Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

Twinville Trekker's Stamping Adventures

April 23, 2008

ABQ Lacrosse~Homeschooler Plays for High School!

Got some exciting news to share! Even though our son Jackson has been playing lacrosse for a number of years, through lacrosse camps, scrimmages, and practices, he had never played a 'real' game against another 'real' team.
But yesterday Jackson did just that!

Jackson played lacrosse for Sandia Prep, a local Albuquerque private high school, and he played against the Varsity Lacrosse team at Bosque School, another private school.
Jackson is the youngest player on the team, playing lacrosse among kids aged 12-17 yrs old. But because he has years of experience, he held his own and did very well.

This opportunity started when one of my husband, John's, former lacrosse players at UNM decided to get more involved in the world of lacrosse. He moved up as Assistant Lacrosse Coach to John at UNM, and then created his own company, called South West Lacrosse. This company was created to promote and expand lacrosse in New Mexico by organizing summer lacrosse sports camp, which Jackson has participated in, along with creating and supporting local high school teams.
So far, it has been a huge success, in large part to Michael Mooney, Lacrosse SouthWest' Founder and Organizer.

Recently, Michael, along with John decided to start up a brand new team at Sandia Prep and John was asked to volunteer as the Head Coach.
The parents at Sandia Prep are extremely supportive and the kids stood in line to join the newly formed lacrosse team. Many of them, who had never even held a lacrosse stick before.

Several of the kids on the new team had played in Michael's summer lacrosse sportz camps and remembered Jackson and asked Coach John if Jackson could join them on the team. Because the new lacrosse team isn't a varsity team, just a club team, Jackson was welcome to play lacrosse with Sandia Prep students.

There has recently been a new homeschool law/opportunity passed concerning homeschooled students being offered the chance to play One Sport through a ABQ public school. But this new law didn't have any bearing on Jackson's opportunity to play lacrosse for Sandia Prep.

Well, it was a busy day for us because first we had to drop off Jeremiah with his baseball coach, his wife and our friends, so he could attend the baseball game that afternoon. Then John, Jenna, Jackson and I drove to ABQ for the lacrosse game.

And after the game was over, we all hauled ourselves back over to the East Mountains to watch Jeremiah (and Jackson, too) play the baseball game. So, it was a long, exhausting day, particularly for Jackson, who played both baseball and Lacrosse one after the other.
But it was also a really great day, too!

Coach John is in the center with the team encircling him for their 'power cheer'.
Here's Jackson (#5) playing the 'crease'.
Another shot of Jackson. Notice how big the other players are.
Coach John (on the right) and his assistant coach on the field at Bosque School.
Coach John giving some coaching tips to one of his players.
Jenna sitting on the sidelines cheering for her brother.
The end of the game hand-slaps with Bosque school(they won the game). Sandia Prep did an amazing job for it being their very first game and Sandia Prep's very first lacrosse team, and for it being the very first time many of the players had ever even held a lacrosse stick before their previous 3 week practice!!
End of game 'kudos' huddle. Notice Jenna walked up to tell Jackson(to her right) and Daddy what a good job they both did.
Jackson, tired, but proud of himself after the game.
And two TV stations were there to interview players and coaches, and video tape the game. CH 13 KRQE broadcasted the story last night. And CH 4 will broadcast the story tomorrow night! Here's a photo from CH 13 on our TV.
This is Michael Mooney, from Lacrosse SouthWest.
We were so exhilarated to see this news story on TV. We are so so proud of Jackson, his team and John, too!

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