Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

March 03, 2007

Astronomy Club

A few of us Homeschool families have created an Astronomy Club that meets twice a month at member's homes. We may do a craft, enjoy some unique space refreshments, play a game, and try some interesting experiments learning about different aspects of Astronomy.
We are all using the Apologia Astronomy book which is very easy to read, bright, colorful and fun. We like that the Apologia books are not dry and boring, or crammed with dull facts like most typical text books. We also like the Christian references related to the universe and science, too.

This week the Astronomy Club activities were held at our friend, Monica's home. She had some fun space-related foods that the kids loved, though I can't remember all the names she called them. "Space Rocks" used pop rocks in applesauce. Very cool to eat! Some oval-shaped spotted bubblegum was called "Alien Eggs". And to drink, the kids enjoyed "Rocket Fuel", a florescent green beverage that they all guzzled down like thirsty astronauts!

The kids made and decorated spaceships that were all very unique and flew quite nicely, too.

Jackson & Ian decorating their spaceships together.

Jenna started off using markers to decorate her spaceship. She said she drew "ballet dancers' on her space ship. Once she discovered the paint, though, she added a few coats of liquid color to her spaceship designs. An alien would be proud to fly inside of it! hehe

Jenna & Jackson spent some quality time painting and creating their space ships.

Sean is thinking of how he wants to decorate his spaceship. Sean is a cool kid who is very detailed oriented, much like my Jackson, too.

Eryn was quite impressed with the Pop Rocks. Jenna preferred the "Alien Eggs". She chewed them until the flavor was gone and then spit the spent gum into my hand. hehe

Monica had some "Moon Sand" set up, which Jenna and her friend Eryn spent most of the afternoon digging in and using cookie cutters while playing together. The sand clumps tightly together when squeezed and then crumbles after stirring. It also holds water like a sponge, but can be drained easily.

Monica also had some beautiful space-related stickers that the kids excitedly used to decorate their Astronomy notebooks, too.

Some of the kids hanging out on the sofa together.

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