So it was time to schedule an Eye Visit.
After all the tests the Dr. says that Jackson's eyes see awesomely terrific at distances, but could use some reading glasses for close-up work.
While waiting for the Eye Appt., we discussed The Little House on the Prairie episode, we had watched a few weeks ago. The one where Mary needs glasses and mean Nelly and her brother tease her about having 4-eyes until she cried. In addition, Nelly scares Mary by comparing her to the unmarried Teacher, who will supposedly live a lonely old Biddie life just because she wears glasses. So, then Mary hides her glasses inside of a hollow log and tells her parents that she lost her glasses.
Of course, Mary finally realizes that Nelly and her brother are just mean, jealous creeps when Mary spies her teacher being courted by a very handsome beau one day.
So Mary runs to find her glasses and apologizes to her Father for lying and not talking with him about what had happened.
Jackson was a little concerned about this, too. But not much. He thinks glasses are cool, like a spiffy accessory. He was actually excited about picking out a pair of reading glasses to wear. The final selection will be ready for pick-up in about a week.
His first pair were a bit too much Woody Allenish......

Jenna pitched in trying to help Jackson make a selection.....

Finally Jackson chose these Harry Potterish style glasses. He looks very intelligent and handsome in them, doesn't he?

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