So here they are:
Our homeschool band got together one afternoon about 2 weeks ago for a picnic. The kids had a terrific time socializing, catching-up, playing and visiting.
There was frisbee.

There was football and baseball, all coordinated by the kids.

There was soccer. (Little Jenna even got invited to play, too)

There were singing 'hand-games'.

I'm always impressed with how most homeschoolers don't discriminate based on age. They also seem to realize how to treat the youngers kids and are always fair and gentle.

Jackson and a friend. Isn't that cute?

There weres light saber duels. (Jackson & Jeremiah both, playing with friends)

Everyone ganged-up on band instructor, Mr B., who was happily playing frisbee with the kids.

And there were water-games (as you can tell from Jackson's wet clothes!) We are all so happy to be involved in the Mid Rio Grande Homeschool Band. Mr. B. gives off such positive energy, is kind, fair and loads of fun. He's a child-at-heart who is in complete support of homeschooling. Can't beat that! hehe

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