Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

August 17, 2006

New Mexico Bound!

After our house was sold, John, Jenna and I drove to New Mexico along with 4 rabbits, a cat and our pop-up camper. Mostly uneventful and I forgot to take any photos. I do remember clearly the intense, exhilarating feeling when we crested over the Sandia Mountains and looked out over the sparkling lights of Albuquerque. John and I both looked at each other with huge smiles and we knew we were finally back home again!

John, Jackson, Jeremiah and John's friend, Mike left a week later driving the moving van and the trailer and John's truck. They took some pictures, as seen above. The pics of the boys is from Mike's house where they all woke up at 4:30am to start the drive West. The moving van was a hoot! We called it the BIG bird van and everyone oogled at it as they passed by.
What made me smile is the fact that the bird is the famous Sand Hill Crane that winters in New Mexico's Bosque del Apache in Socorro, which is one of my favorite places to experience wildlife. It felt like a sign to have this beautiful bird 'flying' on the side of a van that was on it's way West.

The view was interesting for whoever followed the van and trailer. Oh. And the 'boys' stopped at the Big Texan on the way out, where EVERYTHING is BIG! haha