Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

September 12, 2006

Pool Fun

For the first couple days of the conference we spent a couple hours in the pool each afternoon, along with all the other unschooling families. Jenna got to the point of asking me if we could go to the pool before we even left the house each day! hehe
She especially loved the hot tub and I'm fondly remembering now the sweet cuddly, warm, wet snuggling while lazing in the hot tub together.

Jackson & Jeremiah preferred the pool with all their new and old friends. Andy and Sorscha, two of their pals, were often in the pool together playing with my boys, too. Dave, Sorscha's Daddy, was often the 'lifeguard' for many of the kids in the pool. I like this happy photo of Dave, with Crystal and Sorscha at the pool together. I tried to grab a cool photo of all 4 friends jumping in the pool together, but Sorscha kept jumping in too soon. That's her splash in the water below Jackson & Jeremiah and another friend, Selena. Jeremiah is on the far left and Jackson is on the right/middle. We really liked the way the water was airborne in that one picture, even though we can't see any kids. Cool!