Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

January 29, 2007


Jeremiah had his PET scan today, which meant no sugar for 24 hours, in addition to fasting for 8 hours before the scan.
But that's not all. He had to go through the awful ordeal of having an injection filled with radioactive isotope that circulated to his brain and heart, so his brain injury could be positively diagnosed.

But Jeremiah's extreme fear of needles showed itself before and during the IV and injection.
He had a panic attack, hyper venitilating, inconsolable and crying. They almost didn't do the injection of the Radioactive Isotopes because they needed him to be calm so the isotope would circulate properly. Apparently, if someone is active or upset before or during the scan, the Radioactive Isotope can concentrate in those areas (such as the face, lips, etc).

The tech removed the IV after the injection and then had us sit in a dark room for an hour to allow the isotope to circulate and for Jeremiah to be calmed. Jeremiah did fall asleep for about 20 minutes and was calm during the procedure, but the tech still had concerns about the unusual activity before the scan. One of the techs did say that he felt the scans came out clear, but not sure if the Radiologist would say the same.

This all has been excruciatingly difficult for Jeremiah to endure. He is still fearful of many things in his daily life, especially the fear of the unknown. He is also still very traumatized from his ordeal during and after the March 14 accident. His fear of needles is exaggerated, but understandable, considering that he went through the horror of the hospital emergency room irrigating and picking out glass, gravel and dirt, debriding, and placing more than 70 stitches in his torn and bloody face and body, without any pain medications. It is one experience he will probably not ever forget.

I am just praying with all of my heart that these recent scans will prove to whomever, what we already know and live with every day.
What Jeremiah went through was not a little soccer injury, as the defendant's attorney's claim. Jeremiah broke a windshield with his face and head and then vaulted through the window, across the air and then slammed into a road.
How can anyone say that is just a little minor injury?

It all makes me more than a little bit angry.

The defendant's attorney seems like an evil, devious man, someone who would go to any lengths to win a case, even if his methods have no merit. Even if he is wrong.
I honestly don't know how someone like that sleeps at night.

This is a photo taken of Jeremiah in the PET scan today. (He is cuddling his Victor Vulture....a special lovey I bought for him after we rode Splash Mountain the 3rd time in a row when he was 4 yrs old. He is also wrapped up in his favorite fleece blanket, handmade by his Fufu.)

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