Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

August 17, 2006

Navarre Beach, Florida

When my parents retired several years ago, they moved to a town called Milton, which is NW of Pensacola. When we visit, we always head to a gorgeous beach about 30 minutes from their house on a strip of island called Navarre Beach. Most of the island is state park and preserve, with only a small area built up with hotels and homes. We always see dolphins when we swim there and the water is usually clear and the sand white as sugar.
These pics were taken abouth 6 months after the hurricane, though, and the water was still choppy and 'stew-like' with debris floating in towards the beach. There was still massive damage to the beach, the hotels and homes, and the roads. Most of the asphalt had been lifted up and the bulldozers had pushed much of it into piles all over. And bits of asphalt and wood were deposited throughout much of the sand, too.
Also, our favorite restaurant in Navarre, called 'Cowboys', had been destroyed by the waves that came up and through and washed everything out into the the Gulf.
It was so sad to the unique and popular restuarant just sitting there, with no windows and hardly any walls, just like an empty shell.