The first show was called "Great Greek Myths" and played out the story of King Minos and his son, who was born half bull and half man and was forever called The Minotaur and lived in a dangerous labrynth. We also learned about the bravery of Theseus in slaying the Minotaur, along with his friend, Icarus who wore his inventor father's wings, but flew too close to the sun and crashed to his death after the wax holding the wings on, melted.
We then all ate our lunches outside on the campus, in the warm sunshine.
And a little bit later we went back inside to enjoy the show called "Ant and Grasshopper", which was a cute musical about the insect world and how hard most of the insects work to survive.
Here we are outside enjoying our picnic lunches.
Jeremiah sitting down to the right, in this picture.

Jenna walking to the right in this picture.

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