Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

August 18, 2006

Laura's House and friends

We spend much of our time in Corrales going to the park, library, feed store and several friend's houses. Before we left for South Carolina 7 years ago, I used to spend many hours hiking the Bosque Preserve and the tree-lined acequias in the area. We are hoping one day to buy or build our own house in Corrales, since it has felt like home to us for such a very long time.

Which is another reason that we love going to our friend, Laura's house in Corrales. She is such a sweet, laid back, giving soul and her cozy, old, adobe exudes such charm and positive vibes, so that anyone visiting never wants to leave, including the kids.

In the picture above you can see our friend, Sharon walking with Laura.
And in the second picture our nutty friend, Crystal, is behind Laura and her sweet son, Quinn. Quinn had just been stung by a bee or wasp, so he wasn't feeling so great and had some baking soda on the sting to relieve the swelling and pain. I felt so bad for him. Quinn reminds me of my own twin sons at that age. He is such a wonderful, bright little boy.