Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

February 25, 2007

Quonset Hut

Jackson, always the engineer, has become interested in building types. Today we were researching temporary housing structures and we found the Quonset Hut, manufactured in 1941 by the US Navy at Quonset point in Rhode Island.

Wikepedia History of Quonset Huts

Many fascinating photos of Quonset Huts in use, including a movie theater, truck stop, even a church.

Detailed history of Quonset Huts

Iroquoi Mohawk Building~Long House (similar in shape to a Quonset Hut)

Jackson is interested in the production of affordable housing that is easy to build and good quality. He thinks this would be useful for those living in impoverished countries and by those who survive disasters.
He remembers seeing and hearing about all the RV and trailers being used after the hurricane in Florida, several years ago while visiting Papaw and Nana in Pensacola. He believes he can engineer something even better than many previous temporary housing ideas.
Today he was in the backyard constructing his own Quonset hut.

His next project is a teepee! Jax also likes the round house design, and the design by Frank Lloyd Wright in his Half Circle house. A Yurt is another design type he thought was interesting. We found this site about Eco-Houses that gave him some neat ideas, too:

Ecology Tents

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