And Usborne makes such beautiful and informative books for all ages. We are enjoying this one quite a bit.
I took a few pictures of the inside in case anyone may be on-the-fence considering buying Usborne books for their children (and no, I do not work for or sell Usborne books! hehe)

Some of the other educational books that Usborne publishes in this same line.

Our main problem with Jenna's 4-H project, is that she can't decide which chicken she'd like to have as her 4-H project and to show in the State Fair! She loves her two Speckled Sussex: Kipper and Spotty Dotty....and they seem to love her, too. Our Speckled Sussex are the most tolerant, patient and friendliest of all of our chickens.

And the Barred Rock, Silver-Laced Wyandottes, and Ameracaunas are also very special, too.

Jenna spends alot of time with her chickens and is outside almost every day playing with them, petting and holding them and just plain socializing all of the chickens. And it truly shows.

We originally thought Jenna would choose her pretty Ameracauna, she named "Angelina Ballerina".

All of the chickens (well maybe not as much with the Brown Leghorns) seem to enjoy Jenna's presence. So it will be difficult to choose just one chicken for her 4-H project.

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