Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

January 30, 2007

Our Special Kitty

Our special kitty has been a member of our family for almost 4 years. We adopted him through a Freecycle ad from someone who found they were allergic to him. He was only a couple months old and so tiny, flea covered and skinny. And we fell in love!

When I first saw his picture posted he reminded me of my very first kitty I owned before I was married. When John married me, that kitty came as a 'dowery'! heheh
He lived for almost 14 years and died from getting out of the house and drinking antifreeze....his liver and vital sytems shut down...and I was heartbroken. My twins were just a couple months old.
I vowed I could never own or love a cat as much as I did my beloved tuxedo kitty.

And then, 6 years later this new tuxedo kitty came into our lives, who looked almost exactly like my old kitty, except with a 'freckle' on his chin. We were smitten!

I wanted to name him something unique and clever, but Jackson and Jeremiah swore that this cat must be named Oreo cookie. And so it was.

Oreo is a huge and very special part of our family's lives. He makes us smile and laugh. He chases us, plays games and makes us feel happy and young. Oreo is full of life and seems to want nothing more than to be right there with us 100% of the day.

If he is not sitting beside us while we are reading, doing computer stuff, following us around the house, or getting tangled up underfoot...he is asleep in our beds or in our laps. He talks to us all day long and comes when called, just like a dog. And he plays fetch with milk jug rings (something that my old tuxedo cat also did).

Soon after he came to live with us, I taught him my old cat's special language (BRRRRRrrrrring) and Oreo picked it up right away and uses it to communicate with me. Oreo is very expressive and communicative.

He's also quite friendly with strangers, too. Reminds me of my old tuxedo kitty. One time I locked myself out of my apartment with my stove on, so the fire dept came to help. I was worried that my poor kitty would be terrified and hide under the bed. Instead when the fireman came out of the house, my cat was riding on his shoulders as happy as can be. hehehe

Oreo reminds me so much of my old kitty, that I often think the spirit of my old kitty visits me through Oreo. It cheers me to think of that.
Either way, Oreo is a much loved and special member of our family....and I think he knows it, too.

Jenna and Oreo cuddling together asleep. Oreo adores Jenna and the feeling is mutual.
Oreo loves to be right beside Jenna. Jenna is nothing but gentle with him and never chases him, picks him up, hurts or annoys him. She is a true animal lover and animals flock to her wherever we go.
Jenna playing with her stuffed animals. Oreo just hanging out with her as usual.
Jeremiah and Jackson were asleep in their bunkbeds when I came into their room to wake them up to get ready for a Dr appt. Oreo loves to climb up there with Jeremiah to nap or watch the birds at the birdfeeder outside the window. Jeremiah made Oreo a very comfy perch with a little stool, a pillow and blanket. Oreo seems to think he's royalty there.
Jenna watching a video with Oreo napping beside her.
Gosh! I love this photo! It shows Jenna with a rare show of attitude. She's saying, "Stop taking photos, Mama! I'm busy watching TV now! Don't wake my Oreo up!" heheh Too cute!
Oreo shows his affection for us by rubbing all over and inside of ours shoes when we first come home. He acts like we have catnip all over our shoes! hehe Here he is rubbing on John's shoes after he came home from work.

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