minute of it. I was officially their Nanny and spent nights at their house, as well as them spending nights at mine. I took them everywhere with me, just as I do my own children now.
Ben, Sam, and Jessie were my window into 'Boy's World', a window I had no previous experience with, and one window I loved to open and feel the wild wind flowing through. Boys are unique in so many ways.

Well, I took care of my 'other' boys for about 2 years and once I became pregnant with my twin sons, I had to say Goodbye. But Ben, Sam and Jessie were the first ones to know I was going to have babies of my own, and they were so happy for me.
I was happy to be invited to Jessie's birthday this year and couldn't wait to see how much he'd grown and changed. And he had! Wow! Jessie has Downs Syndrome and is a bright, creative, loving, and special boy. I'm honored to have had a small part in his amazing life.

Well, I missed out on seeing my sweet Sammy as he was on his way to work (work?? I still can only see Sammy, growing pumpkins in the backyard, or building a fort, or riding his bike!), but I did get to see Ben, the oldest son. And wow! What a good looking, intelligent, wonderful young man he has become! He's a senior this year, but when I stopped in for the birthday party, he was getting ready to attend a Prom! (Prom?! The Ben I remember didn't even like girls much. He only liked baseball!)
Why do they all have to grow up?
Why do any of us have to grow up?

Well, the party was so much fun with Jessie's friends, his fun loving Mama, Julie, and his caring and great Dad, Steve. Jessie
had a Pirate/Sponge Bob theme party and the kids had such a great
time decorating treasure chests, playing games, and eating cake. Jenna loved the balloons. Jessie had a sleep over in their pop-up camper with videos, too. It was a great day.