Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

September 03, 2006

Jenna Smiles

When Jenna smiles, my heart swells with love and joy. How can she be my little girl? What have I done to deserve such a beautiful, precious child?
I am still in awe that I was given the amazing gift of handsome, smart twin sons. How much better can life get than that?! But somehow, someway God has decided that I am special and unique enough to parent 3 gorgeous, precious children. Most days I don't feel deserving enough, I truly do not. I mean....they are here, living their lives and loving me and each other. They call me Mama!

Eleven years ago, I was childless and desperate to be a Mother. I had about given up! We had tried for several years to no avail, and with only a miscarriage to show for it.
Then we prayed...and prayed and prayed. We visited Santurio De Chimayo with my cousin Lori. We brought back a small, brown sack filled with the healing, restorative sands from this famous church where people make pilgrimages every year and find truth and healing for themselves.

Between the blessings bestowed from Santurio de Chimayo and my Dr, who removed a small amount of endometriosis, we finally learned the meaning of what it is to bring a beautiful child into this world......or in our case....twins! hehe

And then 6 years later, Jenna came bursting into this world wide eyed, beautiful and huge at 11 pounds 12 ounces. And I was amazed and proud that I could do this without any drugs at all!
Now here is my daughter, 3 1/2 years old, walking, talking, thinking, creating, laughing...and smiling at the world and her family. Isn't life amazing?