Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

October 05, 2006

Robotics~Lego Mind Storms

Ever since Jackson & Jeremiah discovered that I had the cool opportunity to try out the Lego Mind Storms Robots at Explora during a recent Teacher's Open House, they've been a little jealous and very eager to try it out themselves.
So they asked if they could stay later after their Explora Homeschool Science Club to attend the 2pm Robotics Class. We tried out some new Science exhibits while we were waiting, and they were ready to go at 2pm.

First, they programmed their computer software to choose a robot and then control it's actions, based on the Mind Storms Table Track. They had to count lines, spaces, and individual movements and program all that information into the software program.
And then they placed the robot onto the Mind Storm Table Track and watched as the robot followed it's program. It was exciting to watch the boys' faces when their programming was successful.

They really LOVED doing this activity and could have hung out all day tweaking the software's programming and trying out new missions. Unfortunately the class only lasts 45 minutes, so we left eager for more. They've already placed the Lego Mind Storms on their Christmas List and I suppose we'll be staying late after their weekly Explora class each week now! hehehe