Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

September 19, 2006

FuhKaui Moments

After our Explora Science Class, we met up with Vicki and her family, who are originally from Iowa, but who have been traveling by bus all over the country for the past 8 years. The FuKaui family leads a fascinating life and we were excited to catch up with them after the Live and Learn Conference again.

We met them first at a knitting Fun Shop, when Jenna and Jewel played together. Jenna with her plastic dinosaurs and Jewel with her rubber rat. We thought it was funny that two girls would be playing so happily with non-typical girl toys. But Rat Girl and Dino Girl have intelligent minds of their own and know what they like! hehe

We also thought it was unique that our family names are similar, in that Vicki and I are the only non-'J's in our family's of 5! She has hubby Joe, Jacob, Jonas and Jewel. And I have hubby John, Jackson, Jeremiah, and Jenna. Pretty cool, eh?

Vicki's husband, Joe is coming back this week from a job in Hawaii, and they will all soon be leaving the Albuquerque area to be on the road again. We hope we'll be able to catch up with them again one day.