She has seen them grow up and she has been there to our watch over our house and pets, as well as the houses and pets of our other neighbors.
She also enjoys baking and often sends over cookies and other baked goods for us to enjoy. And she adores our kids.
She surprised us all yesterday when a man in a truck showed up and started taking out a very large, top-of-the-line basketball hoop, and installing it in front of our house.
Mikki came over and was so excited to tell us that she had recently entered a contest, just with the sole intention of winning this basketball hoop for our kids!
We were all so touched and honored that she thought so much of our family to do something so amazingly thoughtful, unselfish, and generous just for us. We were so humbled and grateful. What a very special friend and neighbor we have.
Jackson is so excited listening to Mikki tell him how she stuffed numerous entries into the contest box every day, just so she could win the basketball hoop for him and Jeremiah!
John is busy filling the base of the hoop with sand. It's a tedious process with such itty bitty holes. But it's such a really nice basketball hoop. The boys were thrilled!

Jax and Jem have been wanting their own basketball hoop for years. We've been going to the school or park to play basketball. Now they can just walk outside and have a "ball"! hehe

They've been outside for hours since the hoop arrived yesterday. One of their favorite sports is basketball, so Jax and Jem are loving it!

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