Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

October 06, 2006

Field Dog Trials

The Field Dog Trials were held in Rio Rancho's Sport's Complex and we stopped by after the boys' game. I was amazed at how excited the dogs were about competing and racing. The air literally sizzled with the dogs and owners excitement!
All the owners would call out "RRRRRREADY!" and the dogs would go into a frenzy of barking and lunging. And then all at once they were released and they would all go flying, leaping and racing to a wall with a velcro attached tennis ball. They'd snatch it off and turn and complete the race. And then like a relay race, the next dog would also take off when they returned!
We could hardly get ourselves to leave the race, it was so exciting!