Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

October 25, 2006

Cracked Moon & Other Oddities

Gosh we had a few weird things happen this week at Explora. One situation happened when Jackson, Jeremiah and their friend, Garrett decided they wanted to go up to the Building Deck to build a structure. But when they tried to complete it, they discovered that another family of 2 older boys, their little sister and the Mom had used up all the main pieces to create a very large playhouse for the sister.
When they started to disassemble the playhouse, the Mom got angry and said to leave it alone for her little girl to play in.

So I asked the boys if they could compromise instead by 'remodeling' the playhouse and adding onto it with the remainder of the pieces left.
They asked the older brothers what they thought, and they agreed it would be a good idea, but when Jackson, Jeremiah and Garrett started their project, the Mother became irate and told them to leave the play house alone for her daughter!

I was shocked and annoyed at her reaction, especially since it seemed that she had staked out the entire Building Deck as her own School Work Deck for her sons to complete their school curriculum, while the little sister was being kept busy with the playhouse. But most of all I was annoyed because this was after all A BUILDING DECK...not a play yard or playground! Explora has one of those on the bottom level.
It's a sort of unwritten understanding that visitors to Explora work on a station for a little bit, complete it, and then move on to another one, so others can have a turn.

But NOOOO...this woman was walking around chatting on her cell phone while her kids hogged up the entire Building Deck. Ugh! I made sure to place a complaint with Explora before all of us left. The boys were very dissapointed in that family's ability to share and compromise, and so was I. Shame on that lady if she was a fellow homeschooler. She should have known better!

Now onto something a heck of alot odder, and a million times more amusing!

While eating our lunch today, these two guys came out to do some work. We turned around to see what they were up to and were greeted by a very obvious "Cracked Moon" (see photo!). And then we tried to focus on eating without thinking about or noticing this shocking scene.....that had already been burned into my brain! Agh! hehe
Jackson & Jeremiah found the Cracked Moon extrememly amusing and quite hysterically funny. We somehow refrained ourselves from alerting Jenna to this debacle...she would have made sure that everyone knew about the 'big butt crack'...and very loudly, too. But she would have thought it so funny!
Jackson & Jeremiah couldn't stop laughing...of course, all 3 of us had to laugh like discreetly as we could. We just about wet our pants!

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